Updates (OpenHarmony 3.1 Beta -> OpenHarmony 3.1 Release)

Added Validity Verification for Color Values in Color.json

Validity verification is added for color values in the color.json file. The verification rules are as follows:

  • The hexadecimal color code is used in any of the following formats:
    • #rgb: red(0-f) green(0-f) blue(0-f)
    • #argb: transparency(0-f) red(0-f) green(0-f) blue(0-f)
    • #rrggbb: red(00-ff) green(00-ff) blue(00-ff)
    • #aarrggbb: transparency(00-ff) red(00-ff) green(00-ff) blue(00-ff)
  • The dollar sign ($) is used to reference resources defined in the application. The format is as follows:
    • $color:xxx

Change Impacts

If the verification rules are not met, an error is reported during compilation.

Key API/Component Changes


Restrictions on Declaring Multiple Data Types of State Variables

If a @State, @Provide, @Link, or @Consume decorated state variable supports multiple data types, they must be all simple data types or references at one time.


struct Index {
  // Incorrect: @State message: string | Resource = 'Hello World'
  @State message: string = 'Hello World'

  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
        Text(`${ this.message }`)

Change Impacts

When the defined state variable type contains both the simple data types and references, an error is reported during compilation.

Key API/Component Changes

If the defined state variable type contains both the simple data types and references, change the type to one of them, as shown in the preceding sample code.