Creating a ServiceAbility

  1. Create a ServiceAbility.

    Override the ServiceAbility lifecycle callbacks to implement your own logic for processing interaction requests.

      import rpc from "@ohos.rpc"
      class FirstServiceAbilityStub extends rpc.RemoteObject {
        constructor(des: any) {
          if (typeof des === 'string') {
          } else {
      export default {
        onStart() {
'ServiceAbility onStart')
        onStop() {
'ServiceAbility onStop')
        onCommand(want, startId) {
'ServiceAbility onCommand')
        onConnect(want) {
'ServiceAbility onConnect' + want)
          return new FirstServiceAbilityStub('test')
        onDisconnect(want) {
'ServiceAbility onDisconnect' + want)
  2. Register the ServiceAbility.

    Declare the ServiceAbility in the config.json file by setting its type attribute to service. The visible attribute specifies whether the ServiceAbility can be called by other applications. The value true means that the ServiceAbility can be called by other applications, and false means that the ServiceAbility can be called only within the application. To enable the ServiceAbility to be called by other applications, set visible to true when registering the ServiceAbility and enable associated startup. For details about the startup rules, see Component Startup Rules.

           "module": {
             "abilities": [
                 "name": ".ServiceAbility",
                 "srcLanguage": "ets",
                 "srcPath": "ServiceAbility",
                 "icon": "$media:icon",
                 "description": "hap sample empty service",
                 "type": "service",
                 "visible": true