Crypto Framework Development


This guide applies to JS development using OpenHarmony API version 9 and SDK version 3.2.7 or later.

Generating and Converting a Key

When to Use

Typical key generation operations involve the following:

  1. Randomly create a key instance for subsequent encryption and decryption.
  2. Convert external or stored binary data into a key instance for subsequent encryption and decryption.
  3. Obtain the binary data of a key for storage or transmission.

The key instance can be a symmetric key instance (SymKey) or an asymmetric key pair instance (KeyPair). The KeyPair instance consists a public key (PubKey) and a private key (PriKey). For details about the relationship between keys, see Crypto Framework.

Available APIs

For details about the APIs, see Crypto Framework.

The table below describes the APIs used in this guide.

Instance API Description
cryptoFramework createAsyKeyGenerator(algName : string) : AsyKeyGenerator Creates an AsyKeyGenerator instance.
cryptoFramework createSymKeyGenerator(algName : string) : SymKeyGenerator Creates a SymKeyGenerator instance.
AsyKeyGenerator generateKeyPair(callback : AsyncCallback<KeyPair>) : void Generates an asymmetric key pair randomly. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
AsyKeyGenerator generateKeyPair() : Promise<KeyPair> Generates an asymmetric key pair randomly. This API uses a promise to return the result.
SymKeyGenerator generateSymKey(callback : AsyncCallback<SymKey>) : void Generates a symmetric key randomly. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
SymKeyGenerator generateSymKey() : Promise<SymKey> Generates a symmetric key randomly. This API uses a promise to return the result.
AsyKeyGenerator convertKey(pubKey : DataBlob, priKey : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback<KeyPair>) : void Converts binary data into a key pair. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
(pubKey or priKey can be null. That is, you can pass in only pubKey or priKey. As a result, the returned KeyPair instance contains only the public or private key.)
AsyKeyGenerator convertKey(pubKey : DataBlob, priKey : DataBlob) : Promise<KeyPair> Converts binary data into a key pair. This API uses a promise to return the result.
(pubKey or priKey can be null. That is, you can pass in only pubKey or priKey. As a result, the returned KeyPair instance contains only the public or private key.)
SymKeyGenerator convertKey(key : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback<SymKey>) : void Converts binary data into a symmetric key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
SymKeyGenerator convertKey(pubKey : DataBlob, priKey : DataBlob) : Promise<KeyPair> Converts binary data into a symmetric key. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Key getEncoded() : DataBlob; Obtains the binary data of a key. (The child class instances of Key include SymKey, PubKey, and PriKey.)

How to Develop

Example 1: Randomly generate an asymmetric key pair and obtain its binary data.

  1. Create an AsyKeyGenerator instance.
  2. Randomly generate an asymmetric key pair using AsyKeyGenerator.
  3. Obtain binary data of the key pair generated.

The following sample code demonstrates how to randomly generate an RSA key (1024 bits and two primes) using promise-based APIs.

import cryptoFramework from '';

function generateAsyKey() {
  // Create an AsyKeyGenerator instance.
  let rsaGenerator = cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGenerator("RSA1024|PRIMES_2");
  // Use the key generator to randomly generate an asymmetric key pair.
  let keyGenPromise = rsaGenerator.generateKeyPair();
  keyGenPromise.then( keyPair => {
    globalKeyPair = keyPair;
    let pubKey = globalKeyPair.pubKey;
    let priKey = globalKeyPair.priKey;
    // Obtain the binary data of the asymmetric key pair.
    pkBlob = pubKey.getEncoded();
    skBlob = priKey.getEncoded();{ message : "pk bin data" +} );{ message : "sk bin data" +} );

Example 2: Randomly generate a symmetric key and obtain its binary data.

  1. Create a SymKeyGenerator instance.
  2. Randomly generate a symmetric key using SymKeyGenerator.
  3. Obtain binary data of the key generated.

The following example demonstrates how to randomly generate a 256-bit AES key using promise-based APIs.

import cryptoFramework from '';

// Output the byte streams in hexadecimal format.
function uint8ArrayToShowStr(uint8Array) {
    .call(uint8Array, (x) => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2))

function testGenerateAesKey() {
  // Create a SymKeyGenerator instance.
  let symKeyGenerator = cryptoFramework.createSymKeyGenerator('AES256');
  // Use the key generator to randomly generate a symmetric key.
  let promiseSymKey = symKeyGenerator.generateSymKey();
  promiseSymKey.then( key => {
    // Obtain the binary data of the symmetric key and output a 256-bit byte stream.
    let encodedKey = key.getEncoded();'key hex:' + uint8ArrayToShowStr(;

Example 3: Generate an asymmetric key pair from the binary RSA key data.

  1. Obtain the binary data of the RSA public or private key. The public key must comply with the ASN.1 syntax, X.509 specifications, and DER encoding format. The private key must comply with the ASN.1 syntax, PKCS #8 specifications, and DER encoding format.
  2. Create an AsyKeyGenerator instance and call convertKey() to convert the key binary data (data of the private or public key, or both) into a KeyPair instance.
import cryptoFramework from '';

function convertAsyKey() {
  let rsaGenerator = cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGenerator("RSA1024");
  let pkval = new Uint8Array([48,129,159,48,13,6,9,42,134,72,134,247,13,1,1,1,5,0,3,129,141,0,48,129,137,2,129,129,0,174,203,113,83,113,3,143,213,194,79,91,9,51,142,87,45,97,65,136,24,166,35,5,179,42,47,212,79,111,74,134,120,73,67,21,19,235,80,46,152,209,133,232,87,192,140,18,206,27,106,106,169,106,46,135,111,118,32,129,27,89,255,183,116,247,38,12,7,238,77,151,167,6,102,153,126,66,28,253,253,216,64,20,138,117,72,15,216,178,37,208,179,63,204,39,94,244,170,48,190,21,11,73,169,156,104,193,3,17,100,28,60,50,92,235,218,57,73,119,19,101,164,192,161,197,106,105,73,2,3,1,0,1]);
  let pkBlob = {data : pkval};
  rsaGenerator.convertKey(pkBlob, null, function(err, keyPair) {
    if (keyPair == null) {{message : "Convert keypair fail"});
    }{message : "Convert KeyPair success"});


The public key material to be converted in convertKey() must be in the DER format complying with X.509 specifications, and the private key material must be in the DER format complying with PKCS #8 specifications.

Example 4: Generate an asymmetric key pair from the binary ECC key data.

  1. Obtain the ECC binary key data and encapsulate it into a DataBlob instance.
  2. Call convertKey() to convert the key binary data (data of the private or public key, or both) into a KeyPair instance.
import cryptoFramework from ""

function convertEccAsyKey() {
    let pubKeyArray = new Uint8Array([48,89,48,19,6,7,42,134,72,206,61,2,1,6,8,42,134,72,206,61,3,1,7,3,66,0,4,83,96,142,9,86,214,126,106,247,233,92,125,4,128,138,105,246,162,215,71,81,58,202,121,26,105,211,55,130,45,236,143,55,16,248,75,167,160,167,106,2,152,243,44,68,66,0,167,99,92,235,215,159,239,28,106,124,171,34,145,124,174,57,92]);
    let priKeyArray = new Uint8Array([48,49,2,1,1,4,32,115,56,137,35,207,0,60,191,90,61,136,105,210,16,27,4,171,57,10,61,123,40,189,28,34,207,236,22,45,223,10,189,160,10,6,8,42,134,72,206,61,3,1,7]);
    let pubKeyBlob = { data: pubKeyArray };
    let priKeyBlob = { data: priKeyArray };
    let generator = cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGenerator("ECC256");
    generator.convertKey(pubKeyBlob, priKeyBlob, (error, data) => {
        if (error) {
  {message : "Convert keypair fail"});
        }{message : "Convert KeyPair success"});

Example 5: Generate a symmetric key from binary data.

