
Configuration Rules

The Compilation and Building subsystem implements compilation and packaging by module, component, and product. A module is an target to build. It can be a dynamic library, static library, configuration file, or prebuilt module. A module must belong to a component and can belong to only one component. OpenHarmony uses customized GN templates to configure modules. For details about the GN basics, see

The common templates for module configuration are as follows:

# C/C++ templates

# Prebuilt templates

# HAP templates

# Other templates
# Configuration file

# SA profile

You are recommended to use the OpenHarmony customized templates.

C/C++ Template Example

The .gni file corresponding to the templates starting with ohos is located in openharmony/build/templates/cxx/cxx.gni.

ohos_shared_library example:

ohos_shared_library("helloworld") {
  sources = ["file"]
  include_dirs = []             # If there are duplicate header files, the header files defined earlier take effect.
  cflags = []                   # If there are duplicate or conflict settings, the settings in cflags take effect.
  cflags_c = []
  cflags_cc = []
  ldflags = []                  # If there are duplicate or conflict definitions, the settings in ohos_template take effect.
  configs = []
  deps = []                     # Define dependent modules that belong to the same component.

  external_deps = [             # Define dependent modules that belong to different components.
  "part_name:module_name",      # The value is in the Component_name:Module_name format.
  ]                             # The dependent modules must be declared in inner_kits by the dependent component.

  output_name = [string]        # Name of the module output.
  output_extension = []         # Extension name of the module.
  module_install_dir = []       # Module installation directory. The default directory is /system/lib64 or /system/lib. Specify the directory from system/ or vendor/.
  relative_install_dir = []     # Relative module installation directory (relative to /system/lib64 or /system/lib). If module_install_dir is configured, the parameter does not take effect.

  part_name = [string]          # (Mandatory) Component name.
  # Sanitizer variables
  cfi = [boolean]
  scs = [boolean]
  scudo = []
  ubsan = []
  boundary_sanitize = []
  integer_overflow_sanitize = []
  testonly = [boolean]
  license_as_sources = []
  license_file = []             # A .txt file.
  remove_configs = []
  no_default_deps = []
  install_images = []
  install_enable = [boolean]
  symlink_target_name = []
  version_script = []
  use_exceptions = []

ohos_static_library example:

ohos_static_library("helloworld") {
  sources = ["file"]            # Source code in .c format.
  include_dirs = ["dir"]        # Directories to be included.
  configs = []                  # Configuration.
  deps = []                     # Define dependent modules that belong to the same component.
  part_name = [string]          # Component name.
  subsystem_name = [string]     # Subsystem name.
  cflags = []

  external_deps = [             # Define dependent modules that belong to different components.
  "part_name:module_name",      # The value is in the Component_name:Module_name format.
  ]                             # The dependent modules must be declared in inner_kits by the dependent component.

  lib_dirs = []
  public_configs = []
  # Sanitizer variables
  cfi = [boolean]
  scs = [boolean]
  scudo = []
  ubsan = []
  boundary_sanitize = []
  integer_overflow_sanitize = []
  remove_configs = []
  no_default_deps = []
  license_file = []             # A .txt file.
  license_as_sources = []
  use_exceptions = []

ohos_executable example:

ohos_executable("helloworld") {
  configs = []                       # Configuration. 
  part_name = [string]               # Component name.
  subsystem_name = [string]          # Subsystem name.
  deps = []                          # Define dependent modules that belong to the same component.

  external_deps = [                  # Define dependent modules that belong to different components.
  "part_name:module_name",           # The value is in the Component_name:Module_name format.
  ]                                  # The dependent modules must be declared in inner_kits by the dependent component.
  ohos_test = []
  test_output_dir = []
  # Sanitizer variables
  cfi = [boolean]
  scs = [boolean]
  scudo = []
  ubsan = []
  boundary_sanitize = []
  integer_overflow_sanitize = []
  testonly = [boolean]
  license_as_sources = []
  license_file = []                  # A .txt file.
  remove_configs = []
  static_link = []
  install_images = []
  module_install_dir = []            # Module installation directory, starting from system/ or vendor/.
  relative_install_dir = []
  symlink_target_name = []
  output_dir = [directory]           # Directory in which output files are located.
  install_enable = [boolean]
  version_script = []
  use_exceptions = []

ohos_source_set example:

ohos_source_set("helloworld") {
  sources = ["file"]           # Source code in .c format.
  include_dirs = []            # Directories to be included.
  configs = []                 # Configuration.
  public = []                  # Header files.
  defines = []
  public_configs = []
  part_name = [string]         # Component name.
  subsystem_name = [string]    # Subsystem name.
  deps = []  # Define dependent modules that belong to the same component.

