Widget Switching

Widget switching involves the following parts:

  • Widget UI layout: Both the FA model and stage model use the web-like paradigm to develop the widget UI layout. Therefore, the UI layout of a widget in the FA model can be directly reused in the stage mode.
  • Widget configuration file: Widgets are configured in the config.json file in the FA model and in module.json5 and form_config.json files in the stage model (as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2).
  • Widget service logic: The widget entry file and lifecycle of the FA model are slightly different from those of the stage model, as shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4.
Configuration Item FA Model Stage Model
Configuration item location formAbility and forms are in the config.json file. extensionAbilities (configuration for formExtensionAbility) is in the module.json5 file in the level-1 directory, and forms (configuration for forms contained in formExtensionAbility) is in the form_config.json file in the level-2 directory.
Widget code path Specified by srcPath, without the file name. Specified by srcEnty, with the file name.
Programming language srcLanguage can be set to js or ets. This configuration item is unavailable. Only ets is supported.
Whether to enable widgets formsEnabled This configuration item is unavailable. The setting of type set to form means that the widgets are enabled.
Ability type type: service type: form
Level-2 directory configuration tag This configuration item is unavailable. metadata, which consists of name, value, and resource, where resource points to the location of the form_config.json file in the level-2 directory.

Figure 1 Entry configuration differences


Figure 2 Widget configuration differences


Item FA Model Stage Model
Entry file form.ts in the directory pointed to by srcPath File pointed to by srcEnty
Lifecycle export default import FormExtension from '@ohos.app.form.FormExtensionAbility';
export default class FormAbility extends FormExtension

Figure 3 Entry file differences


Figure 4 Lifecycle differences (The lifecycle callbacks are the same and require no adjustment.)