  1. Create a SymKeyGenerator instance.
  2. Generate a symmetric key from the binary data passed in.
  3. Obtain binary data of the key generated.

The following example demonstrates how to generate a 3DES key (192 bits only) using callback-based APIs.

import cryptoFramework from '';

// Output the byte streams in hexadecimal format.
function uint8ArrayToShowStr(uint8Array) {
    .call(uint8Array, (x) => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2))

function genKeyMaterialBlob() {
  let arr = [
    0xba, 0x3d, 0xc2, 0x71, 0x21, 0x1e, 0x30, 0x56,
    0xad, 0x47, 0xfc, 0x5a, 0x46, 0x39, 0xee, 0x7c,
    0xba, 0x3b, 0xc2, 0x71, 0xab, 0xa0, 0x30, 0x72];    // keyLen = 192 (24 bytes)
  let keyMaterial = new Uint8Array(arr);
  return {data : keyMaterial};

function testConvertAesKey() {
  // Create a SymKeyGenerator instance.
  let symKeyGenerator = cryptoFramework.createSymKeyGenerator('3DES192');
  // Generate a symmetric key based on the specified data.
  let keyMaterialBlob = genKeyMaterialBlob();
  try {
    symKeyGenerator.convertKey(keyMaterialBlob, (error, key) => {
      if (error) {    // If the service logic fails to be executed, return the error information in the first parameter of the callback.
        console.error(`convertKey error, ${error.code}, ${error.message}`);
      }`key algName: ${key.algName}`);`key format: ${key.format}`);
      let encodedKey = key.getEncoded();    // Obtain the binary data of the symmetric key and output a 192-bit byte stream.'key getEncoded hex: ' + uint8ArrayToShowStr(;
  } catch (error) {    // Throw an exception immediately in synchronous mode when an error is detected during the parameter check.
    console.error(`convertKey failed, ${error.code}, ${error.message}`);

Encrypting and Decrypting Data

When to Use

Important data needs to be encrypted in data storage or transmission for security purposes. Typical encryption and decryption operations involve the following:

  1. Encrypt and decrypt data using a symmetric key.
  2. Encrypt and decrypt data using an asymmetric key pair.

Available APIs

For details about the APIs, see Crypto Framework.
Due to the complexity of cryptographic algorithms, the implementation varies depending on the specifications and parameters you use, and cannot be enumerated by sample code. Before you start, understand the APIs in the API reference to ensure correct use of these APIs.

The table below describes the APIs used in this guide.

Instance API Description
cryptoFramework createCipher(transformation : string) : Cipher Creates a Cipher instance.
Cipher init(opMode : CryptoMode, key : Key, params : ParamsSpec, callback : AsyncCallback<void>) : void Sets a key and initializes the Cipher instance. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Cipher init(opMode : CryptoMode, key : Key, params : ParamsSpec) : Promise<void> Sets a key and initializes the Cipher instance. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Cipher update(data : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback<DataBlob>) : void Updates the data for encryption and decryption. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Cipher update(data : DataBlob) : Promise<DataBlob> Updates the data for encryption and decryption. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Cipher doFinal(data : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback<DataBlob>) : void Finalizes the encryption or decryption. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Cipher doFinal(data : DataBlob) : Promise<DataBlob> Finalizes the encryption or decryption. This API uses a promise to return the result.

How to Develop

Example 1: Encrypt and decrypt data using a symmetric key.

  1. Create a SymKeyGenerator instance.
  2. Use the key generator to generate a symmetric key.
  3. Create a Cipher instance.
  4. Encrypt or decrypt data.

The following example demonstrates how to use the AES-GCM to encrypt and decrypt data with promise-based APIs.

import cryptoFramework from '';

var globalCipher;
var globalGcmParams;
var globalKey;
var globalCipherText;

function genGcmParamsSpec() {
  let arr = [0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0]; // 12 bytes
  let dataIv = new Uint8Array(arr);
  let ivBlob = {data : dataIv};

  arr = [0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0]; // 8 bytes
  let dataAad = new Uint8Array(arr);
  let aadBlob = {data : dataAad};

  arr = [0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0]; // 16 bytes
  let dataTag = new Uint8Array(arr);
  let tagBlob = {data : dataTag};  // The authTag of GCM is obtained by doFinal() in encryption and passed in params of init() in decryption.
  let gcmParamsSpec = {iv : ivBlob, aad : aadBlob, authTag : tagBlob, algName : "GcmParamsSpec"};
  return gcmParamsSpec;

// Convert strings in plaintext into byte streams.
function stringToUint8Array(str) {
  let arr = [];
  for (let i = 0, j = str.length; i < j; ++i) {
  return new Uint8Array(arr);

// Output the byte streams in hexadecimal format.
function uint8ArrayToShowStr(uint8Array) {
    .call(uint8Array, (x) => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2))

// Convert byte streams into strings in plaintext.
function uint8ArrayToString(array) {
  let arrayString = '';
  for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    arrayString += String.fromCharCode(array[i]);
  return arrayString;

function genKeyMaterialBlob() {
  let arr = [
    0xba, 0x3d, 0xc2, 0x71, 0x21, 0x1e, 0x30, 0x56,
    0xad, 0x47, 0xfc, 0x5a, 0x46, 0x39, 0xee, 0x7c,
    0xba, 0x3b, 0xc2, 0x71, 0xab, 0xa0, 0x30, 0x72];    // keyLen = 192 (24 bytes)
  let keyMaterial = new Uint8Array(arr);
  return {data : keyMaterial};

// Automatically generate a key in AES GCM mode and return the result in a promise.
function testAesGcm() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 10)
  }).then(() => {
    // Create a SymKeyGenerator instance.
    let symAlgName = 'AES128';
    let symKeyGenerator = cryptoFramework.createSymKeyGenerator(symAlgName);
    if (symKeyGenerator == null) {
      console.error('createSymKeyGenerator failed');
    }`symKeyGenerator algName: ${symKeyGenerator.algName}`);
    // Use the key generator to randomly generate a 128-bit symmetric key.
    let promiseSymKey = symKeyGenerator.generateSymKey();
    // Constructor
    globalGcmParams = genGcmParamsSpec();

    // Create a Cipher instance.
    let cipherAlgName = 'AES128|GCM|PKCS7';
    try {
      globalCipher = cryptoFramework.createCipher(cipherAlgName);`cipher algName: ${globalCipher.algName}`);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error(`createCipher failed, ${error.code}, ${error.message}`);
    return promiseSymKey;
  }).then(key => {
      let encodedKey = key.getEncoded();'key hex:' + uint8ArrayToShowStr(;
      globalKey = key;
      return key;
  }).then(key => {
      // Initialize the cipher environment and start encryption.
      let mode = cryptoFramework.CryptoMode.ENCRYPT_MODE;
      let promiseInit = globalCipher.init(mode, key, globalGcmParams);    // init
      return promiseInit;
  }).then(() => {
      let plainText = {data : stringToUint8Array('this is test!')};
      let promiseUpdate = globalCipher.update(plainText);   // update
      return promiseUpdate;
  }).then(updateOutput => {
      globalCipherText = updateOutput;
      let promiseFinal = globalCipher.doFinal(null);    // doFinal
      return promiseFinal;
  }).then(authTag => {
      // In GCM mode, the encrypted authentication information needs to be obtained from the output of doFinal() and passed in globalGcmParams of init() in decryption.
      globalGcmParams.authTag = authTag;
  }).then(() => {
      // Initialize the cipher environment and start decryption.
      let mode = cryptoFramework.CryptoMode.DECRYPT_MODE;
      let promiseInit = globalCipher.init(mode, globalKey, globalGcmParams);    // init
      return promiseInit;
  }).then(() => {
      let promiseUpdate = globalCipher.update(globalCipherText);    // update
      return promiseUpdate;
  }).then(updateOutput => {'decrypt plainText: ' + uint8ArrayToString(;
      let promiseFinal = globalCipher.doFinal(null);    // doFinal
      return promiseFinal;
  }).then(finalOutput => {
      if (finalOutput == null) {  // Check whether the result is null before using
'GCM finalOutput is null');
  }).catch(error => {
      console.error(`catch error, ${error.code}, ${error.message}`);

