LifecycleData Switching

API in the FA Model Corresponding d.ts File in the Stage Model Corresponding API in the Stage Model
update?(uri: string, valueBucket: rdb.ValuesBucket, predicates: dataAbility.DataAbilityPredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void; @ohos.application.DataShareExtensionAbility.d.ts update?(uri: string, predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates, valueBucket: ValuesBucket, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
query?(uri: string, columns: Array<string>, predicates: dataAbility.DataAbilityPredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<ResultSet>): void; @ohos.application.DataShareExtensionAbility.d.ts query?(uri: string, predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates, columns: Array<string>, callback: AsyncCallback<Object>): void;
delete?(uri: string, predicates: dataAbility.DataAbilityPredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void; @ohos.application.DataShareExtensionAbility.d.ts delete?(uri: string, predicates: dataSharePredicates.DataSharePredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
normalizeUri?(uri: string, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void; @ohos.application.DataShareExtensionAbility.d.ts normalizeUri?(uri: string, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
batchInsert?(uri: string, valueBuckets: Array<rdb.ValuesBucket>, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void; @ohos.application.DataShareExtensionAbility.d.ts batchInsert?(uri: string, valueBuckets: Array<ValuesBucket>, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
denormalizeUri?(uri: string, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void; @ohos.application.DataShareExtensionAbility.d.ts denormalizeUri?(uri: string, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
insert?(uri: string, valueBucket: rdb.ValuesBucket, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void; @ohos.application.DataShareExtensionAbility.d.ts insert?(uri: string, valueBucket: ValuesBucket, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
openFile?(uri: string, mode: string, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void; There is no corresponding API in the stage model. The stage model does not support cross-process URI access. You are advised to use the want parameter to carry the file descriptor and file information for cross-process file access.
getFileTypes?(uri: string, mimeTypeFilter: string, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<string>>): void; There is no corresponding API in the stage model. The stage model does not support cross-process URI access. You are advised to use the want parameter to carry the file descriptor and file information for cross-process file access.
onInitialized?(info: AbilityInfo): void; @ohos.application.DataShareExtensionAbility.d.ts onCreate?(want: Want, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
getType?(uri: string, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void; There is no corresponding API in the stage model. The stage model does not support cross-process URI access. You are advised to use the want parameter to carry the file descriptor and file information for cross-process file access.
executeBatch?(ops: Array<DataAbilityOperation>, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<DataAbilityResult>>): void; There is no corresponding API in the stage model. No corresponding API is provided.
call?(method: string, arg: string, extras: PacMap, callback: AsyncCallback<PacMap>): void; There is no corresponding API in the stage model. No corresponding API is provided.