Mission Management and Launch Type

One UIAbility instance corresponds to one mission. The number of UIAbility instances is related to the UIAbility launch type, specified by launchType, which is configured in the config.json file in the FA model and the module.json5 file in the stage model.

The following describes how the mission list manager manages the UIAbility instanced started in different modes.

  • singleton: Only one UIAbility instance exists for an application.

    Figure 1 Missions and singleton mode


  • multiton: Each time startAbility() is called, a UIAbility instance is created in the application process.

    Figure 2 Missions and multiton mode


  • specified: The (onAcceptWant()) method of AbilityStage determines whether to create an instance.

    Figure 3 Missions and specified mode


Each UIAbility instance corresponds to a mission displayed in Recents.

Every mission retains a snapshot of the UIAbility instance. After the UIAbility instance is destroyed, the mission information (including the ability information and mission snapshot) is retained until the mission is deleted.


The specified mode is supported in the stage model only.