The following example demonstrates how to use the the 3DES ECB to convert existing data into a key and encrypt and decrypt data using callback-based APIs.

import cryptoFramework from '';

var globalCipher;
var globalGcmParams;
var globalKey;
var globalCipherText;

// Convert strings in plaintext into byte streams.
function stringToUint8Array(str) {
  let arr = [];
  for (let i = 0, j = str.length; i < j; ++i) {
  return new Uint8Array(arr);

// Output the byte streams in hexadecimal format.
function uint8ArrayToShowStr(uint8Array) {
    .call(uint8Array, (x) => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2))

// Convert byte streams into strings in plaintext.
function uint8ArrayToString(array) {
  let arrayString = '';
  for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    arrayString += String.fromCharCode(array[i]);
  return arrayString;

function genKeyMaterialBlob() {
  let arr = [
    0xba, 0x3d, 0xc2, 0x71, 0x21, 0x1e, 0x30, 0x56,
    0xad, 0x47, 0xfc, 0x5a, 0x46, 0x39, 0xee, 0x7c,
    0xba, 0x3b, 0xc2, 0x71, 0xab, 0xa0, 0x30, 0x72];    // keyLen = 192 (24 bytes)
  let keyMaterial = new Uint8Array(arr);
  return {data : keyMaterial};

// Use the 3DES ECB to Generate a key from the existing data and encrypt and decrypt data using callback-based APIs.
function test3DesEcb() {
  // Create a SymKeyGenerator instance.
  let symAlgName = '3DES192';
  let symKeyGenerator = cryptoFramework.createSymKeyGenerator(symAlgName);
  if (symKeyGenerator == null) {
    console.error('createSymKeyGenerator failed');
  }`symKeyGenerator algName: ${symKeyGenerator.algName}`);

  // Create a Cipher instance.
  let cipherAlgName = '3DES192|ECB|PKCS7';
  try {
    globalCipher = cryptoFramework.createCipher(cipherAlgName);`cipher algName: ${globalCipher.algName}`);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`createCipher failed, ${error.code}, ${error.message}`);

  // Generate a symmetric key based on the specified data.
  let keyMaterialBlob = genKeyMaterialBlob();
  try {
    symKeyGenerator.convertKey(keyMaterialBlob, (error, key) => {
      if (error) {
        console.error(`convertKey error, ${error.code}, ${error.message}`);
      }`key algName: ${key.algName}`);`key format: ${key.format}`);
      let encodedKey = key.getEncoded();'key getEncoded hex: ' + uint8ArrayToShowStr(;
      globalKey = key;

      // Initialize the cipher environment and start encryption.
      let mode = cryptoFramework.CryptoMode.ENCRYPT_MODE;
      // init
      globalCipher.init(mode, key, null, (err, ) => {
        let plainText = {data : stringToUint8Array('this is test!')};
        // update
        globalCipher.update(plainText, (err, updateOutput) => {
          globalCipherText = updateOutput;
          globalCipher.doFinal(null, (err, finalOutput) => {
            if (error) {
              console.error(`doFinal error, ${error.code}, ${error.message}`);
            if (finalOutput != null) {
              globalCipherText = Array.from(;
              finalOutput = Array.from(;
              globalCipherText = globalCipherText.concat(finalOutput);
              globalCipherText = new Uint8Array(globalCipherText);
              globalCipherText = {data : globalCipherText};
            // Initialize the cipher environment and start decryption.
            let mode = cryptoFramework.CryptoMode.DECRYPT_MODE;
            // init
            globalCipher.init(mode, globalKey, null, (err, ) => {
              // update
              globalCipher.update(globalCipherText, (err, updateOutput) => {
      'decrypt plainText: ' + uint8ArrayToString(;
                // doFinal
                globalCipher.doFinal(null, (error, finalOutput) => {
                  if (finalOutput == null) {  // Check whether the result is null before using
          "decrypt plainText:" + uint8ArrayToString(;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`convertKey failed, ${error.code}, ${error.message}`);

The following example demonstrates how to call update() multiple times to implement AES GCM encryption and decryption by using promise-based APIs.

import cryptoFramework from '';

var globalCipher;
var globalGcmParams;
var globalKey;
var globalCipherText;
var globalPlainText;

function genGcmParamsSpec() {
  let arr = [0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0]; // 12 bytes
  let dataIv = new Uint8Array(arr);
  let ivBlob = {data : dataIv};

  arr = [0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0]; // 8 bytes
  let dataAad = new Uint8Array(arr);
  let aadBlob = {data : dataAad};

  arr = [0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0]; // 16 bytes
  let dataTag = new Uint8Array(arr);
  let tagBlob = {data : dataTag};
  let gcmParamsSpec = {iv : ivBlob, aad : aadBlob, authTag : tagBlob, algName : "GcmParamsSpec"};
  return gcmParamsSpec;

// Output the byte streams in hexadecimal format.
function uint8ArrayToShowStr(uint8Array) {
    .call(uint8Array, (x) => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2))

// Convert byte streams into strings in plaintext.
function uint8ArrayToString(array) {
  let arrayString = '';
  for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    arrayString += String.fromCharCode(array[i]);
  return arrayString;

// The algorithm library does not limit the number of update() times and the amount of data to be encrypted and decrypted each time. You can use update() multiple times based on the memory usage.
function testAesMultiUpdate() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 10)
  }).then(() => {
    // Create a SymKeyGenerator instance.
    let symAlgName = 'AES128';
    let symKeyGenerator = cryptoFramework.createSymKeyGenerator(symAlgName);
    if (symKeyGenerator == null) {
      console.error('createSymKeyGenerator failed');
    }`symKeyGenerator algName: ${symKeyGenerator.algName}`);
    // Use the key generator to randomly generate a 128-bit symmetric key.
    let promiseSymKey = symKeyGenerator.generateSymKey();
    // Constructor
    globalGcmParams = genGcmParamsSpec();

