Gradient Color

Create a more gorgeous look for a component by applying a gradient color effect to it.


The APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.


Name Type Description
linearGradient {
angle?: number | string,
direction?: GradientDirection,
colors: Array<ColorStop>,
repeating?: boolean
Linear gradient.
- angle: start angle of the linear gradient. A positive value indicates a clockwise rotation from the origin, (0, 0).
Default value: 180
- direction: direction of the linear gradient. It does not take effect when angle is set.
Default value: GradientDirection.Bottom
- colors: colors of the linear gradient.
- repeating: whether the colors are repeated.
Default value: false
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
sweepGradient {
center: Point,
start?: number | string,
end?: number | string,
rotation?: number|string,
colors: Array<ColorStop>,
repeating?: boolean
Sweep gradient, which can sweep around the specified center point in the 0–360 degree range. If the rotation angle exceeds the range, a monochrome color instead of a gradient will be drawn.
- center: center point of the sweep gradient, that is, the coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the current component.
- start: start point of the sweep gradient.
Default value: 0
- end: end point of the sweep gradient.
Default value: 0
- rotation: rotation angle of the sweep gradient.
Default value: 0
- colors: colors of the sweep gradient.
- repeating: whether the colors are repeated.
Default value: false
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
A value less than 0 evaluates to the value 0. A value greater than 360 evaluates to the value 1.
When the data type of start, end, and rotation is string, the value "90" or "90%" is equivalent to 90.
radialGradient {
center: Point,
radius: number | string,
colors: Array<ColorStop>,
repeating?: boolean
Radial gradient.
- center: center point of the radial gradient, that is, the coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the current component.
- radius: radius of the radial gradient.
Value range: [0, +∞)
A value less than 0 evaluates to the value 0.
- colors: colors of the radial gradient.
- repeating: whether the colors are repeated.
Default value: false
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.


// xxx.ets
struct ColorGradientExample {
  build() {
    Column({ space: 5 }) {
          angle: 90,
          colors: [[0xff0000, 0.0], [0x0000ff, 0.3], [0xffff00, 1.0]]
      Text('linearGradient Repeat').fontSize(12).width('90%').fontColor(0xCCCCCC)
          direction: GradientDirection.Left, // Gradient direction.
          repeating: true, // Whether the gradient colors are repeated.
          colors: [[0xff0000, 0.0], [0x0000ff, 0.3], [0xffff00, 0.5]] // The gradient colors are repeated because the last color stop is less than 1.
    .padding({ top: 5 })


struct ColorGradientExample {
  build() {
    Column({ space: 5 }) {
          center: [50, 50],
          start: 0,
          end: 359,
          colors: [[0xff0000, 0.0], [0x0000ff, 0.3], [0xffff00, 1.0]]
      Text('sweepGradient Reapeat').fontSize(12).width('90%').fontColor(0xCCCCCC)
          center: [50, 50],
          start: 0,
          end: 359,
          rotation: 45, // Rotation angle.
          repeating: true, // Whether the gradient colors are repeated.
          colors: [[0xff0000, 0.0], [0x0000ff, 0.3], [0xffff00, 0.5]] // The gradient colors are repeated because the last color stop is less than 1.
    .padding({ top: 5 })


// xxx.ets
struct ColorGradientExample {
  build() {
    Column({ space: 5 }) {
          center: [50, 50],
          radius: 60,
          colors: [[0xff0000, 0.0], [0x0000ff, 0.3], [0xffff00, 1.0]]
      Text('radialGradient Repeat').fontSize(12).width('90%').fontColor(0xCCCCCC)
          center: [50, 50],
          radius: 60,
          repeating: true,
          colors: [[0xff0000, 0.0], [0x0000ff, 0.3], [0xffff00, 0.5]] // The gradient colors are repeated because the last color stop is less than 1.
    .padding({ top: 5 })
