Video Recording Development

When to Use

Use the camera module APIs to capture video streams.

Available APIs

For details, see the available APIs described in development guidelines on photographing.

Limitations and Constraints


How to Develop

  1. Perform step 1 through step 4 described in development guidelines on photographing.

  2. Obtain the FrameConfig instance for audio recording.

    /* Obtain the surface from the recorder. */
    Surface *surface = recorder_->GetSurface(0);
    surface->SetWidthAndHeight(1920, 1080);
    surface->SetSize(1024 * 1024);
    /* Add the surface to the FrameConfig instance. */
    FrameConfig *fc = new FrameConfig(FRAME_CONFIG_RECORD);
  3. Start and stop video recording.

    stateCallback->camera_->TriggerLoopingCapture(*fc); // Start recording.
    stateCallback->camera_->StopLoopingCapture(); // Stop recording.