    // Create a Cipher instance.
    let cipherAlgName = 'AES128|GCM|PKCS7';
    try {
      globalCipher = cryptoFramework.createCipher(cipherAlgName);`cipher algName: ${globalCipher.algName}`);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error(`createCipher failed, ${error.code}, ${error.message}`);
    return promiseSymKey;
  }).then(key => {
    let encodedKey = key.getEncoded();'key hex:' + uint8ArrayToShowStr(;
    globalKey = key;
    return key;
  }).then(key => {
    // Initialize the cipher environment and start encryption.
    let mode = cryptoFramework.CryptoMode.ENCRYPT_MODE;
    let promiseInit = globalCipher.init(mode, key, globalGcmParams);    // init
    return promiseInit;
  }).then(async () => {
    let plainText = "aaaaa.....bbbbb.....ccccc.....ddddd.....eee"; // Assume that the plaintext contains 43 bytes.
    let messageArr = [];
    let updateLength = 20; // Pass in 20 bytes by update() each time.
    globalCipherText = [];
    for (let i = 0; i <= plainText.length; i++) {
      if ((i % updateLength == 0 || i == plainText.length) && messageArr.length != 0) {
        let message = new Uint8Array(messageArr);
        let messageBlob = { data : message };
        let updateOutput = await globalCipher.update(messageBlob); // Update by segment.
        // Combine the result of each update() to obtain the ciphertext. In certain cases, the doFinal() results need to be combined, which depends on the cipher block mode
        // and padding mode you use. In this example, the doFinal() result in GCM mode contains authTag but not ciphertext. Therefore, there is no need to combine the results.
        globalCipherText = globalCipherText.concat(Array.from(;
        messageArr = [];
      if (i < plainText.length) {
  }).then(() => {
    let promiseFinal = globalCipher.doFinal(null);    // doFinal
    return promiseFinal;
  }).then(authTag => {
    // Obtain the authentication information after encryption.
    globalGcmParams.authTag = authTag;
  }).then(() => {
    // Initialize the cipher environment and start decryption.
    let mode = cryptoFramework.CryptoMode.DECRYPT_MODE;
    let promiseInit = globalCipher.init(mode, globalKey, globalGcmParams);    // init
    return promiseInit;
  }).then(async () => {
    let updateLength = 20;
    let updateTimes = Math.ceil(globalCipherText.length / updateLength);  // Round up to the nearest integer.
    globalPlainText = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < updateTimes; i++) {
      let messageArr = globalCipherText.slice(i * updateLength, (i + 1) * updateLength);
      let message = new Uint8Array(messageArr);
      let messageBlob = { data : message };
      let updateOutput = await globalCipher.update(messageBlob); // Pass in data by segment.
      globalPlainText += uint8ArrayToString(;     // Restore the original plaintext.
  }).then(() => {
    let promiseFinal = globalCipher.doFinal(null);      // doFinal
    return promiseFinal;
  }).then(finalOutput => {
    if (finalOutput == null) {'GCM finalOutput is null');
    }`decrypt output: ${globalPlainText}`);
  }).catch(error => {
      console.error(`catch error, ${error.code}, ${error.message}`);

Example 2: Encrypt and decrypt data using an asymmetric key pair.

  1. Generate an RSA key pair.
    Call createAsyKeyGenerator() to create an AsyKeyGenerator instance and generate an RSA asymmetric key pair.
  2. Create a Cipher instance.
    Call createCipher() to create a Cipher instance, and set the key and encryption/decryption mode.
  3. Perform encryption and decryption operations.
    Call doFinal() provided by the Cipher instance to encrypt data or decrypt data.
import cryptoFramework from ""

let plan = "This is cipher test.";

function stringToUint8Array(str) {
  var arr = [];
  for (var i = 0, j = str.length; i < j; ++i) {
  var tmpArray = new Uint8Array(arr);
  return tmpArray;

function encryptMessageProMise() {
  let rsaGenerator = cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGenerator("RSA1024|PRIMES_2");
  let cipher = cryptoFramework.createCipher("RSA1024|PKCS1");
  let keyGenPromise = rsaGenerator.generateKeyPair();
  keyGenPromise.then(rsaKeyPair => {
    let pubKey = rsaKeyPair.pubKey;
    return cipher.init(cryptoFramework.CryptoMode.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, null);
  }).then(() => {
    let input = { data : stringToUint8Array(plan) };
    return cipher.doFinal(input);
  }).then(dataBlob => {"EncryptOutPut is " +;

function encryptMessageCallback() {
  let rsaGenerator = cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGenerator("RSA1024|PRIMES_2");
  let cipher = cryptoFramework.createCipher("RSA1024|PKCS1");
  rsaGenerator.generateKeyPair(function (err, keyPair) {
    let pubKey = keyPair.pubKey;
    cipher.init(cryptoFramework.CryptoMode.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, null, function (err, data) {
      let input = {data : stringToUint8Array(plan) };
      cipher.doFinal(input, function (err, data) {"EncryptOutPut is " +;

function decryptMessageProMise() {
  let rsaGenerator = cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGenerator("RSA1024|PRIMES_2");
  let cipher = cryptoFramework.createCipher("RSA1024|PKCS1");
  let decoder = cryptoFramework.createCipher("RSA1024|PKCS1");
  let keyGenPromise = rsaGenerator.generateKeyPair();
  let keyPair;
  let cipherDataBlob;
  let input = { data : stringToUint8Array(plan) };
  keyGenPromise.then(rsaKeyPair => {
    keyPair = rsaKeyPair;
    return cipher.init(cryptoFramework.CryptoMode.ENCRYPT_MODE, keyPair.pubKey, null);
  }).then(() => {
    return cipher.doFinal(input);
  }).then(dataBlob => {"EncryptOutPut is " +;{message : "output" +});
    cipherDataBlob = dataBlob;
    return decoder.init(cryptoFramework.CryptoMode.DECRYPT_MODE, keyPair.priKey, null);
  }).then(() => {
    return decoder.doFinal(cipherDataBlob);
  }).then(decodeData => {
    if ( === {{message : "decrypt success"});
    }{message : "decrypt fail"});

function decryptMessageCallback() {
  let rsaGenerator = cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGenerator("RSA1024|PRIMES_2");
  let cipher = cryptoFramework.createCipher("RSA1024|PKCS1");
  let decoder = cryptoFramework.createCipher("RSA1024|PKCS1");
  let plainText = "this is cipher text";
  let input = {data : stringToUint8Array(plainText) };
  let cipherData;
  let keyPair;
  rsaGenerator.generateKeyPair(function (err, newKeyPair) {
    keyPair = newKeyPair;
    cipher.init(cryptoFramework.CryptoMode.ENCRYPT_MODE, keyPair.pubKey, null, function (err, data) {
      cipher.doFinal(input, function (err, data) {{ message : "EncryptOutPut is " +} );
        cipherData = data;
        decoder.init(cryptoFramework.CryptoMode.DECRYPT_MODE, keyPair.priKey, null, function (err, data) {
          decoder.doFinal(cipherData, function (err, data) {
            if ( === {
    { message : "decrype success"} );
  { message : "decrype fail"} );

The following example demonstrates how to implement RSA asymmetric encryption and decryption (doFinal() is called multiple times).

import cryptoFramework from ""

function stringToUint8Array(str) {
  var arr = [];
  for (var i = 0, j = str.length; i < j; ++i) {
  var tmpArray = new Uint8Array(arr);
  return tmpArray;

// Convert byte streams into strings in plaintext.
function uint8ArrayToString(array) {
  let arrayString = '';
  for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    arrayString += String.fromCharCode(array[i]);
  return arrayString;

function encryptLongMessagePromise() {
  let globalPlainText = "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
  "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
  "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
  "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
  "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
  "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
  "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
  "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!";
  let globalCipherOutput;
  let globalDecodeOutput;
  var globalKeyPair;
  let plainTextSplitLen = 64; // The length of the plaintext to be encrypted or decrypted each time by RSA depends on the number of key bits and padding mode. For details, see the Crypto Framework Overview.
  let cipherTextSplitLen = 128; // Length of the ciphertext = Number of key bits/8
  let keyGenName = "RSA1024";
  let cipherAlgName = "RSA1024|PKCS1";
  let asyKeyGenerator = cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGenerator(keyGenName); // Create an AsyKeyGenerator object.
  let cipher = cryptoFramework.createCipher(cipherAlgName); // Create a Cipher object.
  let decoder = cryptoFramework.createCipher(cipherAlgName); // Create a Decoder object.
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 10);
  }).then(() => {
    return asyKeyGenerator.generateKeyPair(); // Generate an RSA key.
  }).then(keyPair => {
    globalKeyPair = keyPair; // Save the key to global variables.
    return cipher.init(cryptoFramework.CryptoMode.ENCRYPT_MODE, globalKeyPair.pubKey, null);
  }).then(async () => {
    globalCipherOutput = [];
    // Split the plaintext by 64 characters and cyclically call doFinal() to encrypt the plaintext. If a 1024-bit key is used, 128-byte ciphertext is generated each time.
    for (let i = 0; i < (globalPlainText.length / plainTextSplitLen); i++) {
      let tempStr = globalPlainText.substr(i * plainTextSplitLen, plainTextSplitLen);
      let tempBlob = { data : stringToUint8Array(tempStr) };
      let tempCipherOutput = await cipher.doFinal(tempBlob);
      globalCipherOutput = globalCipherOutput.concat(Array.from(;
    }`globalCipherOutput len is ${globalCipherOutput.length}, data is: ${globalCipherOutput.toString()}`);
  }).then(() =>{
    return decoder.init(cryptoFramework.CryptoMode.DECRYPT_MODE, globalKeyPair.priKey, null);
  }).then(async() => {
    globalDecodeOutput = [];
    // Split and decrypt the ciphertext by 128 bytes, and combine the plaintext obtained each time.
    for (let i = 0; i < (globalCipherOutput.length / cipherTextSplitLen); i++) {
      let tempBlobData = globalCipherOutput.slice(i * cipherTextSplitLen, (i + 1) * cipherTextSplitLen);
      let message = new Uint8Array(tempBlobData);
      let tempBlob = { data : message };
      let tempDecodeOutput = await decoder.doFinal(tempBlob);
      globalDecodeOutput += uint8ArrayToString(;
    if (globalDecodeOutput === globalPlainText) {`encode and decode success`);
    } else {`encode and decode error`);
  }).catch(error => {
    console.error(`catch error, ${error.code}, ${error.message}`);


  • In RSA encryption and decryption, init() cannot be repeatedly called to initialize the Cipher instance. You must create a Cipher instance for each encryption and decryption.
  • The RSA encryption has a limit on the length of the plaintext to be encrypted. For details, see "Basic Concepts" in Cryptographic Framework Overview.
  • In RSA decryption, the length of the ciphertext to be decrypted each time is the number of bits of the RSA key divided by 8.

Generating and Verifying a Signature

When to Use

A digital signature can be used to verify the authenticity of a message. Typical signing and signature verification operations involve the following:

  • Use the RSA to generate and verify a signature.
  • Use the ECC to generate and verify a signature.

Available APIs

For details about the APIs, see Crypto Framework.
Due to the complexity of cryptographic algorithms, the implementation varies depending on the specifications and parameters you use, and cannot be enumerated by sample code. Before you start, understand the APIs in the API reference to ensure correct use of these APIs.

Instance API Description
cryptoFramework createSign(algName : string) : Sign Creates a Sign instance.
Sign init(priKey : PriKey, callback : AsyncCallback<void>) : void Sets a key and initializes the Sign instance. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Sign init(priKey : PriKey) : Promise<void> Sets a key and initializes the Sign instance. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Sign update(data : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback<void>) : void Updates the data for signing. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Sign update(data : DataBlob) : Promise<void> Updates the data for signing. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Sign sign(data : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback<DataBlob>) : void Signs the data. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Sign sign(data : DataBlob) : Promise<DataBlob> Signs the data. This API uses a promise to return the result.
cryptoFramework function createVerify(algName : string) : Verify Creates a Verify instance.
Verify init(priKey : PriKey, callback : AsyncCallback<void>) : void Sets a key and initializes the Verify instance. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Verify init(priKey : PriKey) : Promise<void> Sets a key and initializes the Verify instance. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Verify update(data : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback<void>) : void Updates the data for signature verification. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Verify update(data : DataBlob) : Promise<void> Updates the data for signature verification. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Verify verify(data : DataBlob, signatureData : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback<boolean>) : void Verifies the signature. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Verify verify(data : DataBlob, signatureData : DataBlob) : Promise<boolean> Verifies the signature. This API uses a promise to return the result.

How to Develop

Example 1: Use the RSA to generate and verify a signature.

  1. Generate an RSA key pair.
    Call createAsyKeyGenerator() to create an AsyKeyGenerator instance and generate an RSA asymmetric key pair.
  2. Create a Sign instance.
    Call createSign() to create a Sign instance, initialize the Sign instance, and set a private key for signing.
  3. Generate a signature.
    Call update() provided by the Sign class to add the data for signing and call sign() to generate a signature.
  4. Create a Verify instance.
    Call createVerify() to create a Verify instance, initialize the instance, and set a public key for signature verification.
  5. Verify the signature.
    Call update() provided by the Verify class to add signature data and call verify() to verify the signature.
import cryptoFramework from ""

function stringToUint8Array(str) {
	var arr = [];
	for (var i = 0, j = str.length; i < j; ++i) {
	var tmpArray = new Uint8Array(arr);
	return tmpArray;

let globalKeyPair;
let SignMessageBlob;
let plan1 = "This is Sign test plan1";
let plan2 = "This is Sign test plan1";
let input1 = { data : stringToUint8Array(plan1) };
let input2 = { data : stringToUint8Array(plan2) };

function signMessagePromise() {
  let rsaGenerator = cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGenerator("RSA1024|PRIMES_2");
  let signer = cryptoFramework.createSign("RSA1024|PKCS1|SHA256");
  let keyGenPromise = rsaGenerator.generateKeyPair();
  keyGenPromise.then( keyPair => {
    globalKeyPair = keyPair;
    let priKey = globalKeyPair.priKey;
    return signer.init(priKey);
  }).then(() => {
    return signer.update(input1);
  }).then(() => {
    return signer.sign(input2);
  }).then(dataBlob => {
    SignMessageBlob = dataBlob;"sign output is " +;

function verifyMessagePromise() {
  let verifyer = cryptoFramework.createVerify("RSA1024|PKCS1|SHA256");
  let verifyInitPromise = verifyer.init(globalKeyPair.pubKey);
  verifyInitPromise.then(() => {
    return verifyer.update(input1);
  }).then(() => {
    return verifyer.verify(input2, SignMessageBlob);
  }).then(res => {
    console.log("Verify result is " + res);

function signMessageCallback() {
  let rsaGenerator = cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGenerator("RSA1024|PRIMES_2");
  let signer = cryptoFramework.createSign("RSA1024|PKCS1|SHA256");
  rsaGenerator.generateKeyPair(function (err, keyPair) {
    globalKeyPair = keyPair;
    let priKey = globalKeyPair.priKey;
    signer.init(priKey, function (err, data) {
      signer.update(input1, function (err, data) {
        signer.sign(input2, function (err, data) {
          SignMessageBlob = data;
"sign output is " +;

function verifyMessageCallback() {
  let verifyer = cryptoFramework.createVerify("RSA1024|PKCS1|SHA256");
  verifyer.init(globalKeyPair.pubKey, function (err, data) {
    verifyer.update(input1, function(err, data) {
      verifyer.verify(input2, SignMessageBlob, function(err, data) {"verify result is " + data);

Example 2: Use the ECDSA to generate and verify a signature.

