@ohos.multimodalInput.touchEvent (Touch Event)

The touchEvent module provides touch events reported by an input device.

The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import {Action,ToolType,SourceType,Touch,TouchEvent} from '@ohos.multimodalInput.touchEvent';


Enumerates touch actions.

System capability: SystemCapability.MultimodalInput.Input.Core

Name Value Description
CANCEL 0 Cancellation of the touch action.
DOWN 1 Pressing of touch.
MOVE 2 Moving of touch.
UP 3 Lifting of touch.


Enumerates tool types.

System capability: SystemCapability.MultimodalInput.Input.Core

Name Value Description
FINGER 0 Finger
PEN 1 Pen
RUBBER 2 Eraser
BRUSH 3 Brush
PENCIL 4 Pencil
AIRBRUSH 5 Air brush
MOUSE 6 Mouse
LENS 7 Lens


Enumerates source types.

System capability: SystemCapability.MultimodalInput.Input.Core

Name Value Description
TOUCH_SCREEN 0 Touchscreen
PEN 1 Stylus
TOUCH_PAD 2 Touchpad


Defines a touch action.

System capability: SystemCapability.MultimodalInput.Input.Core

Name Type Readable Writable Description
id number Yes No Pointer ID.
pressedTime number Yes No Time stamp when touch is pressed.
screenX number Yes No X coordinate of the touch position on the screen.
screenY number Yes No Y coordinate of the touch position on the screen.
windowX number Yes No X coordinate of the touch position in the window.
windowY number Yes No Y coordinate of the touch position in the window.
pressure number Yes No Pressure value. The value range is [0.0, 1.0]. The value 0.0 indicates that the pressure is not supported.
width number Yes No Width of the contact area where touch is pressed.
height number Yes No Height of the contact area where touch is pressed.
tiltX number Yes No Angle relative to the YZ plane. The value range is [-90, 90]. A positive value indicates a rightward tilt.
tiltY number Yes No Angle relative to the XZ plane. The value range is [-90, 90]. A positive value indicates a downward tilt.
toolX number Yes No Center point X of the tool area.
toolY number Yes No Center point Y of the tool area.
toolWidth number Yes No Width of the tool area.
toolHeight number Yes No Height of the tool area.
rawX number Yes No X coordinate of the input device.
rawY number Yes No Y coordinate of the input device.
toolType ToolType Yes No Tool type.


Defines a touch event.

System capability: SystemCapability.MultimodalInput.Input.Core

Name Type Readable Writable Description
action Action Yes No Touch action.
touch Touch Yes No Current touch point.
touches Touch[] Yes No All touch points.
sourceType SourceType Yes No Device type of the touch source.