When to Use
Use the camera module APIs to capture frames (photographing).
Available APIs
Table 1 APIs for photographing
Limitations and Constraints
How to Develop
Extend the CameraDeviceCallback class and call OnCameraStatus to customize operations when the camera device changes, for example, when a camera becomes available or unavailable.
class SampleCameraDeviceCallback : public CameraDeviceCallback { void OnCameraStatus(std::string cameraId, int32_t status) override { // Do something when camera is available or unavailable. } };
Extend the FrameStateCallback class. After obtaining the frame data, save the data as a file.
static void SampleSaveCapture(const char *p, uint32_t size) { cout << "Start saving picture" << endl; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); struct tm *ltm = localtime(&tv.tv_sec); if (ltm != nullptr) { ostringstream ss("Capture_"); ss << "Capture" << ltm->tm_hour << "-" << ltm->tm_min << "-" << ltm->tm_sec << ".jpg"; ofstream pic("/sdcard/" + ss.str(), ofstream::out | ofstream::trunc); cout << "write " << size << " bytes" << endl; pic.write(p, size); cout << "Saving picture end" << endl; } } class TestFrameStateCallback : public FrameStateCallback { void OnFrameFinished(Camera &camera, FrameConfig &fc, FrameResult &result) override { cout << "Receive frame complete inform." << endl; if (fc.GetFrameConfigType() == FRAME_CONFIG_CAPTURE) { cout << "Capture frame received." << endl; list<Surface *> surfaceList = fc.GetSurfaces(); for (Surface *surface : surfaceList) { SurfaceBuffer *buffer = surface->AcquireBuffer(); if (buffer != nullptr) { char *virtAddr = static_cast<char *>(buffer->GetVirAddr()); if (virtAddr != nullptr) { SampleSaveCapture(virtAddr, buffer->GetSize()); } surface->ReleaseBuffer(buffer); } delete surface; } delete &fc; } } };
Extend the CameraStateCallback class and customize operations when the camera state changes (configuration successful or failed, and creation successful or failed).
class SampleCameraStateMng : public CameraStateCallback { public: SampleCameraStateMng() = delete; SampleCameraStateMng(EventHandler &eventHdlr) : eventHdlr_(eventHdlr) {} ~SampleCameraStateMng() { if (recordFd_ != -1) { close(recordFd_); } } void OnCreated(Camera &c) override { cout << "Sample recv OnCreate camera." << endl; auto config = CameraConfig::CreateCameraConfig(); config->SetFrameStateCallback(&fsCb_, &eventHdlr_); c.Configure(*config); cam_ = &c; } void OnCreateFailed(const std::string cameraId, int32_t errorCode) override {} void OnReleased(Camera &c) override {} };
Create a CameraKit instance to set and obtain camera information.
CameraKit *camKit = CameraKit::GetInstance(); list<string> camList = camKit->GetCameraIds(); string camId; for (auto &cam : camList) { cout << "camera name:" << cam << endl; const CameraAbility *ability = camKit->GetCameraAbility(cam); /* Find the camera that fits your ability. */ list<CameraPicSize> sizeList = ability->GetSupportedSizes(0); if (find(sizeList.begin(), sizeList.end(), CAM_PIC_1080P) != sizeList.end()) { camId = cam; break; } }
Create a Camera instance.
EventHandler eventHdlr; // Create a thread to handle callback events. SampleCameraStateMng CamStateMng(eventHdlr); camKit->CreateCamera(camId, CamStateMng, eventHdlr);
Based on the callback design in steps 1 to 3, perform related operations until the OnCreated callback obtains cam_.
void OnCreated(Camera &c) override { cout << "Sample recv OnCreate camera." << endl; auto config = CameraConfig::CreateCameraConfig(); config->SetFrameStateCallback(&fsCb_, &eventHdlr_); c.Configure(*config); cam_ = &c; } void Capture() { if (cam_ == nullptr) { cout << "Camera is not ready." << endl; return; } FrameConfig *fc = new FrameConfig(FRAME_CONFIG_CAPTURE); Surface *surface = Surface::CreateSurface(); if (surface == nullptr) { delete fc; return; } surface->SetWidthAndHeight(1920, 1080); /* 1920:width,1080:height */ fc->AddSurface(*surface); cam_->TriggerSingleCapture(*fc); }