  1. Generate an ECC key.
    Call createAsyKeyGenerator() to create an AsyKeyGenerator instance and generate an ECC asymmetric key pair.
  2. Create a Sign instance.
    Call createSign() to create a Sign instance, initialize the Sign instance, and set a private key for signing.
  3. Generate a signature.
    Call update() provided by the Sign class to add the data for signing and call doFinal() to generate a signature.
  4. Create a Verify instance.
    Call createVerify() to create a Verify instance, initialize the instance, and set a public key for signature verification.
  5. Verify the signature.
    Call update() provided by the Verify class to add signature data and call doFinal() to verify the signature.
import cryptoFramework from ""

function stringToUint8Array(str) {
	var arr = [];
	for (var i = 0, j = str.length; i < j; ++i) {
	var tmpArray = new Uint8Array(arr);
	return tmpArray;

let globalKeyPair;
let SignMessageBlob;
let plan1 = "This is Sign test plan1";
let plan2 = "This is Sign test plan1";
let input1 = { data : stringToUint8Array(plan1) };
let input2 = { data : stringToUint8Array(plan2) };

function signMessagePromise() {
  let eccGenerator = cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGenerator("ECC256");
  let signer = cryptoFramework.createSign("ECC256|SHA256");
  let keyGenPromise = eccGenerator.generateKeyPair();
  keyGenPromise.then( keyPair => {
    globalKeyPair = keyPair;
    let priKey = globalKeyPair.priKey;
    return signer.init(priKey);
  }).then(() => {
    return signer.update(input1);
  }).then(() => {
    return signer.sign(input2);
  }).then(dataBlob => {
    SignMessageBlob = dataBlob;"sign output is " +;

function verifyMessagePromise() {
  let verifyer = cryptoFramework.createVerify("ECC256|SHA256");
  let verifyInitPromise = verifyer.init(globalKeyPair.pubKey);
  verifyInitPromise.then(() => {
    return verifyer.update(input1);
  }).then(() => {
    return verifyer.verify(input2, SignMessageBlob);
  }).then(res => {
    console.log("Verify result is " + res);

function signMessageCallback() {
  let eccGenerator = cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGenerator("ECC256");
  let signer = cryptoFramework.createSign("ECC256|SHA256");
  eccGenerator.generateKeyPair(function (err, keyPair) {
    globalKeyPair = keyPair;
    let priKey = globalKeyPair.priKey;
    signer.init(priKey, function (err, data) {
      signer.update(input1, function (err, data) {
        signer.sign(input2, function (err, data) {
          SignMessageBlob = data;
"sign output is " +;

function verifyMessageCallback() {
  let verifyer = cryptoFramework.createVerify("ECC256|SHA256");
  verifyer.init(globalKeyPair.pubKey, function (err, data) {
    verifyer.update(input1, function(err, data) {
      verifyer.verify(input2, SignMessageBlob, function(err, data) {"verify result is " + data);

The following example demonstrates how to call update() multiple times to implement signing and signature verification.

import cryptoFramework from ""

function stringToUint8Array(str) {
  var arr = [];
  for (var i = 0, j = str.length; i < j; ++i) {
  var tmpArray = new Uint8Array(arr);
  return tmpArray;

function signLongMessagePromise() {
  let globalPlainText = "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
  "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
  "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
  "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
  "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
  "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
  "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
  "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!";
  let globalSignData;
  let textSplitLen = 64; // Customized data splitting length.
  let keyGenName = "RSA1024";
  let cipherAlgName = "RSA1024|PKCS1|SHA256";
  let globalKeyPair;
  let asyKeyGenerator = cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGenerator(keyGenName); // Create an AsyKeyGenerator object.
  let signer = cryptoFramework.createSign(cipherAlgName); //Create a cipher object for encryption.
  let verifier = cryptoFramework.createVerify(cipherAlgName); // Create a Decoder object for decryption.
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 10);
  }).then(() => {
    return asyKeyGenerator.generateKeyPair(); // Generate an RSA key.
  }).then(keyPair => {
    globalKeyPair = keyPair; // Save the key to global variables.
    return signer.init(globalKeyPair.priKey);
  }).then(async () => {
    // If the plaintext is too large, split the plaintext based on the specified length and cyclically call update() to pass in the plaintext.
    for (let i = 0; i < (globalPlainText.length / textSplitLen); i++) {
      let tempStr = globalPlainText.substr(i * textSplitLen, textSplitLen);
      let tempBlob = { data : stringToUint8Array(tempStr) };
      await signer.update(tempBlob);
    return signer.sign(null);
  }).then(data =>{
    globalSignData =;`globalSignOutput len is ${globalSignData.length}, data is: ${globalSignData.toString()}`);
    return verifier.init(globalKeyPair.pubKey);
  }).then(async() => {
    // Split and decrypt the ciphertext by 128 bytes, and combine the plaintext obtained each time.
    for (let i = 0; i < (globalPlainText.length / textSplitLen); i++) {
      let tempData = globalPlainText.slice(i * textSplitLen, (i + 1) * textSplitLen);
      let tempBlob = { data : stringToUint8Array(tempData) };
      await verifier.update(tempBlob);
    return verifier.verify(null, { data : globalSignData});
  }).then(res => {`verify res is ${res}`);
  }).catch(error => {
    console.error(`catch error, ${error.code}, ${error.message}`);

Generating a Digest

When to Use

A message digest (MD) is a fixed size numeric representation of the content of a message, computed by a has function. It is sent with the message. The receiver can generate a digest for the message and compare it with the digest received. If the two digests are the same, the message integrity is verified.

Typical MD operations involve the following:

  1. Create an Md instance.
  2. Add one or more segments of data for generating a digest.
  3. Compute a digest.
  4. Obtain the algorithm and length of a digest.

Available APIs

For details about the APIs, see Crypto Framework.

Instance API Description
cryptoFramework function createMd(algName : string) : Md; Creates an Md instance.
Md update(input : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback<void>) : void; Updates the data for a digest. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Md update(input : DataBlob) : Promise<void>; Updates the data for a digest. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Md digest(callback : AsyncCallback<DataBlob>) : void; Generates the digest. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Md digest() : Promise<DataBlob>; Generates the digest. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Md getMdLength() : number; Obtains the digest length based on the specified digest algorithm.
Md readonly algName : string; Obtains the digest algorithm.

How to Develop

  1. Call createMd() to create an Md instance.
  2. Call update() to pass in the data for computing a digest. update() can be called multiple times to pass in the data by segment.
  3. Call digest() to compute a digest.
  4. Obtain the digest algorithm and length of the digest generated.
import cryptoFramework from ""

// Convert string into uint8Arr.
function stringToUint8Array(str) {
  var arr = [];
  for (var i = 0, j = str.length; i < j; ++i) {
  var tmpUint8Array = new Uint8Array(arr);
  return tmpUint8Array;

// Generate a dataBlob of the given length.
function GenDataBlob(dataBlobLen) {
  var dataBlob;
  if (dataBlobLen == 12) {
      dataBlob = {data: stringToUint8Array("my test data")};
  } else {
      console.error("GenDataBlob: dataBlobLen is invalid");
      dataBlob = {data: stringToUint8Array("my test data")};
  return dataBlob;

