
The ApplicationStateObserver module defines an observer to listen for application state changes. It can be used as an input parameter in registerApplicationStateObserver to listen for lifecycle changes of the current application.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core

System API: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.

Name Type Readable Writable Description
onForegroundApplicationChanged8+ AppStateData AsyncCallback<void> Yes No Callback invoked when the foreground or background state of an application changes.
onAbilityStateChanged8+ AbilityStateData AsyncCallback<void> Yes No Callback invoked when the ability state changes.
onProcessCreated8+ ProcessData AsyncCallback<void> Yes No Callback invoked when a process is created.
onProcessDied8+ ProcessData AsyncCallback<void> Yes No Callback invoked when a process is destroyed.
onProcessStateChanged8+ ProcessData AsyncCallback<void> Yes No Callback invoked when the process state is changed.


import appManager from "@ohos.application.appManager";

let applicationStateObserver = {
    onForegroundApplicationChanged(appStateData) {
        console.log('onForegroundApplicationChanged appStateData: ' +  JSON.stringify(appStateData));
    onAbilityStateChanged(abilityStateData) {
        console.log('onAbilityStateChanged onAbilityStateChanged: ' +  JSON.stringify(abilityStateData));
    onProcessCreated(processData) {
        console.log('onProcessCreated onProcessCreated: '  +  JSON.stringify(processData));
    onProcessDied(processData) {
        console.log('onProcessDied onProcessDied: '  +  JSON.stringify(processData));
    onProcessStateChanged(processData) {
        console.log('onProcessStateChanged onProcessStateChanged: ' +  JSON.stringify(processData));
let observerCode = appManager.registerApplicationStateObserver(applicationStateObserver);