
The <Slider> component is used to quickly adjust settings, such as the volume and brightness.


This component is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Child Components

Not supported


Slider(options?: {value?: number, min?: number, max?: number, step?: number, style?: SliderStyle, direction?: Axis, reverse?: boolean})

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value number No Current progress.
Default value: 0
min number No Minimum value.
Default value: 0
max number No Maximum value.
Default value: 100
If the value of min is greater than or equal to the value of max, the default value 0 is used for min and the default value 100 is used for max.
If the value is not within the [min, max] range, the value of min or max, whichever is closer.
step number No Step of the slider.
Default value: 1
Value range: [0.01, max]
If this parameter is set to a value less than 0 or a percentage, the default value is used.
style SliderStyle No Style of the slider thumb and track.
Default value: SliderStyle.OutSet
direction8+ Axis No Whether the slider moves horizontally or vertically.
Default value: Axis.Horizontal
reverse8+ boolean No Whether the slider values are reversed. By default, the values increase from left to right for a horizontal slider and from top to bottom for a vertical slider.
Default value: false


Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.

Name Description
OutSet The slider is on the slider track.
InSet The slider is in the slider track.

Except touch target attributes, the universal attributes are supported.

Name Type Description
blockColor ResourceColor Color of the slider.
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
trackColor ResourceColor Background color of the slider.
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
selectedColor ResourceColor Color of the selected part of the slider track.
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
showSteps boolean Whether to display the current step.
Default value: false
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
showTips boolean Whether to display a bubble to indicate the percentage when the user drags the slider.
Default value: false
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
When direction is set to Axis.Horizontal, the bubble is displayed right above the slider. When direction is set to Axis.Vertical, the bubble is displayed on the left of the slider.
The drawing area of the bubble is the overlay of the slider.
If no margin is set for the slider or the margin is not large enough, the bubble will be clipped.
trackThickness Length Track thickness of the slider.
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.


In addition to the OnAppear and OnDisAppear universal events, the following events are supported.

Name Description
onChange(callback: (value: number, mode: SliderChangeMode) => void) Invoked when the slider is dragged or clicked.
value: current slider value. If the return value contains decimals, you can use the number.toFixed() API to process the data to the expected precision.
mode: state triggered by the event.
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
The Begin and End states are triggered when the slider is clicked with a gesture. The Moving and Click states are triggered when the value of value changes.
If the coherent action is a drag action, the Click state will not be triggered.
The value range of value is the steps value array.


Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.

Name Value Description
Begin 0 The user touches or presses the slider with a gesture or mouse.
Moving 1 The user is dragging the slider.
End 2 The user stops dragging the slider by lifting their finger or releasing the mouse.
Click 3 The user moves the slider by touching the slider track.


// xxx.ets
struct SliderExample {
  @State outSetValueOne: number = 40
  @State inSetValueOne: number = 40
  @State outSetValueTwo: number = 40
  @State inSetValueTwo: number = 40
  @State vOutSetValueOne: number = 40
  @State vInSetValueOne: number = 40
  @State vOutSetValueTwo: number = 40
  @State vInSetValueTwo: number = 40

  build() {
    Column({ space: 8 }) {
      Text('outset slider').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('90%').margin(15)
      Row() {
          value: this.outSetValueOne,
          min: 0,
          max: 100,
          style: SliderStyle.OutSet
          .onChange((value: number, mode: SliderChangeMode) => {
            this.outSetValueOne = value
  'value:' + value + 'mode:' + mode.toString())
        // toFixed(0) converts the return value of the slider to an integer.
      Row() {
          value: this.outSetValueTwo,
          step: 10,
          style: SliderStyle.OutSet
          .onChange((value: number, mode: SliderChangeMode) => {
            this.outSetValueTwo = value
  'value:' + value + 'mode:' + mode.toString())

      Text('inset slider').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('90%').margin(15)
      Row() {
          value: this.inSetValueOne,
          min: 0,
          max: 100,
          style: SliderStyle.InSet
          .onChange((value: number, mode: SliderChangeMode) => {
            this.inSetValueOne = value
  'value:' + value + 'mode:' + mode.toString())
      Row() {
          value: this.inSetValueTwo,
          step: 10,
          style: SliderStyle.InSet
          .onChange((value: number, mode: SliderChangeMode) => {
            this.inSetValueTwo = value
  'value:' + value + 'mode:' + mode.toString())

      Row() {
        Column() {
          Text('vertical outset slider').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('50%').margin(15)
          Row() {
              value: this.vOutSetValueOne,
              style: SliderStyle.OutSet,
              direction: Axis.Vertical
              .onChange((value: number, mode: SliderChangeMode) => {
                this.vOutSetValueOne = value
      'value:' + value + 'mode:' + mode.toString())
              value: this.vOutSetValueTwo,
              step: 10,
              style: SliderStyle.OutSet,
              direction: Axis.Vertical
              .onChange((value: number, mode: SliderChangeMode) => {
                this.vOutSetValueTwo = value
      'value:' + value + 'mode:' + mode.toString())

        Column() {
          Text('vertical inset slider').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('50%').margin(15)
          Row() {
              value: this.vInSetValueOne,
              style: SliderStyle.InSet,
              direction: Axis.Vertical,
              reverse: true // By default, at the top of the vertical slider is the min value and at the bottom is the max value. Therefore, if you want to slide from bottom to top, set reverse to true.
              .onChange((value: number, mode: SliderChangeMode) => {
                this.vInSetValueOne = value
      'value:' + value + 'mode:' + mode.toString())
              value: this.vInSetValueTwo,
              step: 10,
              style: SliderStyle.InSet,
              direction: Axis.Vertical,
              reverse: true
              .onChange((value: number, mode: SliderChangeMode) => {
                this.vInSetValueTwo = value
      'value:' + value + 'mode:' + mode.toString())