// Compute an MD using promise-based APIs.
function doMdByPromise(algName) {
  var md;
  try {
    md = cryptoFramework.createMd(algName);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("[Promise]: error code: " + error.code + ", message is: " + error.message);
  console.error("[Promise]: Md algName is: " + md.algName);
  // Initial update().
  var promiseMdUpdate = md.update(GenDataBlob(12));
  promiseMdUpdate.then(() => {
    // Call update() multiple times based on service requirements.
    promiseMdUpdate = md.update(GenDataBlob(12));
    return promiseMdUpdate;
  }).then(mdOutput => {
    var PromiseMdDigest = md.digest();
    return PromiseMdDigest;
  }).then(mdOutput => {
    console.error("[Promise]: MD result: " +;
    var mdLen = md.getMdLength();
    console.error("[Promise]: MD len: " + mdLen);
  }).catch(error => {
    console.error("[Promise]: error: " + error.message);

// Compute an MD using callback-based APIs.
function doMdByCallback(algName) {
  var md;
  try {
    md = cryptoFramework.createMd(algName);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("[Callback]: error code: " + error.code + ", message is: " + error.message);
  console.error("[Callback]: Md algName is: " + md.algName);
  // Initial update().
  md.update(GenDataBlob(12), (err,) => {
    if (err) {
      console.error("[Callback]: err: " + err.code);
    // Call update() multiple times based on service requirements.
    md.update(GenDataBlob(12), (err1,) => {
      if (err1) {
        console.error("[Callback]: err: " + err1.code);
      md.digest((err2, mdOutput) => {
        if (err2) {
          console.error("[Callback]: err: " + err2.code);
        } else {
          console.error("[Callback]: MD result: " +;
          var mdLen = md.getMdLength();
          console.error("[Callback]: MD len: " + mdLen);

The following example demonstrates how to call update() multiple times to update the MD.

import cryptoFramework from ""

async function updateData(index, obj, data) {
  console.error("update " + (index + 1) + " MB data...");
  return obj.update(data);

function stringToUint8Array(str) {
  var arr = [];
  for (var i = 0, j = str.length; i < j; ++i) {
  var tmpUint8Array = new Uint8Array(arr);
  return tmpUint8Array;

function GenDataBlob(dataBlobLen) {
  var dataBlob;
  if (dataBlobLen == 12) {
    dataBlob = {data: stringToUint8Array("my test data")};
  } else {
    console.error("GenDataBlob: dataBlobLen is invalid");
    dataBlob = {data: stringToUint8Array("my test data")};
  return dataBlob;

function LoopMdPromise(algName, loopSize) {
  var md;
  try {
    md = cryptoFramework.createMd(algName);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("[Promise]: error code: " + error.code + ", message is: " + error.message);
  console.error("[Promise]: Md algName is: " + md.algName);
  var promiseMdUpdate = md.update(GenDataBlob(12));
  promiseMdUpdate.then(() => {
    var PromiseMdDigest = md.digest();
    return PromiseMdDigest;
  }).then(async () => {
    for (var i = 0; i < loopSize; i++) {
      await updateData(i, md, GenDataBlob(12));
    var PromiseMdDigest = md.digest();
    return PromiseMdDigest;
  }).then(mdOutput => {
    console.error("[Promise]: MD result: " +;
    var mdLen = md.getMdLength();
    console.error("[Promise]: MD len: " + mdLen);
  }).catch(error => {
    console.error("[Promise]: error: " + error.message);

Performing Key Agreement

When to Use

Key agreement allows two parties to establish a shared secret over an insecure channel.

Available APIs

For details about the APIs, see Crypto Framework.

Instance API Description
cryptoFramework createKeyAgreement(algName : string) : KeyAgreement Creates a KeyAgreement instance.
KeyAgreement generateSecret(priKey : PriKey, pubKey : PubKey, callback : AsyncCallback<DataBlob>) : void Generates a shared secret. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
KeyAgreement generateSecret(priKey : PriKey, pubKey : PubKey) : Promise<DataBlob> Generates a shared secret. This API uses a promise to return the result.

How to Develop

  1. Use createKeyAgreement() to create a KeyAgreement object for subsequent key agreement operations.
  2. Use generateSecret() provided by KeyAgreement to pass in the peer ECC public key object and the ECC private key object generated locally.
import cryptoFramework from ""

let globalSelfPriKey;
let globalPeerPubKey;

function ecdhPromise() {
  let peerPubKeyArray = new Uint8Array([48,89,48,19,6,7,42,134,72,206,61,2,1,6,8,42,134,72,206,61,3,1,7,3,66,0,4,83,96,142,9,86,214,126,106,247,233,92,125,4,128,138,105,246,162,215,71,81,58,202,121,26,105,211,55,130,45,236,143,55,16,248,75,167,160,167,106,2,152,243,44,68,66,0,167,99,92,235,215,159,239,28,106,124,171,34,145,124,174,57,92]);
  let peerPubKeyBlob = { data: peerPubKeyArray };
  let eccGenerator = cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGenerator("ECC256");
  let eccKeyAgreement = cryptoFramework.createKeyAgreement("ECC256");
  eccGenerator.convertKey(peerPubKeyBlob, null).then((peerKeyPair) => {
    globalPeerPubKey = peerKeyPair.pubKey;
    return eccGenerator.generateKeyPair();
  }).then((keyPair) => {
    globalSelfPriKey = keyPair.priKey;
    return eccKeyAgreement.generateSecret(globalSelfPriKey, globalPeerPubKey);
  }).then((secret) => {"ecdh promise output is " +;
  }).catch((error) => {
    console.error("ecdh error.");

function ecdhCallback() {
  let peerPubKeyArray = new Uint8Array([48,89,48,19,6,7,42,134,72,206,61,2,1,6,8,42,134,72,206,61,3,1,7,3,66,0,4,83,96,142,9,86,214,126,106,247,233,92,125,4,128,138,105,246,162,215,71,81,58,202,121,26,105,211,55,130,45,236,143,55,16,248,75,167,160,167,106,2,152,243,44,68,66,0,167,99,92,235,215,159,239,28,106,124,171,34,145,124,174,57,92]);
  let peerPubKeyBlob = { data: peerPubKeyArray };
  let eccGenerator = cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGenerator("ECC256");
  let eccKeyAgreement = cryptoFramework.createKeyAgreement("ECC256");
  eccGenerator.convertKey(peerPubKeyBlob, null, function (err, peerKeyPair) {
    globalPeerPubKey = peerKeyPair.pubKey;
    eccGenerator.generateKeyPair(function (err, keyPair) {
      globalSelfPriKey = keyPair.priKey;
      eccKeyAgreement.generateSecret(globalSelfPriKey, globalPeerPubKey, function (err, secret) {
        if (err) {
          console.error("ecdh error.");
        }"ecdh callback output is " +;

Generating a MAC

When to Use

A message authentication code (MAC) can be used to verify both the integrity and authenticity of a message using a shared secret.

Typical MAC operations involve the following:

  1. Create a Mac instance.
  2. Initialize the Mac instance, add one or more segments of data for generating a MAC, and generate a MAC.
  3. Obtain the algorithm and length of a MAC.

Available APIs

For details about the APIs, see Crypto Framework.

Instance API Description
cryptoFramework function createMac(algName : string) : Mac; Creates a Mac instance.
Mac init(key : SymKey, callback : AsyncCallback<void>) : void; Initializes the MAC operation. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Mac init(key : SymKey) : Promise<void>; Initializes the MAC operation. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Mac update(input : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback<void>) : void; Updates the data for the MAC operation. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Mac update(input : DataBlob) : Promise<void>; Updates the data for the MAC operation. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Mac doFinal(callback : AsyncCallback<DataBlob>) : void; Finalizes the MAC operation to generate a MAC. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Mac doFinal() : Promise<DataBlob>; Finalizes the MAC operation to generate a MAC. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Mac getMacLength() : number; Obtains the length of the MAC based on the specified algorithm.
Mac readonly algName : string; Obtains the digest algorithm.

