Bundle Manager

The Bundle Manager enables you to install, uninstall, update, and query a bundle (application). It provides the bundle debugging capabilities, for example, installing and uninstalling a bundle and querying bundle information.


Before using this tool, you must obtain the hdc tool and run the hdc shell command.

Table 1 bm commands

Name Description
help Displays the commands supported by the Bundle Manager tool.
install Installs a bundle.
uninstall Uninstalls a bundle.
dump Queries bundle information.
clean Clears the cache and data of a bundle.
enable Enables a bundle. A bundle can be used after being enabled.
disable Disables a bundle. A bundle cannot be used after being disabled.
get Obtains the UDID of a device.
quickfix Performs patch-related operations, such as installing or querying a patch.

Help Command

Table 2 Help command

Name Description
bm help Displays the commands supported by the bm tool.


# Display the help information.
bm help

Installation Command

bm install [-h] [-p path] [-u userId] [-r] [-w waitting-time]

Table 3 Installation command parameters

Name Mandatory Description
-h No Used to display the parameters supported by the install command. By default, the help information is displayed.
-p Yes Path of the HAP to install. You can specify a path to install one or more HAPs at the same time.
-u No User whose HAP is to be installed. By default, the current user's HAP is installed.
-r No Whether to install the HAP in overwrite mode. By default, the HAP is installed in overwrite mode.
-w No Time that the Bundle Manager tool waits before installing the HAP. The minimum waiting time is 5s, and the maximum waiting time is 600s. The default waiting time is 5s.


bm install -p /data/app/ohosapp.hap -u 100 -w 5s -r
// The execution result is as follows:
install bundle successfully.

Uninstall Command

bm uninstall [-h help] [-n bundleName] [-m moduleName] [-u userId] [-k]

Table 4 Uninstall command parameters

Name Mandatory Description
-h No Used to display the parameters supported by the uninstall command. By default, the help information is displayed.
-n Yes Name of the bundle to uninstall.
-m No Module of the bundle to uninstall. By default, all modules are uninstalled.
-u No User whose bundle is to be uninstalled. By default, the current user's bundle is uninstalled.
-k No Whether the application data is retained when the bundle is uninstalled. By default, the application data is deleted along the uninstall.


bm uninstall -n com.ohos.app -m com.ohos.app.MainAbility -u 100 -k
// The execution result is as follows:
uninstall bundle successfully.

Dump Command

bm dump [-h help] [-a] [-n bundleName] [-s shortcutInfo] [-u userId] [-d deviceId]

If -u is not specified, the command applies to all users.

Table 5 Dump command parameters

Name Mandatory Description
-h No Used to display the parameters supported by the dump command. By default, the help information is displayed.
-a Yes Used to display all bundles installed in the system.
-n Yes Used to display the details of a bundle.
-s Yes Used to display the shortcut information of a bundle.
-d No Used to display the bundle information on a given device. By default, the bundle information on the current device is queried.
-u No Used to display the bundle information for a given user. By default, the bundle information of the current user is queried.


# Display the names of all bundles installed in the system.
bm dump -a
# Display the details of a bundle.
bm dump -n com.ohos.app -u 100
# Display the shortcut information of a bundle.
bm dump -s com.ohos.app -u 100
# Display cross-device bundle information.
bm dump -n com.ohos.app -d xxxxx

Clean Command

bm clean [-h] [-c] [-n  bundleName] [-d] [-u userId]

If -u is not specified, the command applies to all active users.

Table 6 Clean command parameters

Name Description
-h Used to display the parameters supported by the clean command.
-c -n Used to clear the cache data of a bundle.
-d -n Used to clear the data directory of a bundle.
-u Used to clear the cache data of a bundle for a given user.


# Clear the cache data of a bundle.
bm clean -c -n com.ohos.app -u 100
// The execution result is as follows:
clean bundle cache files successfully.
# Clear the user data of a bundle.
bm clean -d -n com.ohos.app -u 100
// The execution result is as follows:
clean bundle data files successfully.

Enable Command

bm enable [-h] [-n bundleName] [-a abilityName] [-u userId]

If -u is not specified, the command applies to all active users.

Table 7 Enable command parameters

Name Description
-h Used to display the parameters supported by the enable command.
-n Used to enable a bundle.
-a Used to enable an ability with a specified bundle name.
-u Used to enable a bundle for a given user.


# Enable a bundle.
bm enable -n com.ohos.app -a com.ohos.app.MainAbility -u 100
// The execution result is as follows:
enable bundle successfully.

Disable Command

bm disable [-h] [-n bundleName] [-a abilityName] [-u userId]

If -u is not specified, the command applies to all active users.

Table 8 Disabled command parameters

Name Description
-h Used to display the parameters supported by the disable command.
-n Used to disable a bundle.
-a Used to disable an ability with a specified bundle name.
-u Used to disable a bundle for a given user.


# Disable a bundle.
bm disable -n com.ohos.app -a com.ohos.app.MainAbility -u 100
// The execution result is as follows:
disable bundle successfully.

Obtaining UDID

bm get [-h] [-u]

Table 9 Parameters used in the command for obtaining the UDID

Name Description
-h Used to display the parameters supported by the get command.
-u Used to obtain the UDID of a device.


# Obtain the UDID of a device.
bm get -u
// The execution result is as follows:
udid of current device is :

Quick Fix

bm quickfix [-h] [-a -f filePath] [-q -b bundleName]

Table 10 Parameters used in the command for quick fix

Name Description
-h Used to display the commands supported by quickfix.
-a -f Used to run the quick fix patch installation command. file-path corresponds to the hqf file. You can pass in one or more hqf files or the directory where the hqf file is located.
-q -b Used to display the patch information based on the bundle name. bundle-name indicates the bundle name.


# Display patch package information by the bundle name.
bm quickfix -q -b com.ohos.app
// The execution result is as follows:
// Information as follows:            
// ApplicationQuickFixInfo:           
//  bundle name: com.ohos.app 
//  bundle version code: xxx     
//  bundle version name: xxx       
//  patch version code: x            
//  patch version name:              
//  cpu abi:                          
//  native library path:             
//  type:                            
# Patch installation in the quick fix:
bm quickfix -a -f /data/app/
// The execution result is as follows:
apply quickfix succeed.