Widget Lifecycle Management

When creating an ArkTS widget, you need to implement the FormExtensionAbility lifecycle APIs.

  1. Import related modules to EntryFormAbility.ts.

    import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';
    import formBindingData from '@ohos.app.form.formBindingData';
    import FormExtensionAbility from '@ohos.app.form.FormExtensionAbility';
    import formProvider from '@ohos.app.form.formProvider';
  2. In EntryFormAbility.ts, implement the FormExtensionAbility lifecycle APIs, including onAddForm, whose want parameter can be used to obtain the widget information through FormParam.

    import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';
    import formBindingData from '@ohos.app.form.formBindingData';
    import FormExtensionAbility from '@ohos.app.form.FormExtensionAbility';
    import formProvider from '@ohos.app.form.formProvider';
    export default class EntryFormAbility extends FormExtensionAbility {
      onAddForm(want) {
        console.info('[EntryFormAbility] onAddForm');
        // Obtain the unique widget ID formId from the want parameter.
        let formId: string = want.parameters[formInfo.FormParam.IDENTITY_KEY];
        // Called when the widget is created. The widget provider should return the widget data binding class.
        let obj = {
          'title': 'titleOnAddForm',
          'detail': 'detailOnAddForm'
        let formData = formBindingData.createFormBindingData(obj);
        return formData;
      onCastToNormalForm(formId) {
        // Called when the form provider is notified that a temporary form is successfully
        // converted to a normal form.
        // Called when the widget host converts the temporary widget into a normal one. The widget provider should do something to respond to the conversion.
        console.info(`[EntryFormAbility] onCastToNormalForm, formId: ${formId}`);
      onUpdateForm(formId) {
        // Override this method to support scheduled updates, periodic updates, or updates requested by the widget host.
        console.info('[EntryFormAbility] onUpdateForm');
        let obj = {
          'title': 'titleOnUpdateForm',
          'detail': 'detailOnUpdateForm'
        let formData = formBindingData.createFormBindingData(obj);
        formProvider.updateForm(formId, formData).catch((err) => {
          if (err) {
            // Print errors.
            console.error(`[EntryFormAbility] Failed to updateForm. Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}`);
      onChangeFormVisibility(newStatus) {
        // Called when the form provider receives form events from the system.
        // The callback is performed only when formVisibleNotify is set to true and the application is a system application.
        console.info('[EntryFormAbility] onChangeFormVisibility');
      onFormEvent(formId, message) {
        // Called when a specified message event defined by the form provider is triggered.
        // If the widget supports event triggering, override this method and implement the trigger.
        console.info('[EntryFormAbility] onFormEvent');
      onRemoveForm(formId) {
        // Called to notify the form provider that a specified form has been destroyed.
        // Called when the corresponding widget is deleted. The input parameter is the ID of the deleted card.
        console.info('[EntryFormAbility] onRemoveForm');
      onConfigurationUpdate(config) {
        // Called when the system configuration is updated.
        console.info('[EntryFormAbility] configurationUpdate:' + JSON.stringify(config));
      onAcquireFormState(want) {
        // Called to return a {@link FormState} object.
        // Called when the widget provider receives the status query result of a widget. By default, the initial state of the widget is returned.
        return formInfo.FormState.READY;

NOTE The FormExtensionAbility cannot reside in the background. Therefore, continuous tasks cannot be processed in the widget lifecycle callbacks. The FormExtensionAbility persists for 5 seconds after the lifecycle callback is completed and will exit if no new lifecycle callback is invoked during this time frame. For the service logic that may take more than 5 seconds to complete, it is recommended that you start the application. After the processing is complete, use the updateForm to notify the widget of the update.