How to Develop

  1. Call createMac() to create a Mac instance.
  2. Call init() to initialize the Mac instance with the symmetric key passed in.
  3. Call update() one or more times to add the data for computing a MAC.
  4. Call doFinal() to generate a MAC.
  5. Obtain the algorithm and length of the MAC.
import cryptoFramework from ""

// Convert string into uint8Arr.
function stringToUint8Array(str) {
  var arr = [];
  for (var i = 0, j = str.length; i < j; ++i) {
  var tmpUint8Array = new Uint8Array(arr);
  return tmpUint8Array;

// Generate a blob.
function GenDataBlob(dataBlobLen) {
  var dataBlob;
  if (dataBlobLen == 12) {
      dataBlob = {data: stringToUint8Array("my test data")};
  } else {
      console.error("GenDataBlob: dataBlobLen is invalid");
      dataBlob = {data: stringToUint8Array("my test data")};
  return dataBlob;

function doHmacByPromise(algName) {
  var mac;
  try {
    mac = cryptoFramework.createMac(algName);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("[Promise]: error code: " + error.code + ", message is: " + error.message);
  console.error("[Promise]: Mac algName is: " + mac.algName);
  var KeyBlob = {
    data : stringToUint8Array("12345678abcdefgh")
  var symKeyGenerator = cryptoFramework.createSymKeyGenerator("AES128");
  var promiseConvertKey = symKeyGenerator.convertKey(KeyBlob);
  promiseConvertKey.then(symKey => {
    var promiseMacInit = mac.init(symKey);
    return promiseMacInit;
  }).then(() => {
    // Initial update().
    var promiseMacUpdate = mac.update(GenDataBlob(12));
    return promiseMacUpdate;
  }).then(() => {
    // Call update() multiple times based on service requirements.
    var promiseMacUpdate = mac.update(GenDataBlob(12));
    return promiseMacUpdate;
  }).then(() => {
    var PromiseMacDoFinal = mac.doFinal();
    return PromiseMacDoFinal;
  }).then(macOutput => {
    console.error("[Promise]: HMAC result: " +;
    var macLen = mac.getMacLength();
    console.error("[Promise]: MAC len: " + macLen);
  }).catch(error => {
    console.error("[Promise]: error: " + error.message);

// Generate a MAC using callback-based APIs.
function doHmacByCallback(algName) {
  var mac;
  try {
    mac = cryptoFramework.createMac(algName);
  } catch (error) {{message: "[Callback]: error code: " + error.code + ", message is: " + error.message});
    console.error("[Callback]: error code: " + error.code + ", message is: " + error.message);
  var KeyBlob = {
    data : stringToUint8Array("12345678abcdefgh")
  var symKeyGenerator = cryptoFramework.createSymKeyGenerator("AES128");
  symKeyGenerator.convertKey(KeyBlob, (err, symKey) => {
    if (err) {
      console.error("[Callback]: err: " + err.code);
    mac.init(symKey, (err1, ) => {
      if (err1) {
        console.error("[Callback]: err: " + err1.code);
      // Initial update().
      mac.update(GenDataBlob(12), (err2, ) => {
        if (err2) {
          console.error("[Callback]: err: " + err2.code);
        // Call update() multiple times based on service requirements.
        mac.update(GenDataBlob(12), (err3, ) => {
          if (err3) {
            console.error("[Callback]: err: " + err3.code);
          mac.doFinal((err4, macOutput) => {
            if (err4) {
              console.error("[Callback]: err: " + err4.code);
            } else {
              console.error("[Callback]: HMAC result: " +;
              var macLen = mac.getMacLength();
              console.error("[Callback]: MAC len: " + macLen);

The following example demonstrates how to call update() multiple times to update the MAC.

import cryptoFramework from ""

async function updateData(index, obj, data) {
  console.error("update " + (index + 1) + " MB data...");
  return obj.update(data);

function stringToUint8Array(str) {
  var arr = [];
  for (var i = 0, j = str.length; i < j; ++i) {
  var tmpUint8Array = new Uint8Array(arr);
  return tmpUint8Array;

function GenDataBlob(dataBlobLen) {
  var dataBlob;
  if (dataBlobLen == 12) {
    dataBlob = {data: stringToUint8Array("my test data")};
  } else {
    console.error("GenDataBlob: dataBlobLen is invalid");
    dataBlob = {data: stringToUint8Array("my test data")};
  return dataBlob;

function LoopHmacPromise(algName, loopSize) {
  var mac;
  try {
    mac = cryptoFramework.createMac(algName);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("[Promise]: error code: " + error.code + ", message is: " + error.message);
  console.error("[Promise]: Mac algName is: " + mac.algName);
  var KeyBlob = {
    data : stringToUint8Array("12345678abcdefgh")
  var symKeyGenerator = cryptoFramework.createSymKeyGenerator("AES128");
  var promiseConvertKey = symKeyGenerator.convertKey(KeyBlob);
  promiseConvertKey.then(symKey => {
    var promiseMacInit = mac.init(symKey);
    return promiseMacInit;
  }).then(async () => {
    for (var i = 0; i < loopSize; i++) {
      await updateData(i, mac, GenDataBlob(12));
    var promiseMacUpdate = mac.update(GenDataBlob(12));
    return promiseMacUpdate;
  }).then(() => {
    var PromiseMacDoFinal = mac.doFinal();
    return PromiseMacDoFinal;
  }).then(macOutput => {
    console.error("[Promise]: HMAC result: " +;
    var macLen = mac.getMacLength();
    console.error("[Promise]: MAC len: " + macLen);
  }).catch(error => {
    console.error("[Promise]: error: " + error.message);

Generating a Random Number

When to Use

Typical random number operations involve the following:

  • Generate a random number.
  • Set a seed based on the random number generated.

Available APIs

For details about the APIs, see Crypto Framework.

Instance API Description
cryptoFramework function createRandom() : Random; Creates a Random instance.
Random generateRandom(len : number, callback: AsyncCallback<DataBlob>) : void; Generates a random number. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Random generateRandom(len : number) : Promise<DataBlob>; Generates a random number. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Random setSeed(seed : DataBlob) : void; Sets a seed.

How to Develop

  1. Call createRandom() to create a Random instance.
  2. Call generateRandom() to generate a random number of the given length.
  3. Call setSeed() to set a seed.
import cryptoFramework from ""

// Generate a random number and set a seed using promise-based APIs.
function doRandByPromise(len) {
  var rand;
  try {
    rand = cryptoFramework.createRandom();
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("[Promise]: error code: " + error.code + ", message is: " + error.message);
  var promiseGenerateRand = rand.generateRandom(len);
  promiseGenerateRand.then(randData => {
    console.error("[Promise]: rand result: " +;
      try {
      } catch (error) {
          console.log("setSeed failed, errCode: " + error.code + ", errMsg: " + error.message);
  }).catch(error => {
    console.error("[Promise]: error: " + error.message);

// Generate a random number and set a seed using callback-based APIs.
function doRandByCallback(len) {
  var rand;
  try {
    rand = cryptoFramework.createRandom();
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("[Callback]: error code: " + error.code + ", message is: " + error.message);
  rand.generateRandom(len, (err, randData) => {
    if (err) {
      console.error("[Callback]: err: " + err.code);
    } else {
      console.error("[Callback]: generate random result: " +;
      try {
      } catch (error) {
          console.log("setSeed failed, errCode: " + error.code + ", errMsg: " + error.message);