Communication Subsystem - WiFi Changelog

cl.wifi.1 Moving System APIs and APIs of Version 9 to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts

Moved all system APIs and APIs of version 9 from @ohos.wifi.d.ts to the newly added @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, and added error code descriptions. The @ohos.wifi.d.ts APIs do not support error code handling.

To use these APIs, import the @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts module as follows:

import wifiManager from '@ohos.wifiManager';

Change Impact

System APIs and APIs of version 9 are affected. To use these APIs, import @ohos.wifiManager as follows:

import wifiManager from '@ohos.wifiManager';

Other APIs are not affected.

Key API/Component Changes

Class API Type Declaration Change Type
wifi namespace declare namespace wifi Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi method function enableWifi(): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function disableWifi(): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function scan(): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function getScanResults(): Promise<Array<WifiScanInfo>> Changed from getScanInfos to getScanResults and moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi method function getScanResults(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<WifiScanInfo>>): void Changed from getScanInfos to getScanResults and moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi method function getScanResultsSync():  Array<[WifiScanInfo]> Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi method function addCandidateConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig): Promise<number> Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi method function addCandidateConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi method function removeCandidateConfig(networkId: number): Promise<void> Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi method function removeCandidateConfig(networkId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi method function addUntrustedConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig): Promise<boolean> Deleted this API in API version 9.
wifi method function addUntrustedConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void Deleted
wifi method function removeUntrustedConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig): Promise<boolean> Deleted
wifi method function removeUntrustedConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void Deleted
wifi method function getCandidateConfigs():  Array<[WifiDeviceConfig]> Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi method function connectToCandidateConfig(networkId: number): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi method function connectToNetwork(networkId: number): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function connectToDevice(config: WifiDeviceConfig): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function disconnect(): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function reassociate(): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function reconnect(): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function disableNetwork(netId: number): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function removeAllNetwork(): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function removeDevice(id: number): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function enableHotspot(): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function disableHotspot(): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function setHotspotConfig(config: HotspotConfig): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function getP2pLocalDevice(): Promise<WifiP2pDevice> Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi method function getP2pLocalDevice(callback: AsyncCallback<WifiP2pDevice>): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi method function getP2pGroups(): Promise<Array<WifiP2pGroupInfo>> Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi method function getP2pGroups(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<WifiP2pGroupInfo>>): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi method function createGroup(config: WifiP2PConfig): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function removeGroup(): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function p2pConnect(config: WifiP2PConfig): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function p2pCancelConnect(): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function startDiscoverDevices(): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function stopDiscoverDevices(): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function deletePersistentGroup(netId: number): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi method function setDeviceName(devName: string): void Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts, with the return value changed to void
wifi interface export interface WifiEapConfig Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi enum export enum EapMethod Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi enum export enum Phase2Method Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi interface export interface WifiDeviceConfig Added with the eapConfig parameter and moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi interface export interface IpConfig Added with the prefixLength parameter and moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi interface export interface WifiInfoElem Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi enum export enum WifiChannelWidth Moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi interface export interface WifiScanInfo Added with the centerFrequency0, centerFrequency1, and infoElems parameters and moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi enum export enum WifiSecurityType Added with four encryption types and moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts
wifi interface export interface WifiLinkedInfo Added with the MacType parameter and moved to @ohos.wifiManager.d.ts

(Optional) Adaptation Guide

The following uses getLinkedInfo as an example:

import wifiManager from '@ohos.wifiManager'

wifiManager.getLinkedInfo((err, data) => {
    if (err) {
        console.error("get linked info error");
    }"get linked info: " + JSON.stringify(data));

wifiManager.getLinkedInfo().then(data => {"get linked info: " + JSON.stringify(data));
}).catch(error => {"get linked info error");

cl.wifiext.1 Change of System APIs and APIs of Version 9

Moved all system APIs and APIs of version 9 from @ohos.wifiext.d.ts to the newly added @ohos.wifiManagerExt.d.ts, and added error code descriptions.

To use these APIs, import the @ohos.wifiManagerExt.d.ts module as follows:

import wifiManagerExt from '@ohos.wifiManagerExt';

Change Impact

System APIs and APIs of version 9 are affected. Import @ohos.wifiManagerExt and use it together with wifiManager.

import wifiManagerExt from '@ohos.wifiManagerExt';

Other APIs are not affected.