Packaging Tool

The packaging tool is a commissioning tool provided by OpenHarmony. It can generate HAP files in command line mode, pack multiple HAP files into an App Pack, or pack multiple HAP files and App Packs into an App Pack. App Pack is the application package format required for releasing an application on AppGallery.

The app_packing_tool.jar package can be found in the OpenHarmony SDK downloaded locally.

  • Packing folders into an HAP file

The command in the stage model is as follows:

java -jar app_packing_tool.jar --mode <option> --json-path <option> --resources-path <option> --ets-path <option> --index-path <option> --pack-info-path <option> --out-path <option> --force <option>

The command in the FA model is as follows:

java -jar app_packing_tool.jar --mode <option> --json-path <option> --maple-so-path <option>  --profile-path <option> --maple-so-dir <option> --dex-path <option> --lib-path <option> --resources-path <option> --index-path <option> --out-path <option> --force <option>

The table below describes the command parameters.

Name Mandatory Description
--mode Yes Packing mode. In this scenario, set this parameter to hap.
--json-path Yes Path of the .json file. The file name must be config.json in the FA model and module.json5 in the stage model.
--profile-path No Path of the CAPABILITY.profile file.
--maple-so-path No Path of the maple .so file. The file name extension must be .so. If there are multiple .so files, separate them with commas (,).
--maple-so-dir No Path of the maple .so directory.
--dex-path No Path of the .dex file. The file name extension must be .dex. If there are multiple .dex files, separate them with commas (,).
The value can also be the directory (folder) where the .dex file is stored.
--lib-path No Path of the library file.
--resources-path No Path of the resource file.
--index-path No Path of the .index file. The file name must be resources.index.
--pack-info-path No Path of the file. The file name must be
--rpcid-path No Path of the file. The file name must be
--js-path No Path of the .js file. This parameter is valid only for the stage model.
--ets-path No Path of the .ets file. This parameter is valid only for the stage model.
--out-path Yes Path of the target file. The file name extension must be .hap.
--force No The default value is false. If the value is true, an existing target file will be forcibly deleted during packing.
  • Packing multiple HAP files into an App Pack

The command is as follows:

java -jar app_packing_tool.jar --mode <option> --hap-path <option>  --out-path <option> --signature-path <option> --certificate-path <option>  --pack-info-path <option> --force <option>

The table below describes the command parameters.

Name Mandatory Description
--mode Yes Packing mode. In this scenario, set this parameter to app. Each HAP file to pack must have the same settings for versionCode and versionName.
--hap-path Yes Path of the HAP file. The file name extension must be .hap. If there are multiple HAP files, separate them with commas (,).
The value can also be the directory (folder) where the HAP file is stored.
--pack-info-path Yes The file name must be
--out-path Yes Path of the target file. The file name extension must be .app.
--signature-path No Signature path.
--certificate-path No Certificate path. For details, see Signature Guide.
--force No The default value is false. If the value is true, an existing target file will be forcibly deleted during packing.
  • Packing multiple HAP files and App Packs into an App Pack

The command is as follows:

java -jar app_packing_tool.jar --mode <option> --hap-list <option> --app-list <option> --out-path <option>

The table below describes the command parameters.

Name Mandatory Description
--mode Yes Packing mode. In this scenario, set this parameter to multiApp. Each HAP file to pack must meet the validity check rules.
--hap-list No Path of the HAP file. The file name extension must be .hap. If there are multiple HAP files, separate them with commas (,).
The value can also be the directory (folder) where the HAP file is stored.
--app-list No Path of the App Pack. The file name extension must be .app. If there are multiple App Packs, separate them with commas (,).
The value can also be the directory (folder) where the App Pack is stored.
You must specify either --hap-list or --app-list, or both.
--out-path Yes Path of the target file. The file name extension must be .app.
--force No The default value is false. If the value is true, an existing target file will be forcibly deleted during packing.

Rules for checking the validity of HAP files to be packed into an App Pack: