
The MissionCallback module defines the callbacks invoked after synchronization starts. These callbacks can be used as input parameters in registerMissionListener.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Mission

Name Template Readable Writable Description
notifyMissionsChanged(deviceId: string) function Yes No Callback used to notify the mission change event and return the device ID.
notifySnapshot(deviceId: string, mission: number) function Yes No Callback used to notify the snapshot change event and return the device ID and mission ID.
notifyNetDisconnect(deviceId: string, state: number) function Yes No Callback used to notify the disconnection event and return the device ID and network status.


import distributedMissionManager from '@ohos.distributedMissionManager';

let missionDeviceInfo = {
    deviceId: '123456'
let missionCallback = {
    notifyMissionsChanged: function (deviceId) {
        console.log('notifyMissionsChanged deviceId: ' + JSON.stringify(deviceId));
    notifySnapshot: function (deviceId, mission) {
        console.log('notifySnapshot deviceId: ' + JSON.stringify(deviceId));
        console.log('notifySnapshot mission: ' + JSON.stringify(mission));
    notifyNetDisconnect: function (deviceId, state) {
        console.log('notifyNetDisconnect deviceId: ' + JSON.stringify(deviceId));
        console.log('notifyNetDisconnect state: ' + JSON.stringify(state));
distributedMissionManager.registerMissionListener(missionDeviceInfo, missionCallback);