Setting the Security Level of a Distributed File
The security capabilities vary with devices. For example, small embedded devices provide fewer security capabilities than tablets. The security requirements also vary with data. For example, personal health information and bank card information are not expected to be accessed by devices of lower security levels. OpenHarmony provides a complete set of standards for data and device classification and custom data transfer policies for different devices. For details, see Data Security Labels and Device Security Levels.
Available APIs
For details about the APIs, see ohos.file.securityLabel.
Table 1 APIs
API | Description | Type | Synchronous Programming | Asynchronous Programming |
setSecurityLabel | Sets a security label for a file. | Method | √ | √ |
getSecurityLabel | Obtains the security label of a file. | Method | √ | √ |
In distributed networking, a device can view the files that do not match its security level but cannot access them.
The default security level of the distributed file system data is S3. Applications can set the security level of files.
Development Example
Obtain the sandbox path of the file and set the data security label. For details about how to obtain the context in the example, see Obtaining the Context of UIAbility.
import securityLabel from '@ohos.file.securityLabel';
//Obtain the sandbox path of the file.
let context =...; // Obtain UIAbilityContext information.
let pathDir = context.filesDir;
let filePath = pathDir + '/test.txt';
// Set the data level of the file to S0.
securityLabel.setSecurityLabel(filePath, 's0').then(() => {'Succeeded in setSecurityLabeling.');
}).catch((err) => {
console.error(`Failed to setSecurityLabel. Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}`);