  external_deps = [            # Define dependent modules that belong to different components.
  "part_name:module_name",     # The value is in the Component_name:Module_name format.
  ]                            # The dependent modules must be declared in inner_kits by the dependent component.
  # Sanitizer variables
  cfi = [boolean]
  scs = [boolean]
  scudo = []
  ubsan = []
  boundary_sanitize = []
  integer_overflow_sanitize = []
  testonly = [boolean]
  license_as_sources = []
  license_file = []
  remove_configs = []
  no_default_deps = []
  license_file = []              # A .txt file.
  license_as_sources = []
  use_exceptions = []

icon-note.gif NOTE
Only sources and part_name are mandatory.

Prebuilt Template Example

The .gni file of the prebuilt templates is located in openharmony/build/templates/cxx/prebuilt.gni.

ohos_prebuilt_executable example:

ohos_prebuilt_executable("helloworld") {
  sources = ["file"]                      # Source.
  output = []
  install_enable = [boolean]         

  deps = []                               # Define dependent modules that belong to the same component.
  public_configs = []
  subsystem_name = [string]               # Subsystem name.
  part_name = [string]                    # Component name.

  testonly = [boolean]
  visibility = []

  install_images = []
  module_install_dir = []                 # Module installation directory, starting from system/ or vendor/.
  relative_install_dir = []               # Relative module installation directory (relative to system/etc). If module_install_dir is configured, the parameter does not take effect.
  symlink_target_name = []

  license_file = []                       # A .txt file.
  license_as_sources = []

ohos_prebuilt_shared_library example:

ohos_prebuilt_shared_library("helloworld") {
  sources = ["file"]                      # .so files.
  output = []
  install_enable = [boolean]

  deps = []                               # Define dependent modules that belong to the same component.
  public_configs = []
  subsystem_name = [string]               # Subsystem name.
  part_name = [string]                    # Component name.

  testonly = [boolean]
  visibility = []

  install_images = []
  module_install_dir = []                 # Module installation directory, starting from system/ or vendor/.
  relative_install_dir = []               # Relative module installation directory (relative to system/etc). If module_install_dir is configured, the parameter does not take effect.
  symlink_target_name = [string]

  license_file = [string]                 # A .txt file.
  license_as_sources = []

ohos_prebuilt_static_library example:

ohos_prebuilt_static_library("helloworld") {
  sources = ["file"]              # .so files.
  output = []

  deps = []                       # Define dependent modules that belong to the same component.
  public_configs = []
  subsystem_name = [string]       # Subsystem name.
  part_name = [string]            # Component name.

  testonly = [boolean]
  visibility = []

  license_file = [string]         # A .txt file.
  license_as_sources = []

icon-note.gif NOTE
Only sources and part_name are mandatory.

HAP Templates

See HAP Build Guide.

Other Templates

ohos_prebuilt_etc example:

ohos_prebuilt_etc("helloworld") {
  # The most common attributes of the ohos_prebuilt_etc template.
  sources = ["file"]
  module_install_dir = []                  # Module installation directory, starting from system/ or vendor/.
  subsystem_name = [string]                # Subsystem name.
  part_name = [string]                     # (Mandatory) Component name.
  install_images = []
  relative_install_dir = []                # Relative module installation directory (relative to system/etc). If module_install_dir is configured, the parameter does not take effect.
  # Uncommon attributes of the ohos_prebuilt_etc template:
  deps = []                                # Define dependent modules that belong to the same component.
  testonly = [boolean]
  visibility = []
  public_configs = []
  symlink_target_name = [string]
  license_file = [string]
  license_as_sources = []

ohos_sa_profile example:

ohos_sa_profile("helloworld") {
  sources = [".xml"]                   # .xml file.
  part_name = [string]                 # Component name.
  subsystem_name = [string]            # Subsystem name.

icon-note.gif NOTE: Only sources and part_name are mandatory.

Adding and Building a Module

The figure below illustrates the process for adding a module. A module belongs to a component, which belongs to a subsystem. Please note that the chipset solution, as a special component, does not have a subsystem. You may need to:

  • Add a module to an existing component.

  • Add a module to a new component.

  • Add a module to a new subsystem.

Adding a Module to an Existing Component

  1. Configure the file in the module directory and select the GN template.

  2. Modify the bundle.json file.

       "name": "@ohos/<component_name>,                          # HPM component name, in the "@Organization/Component_name" format.
       "description": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",                     # Description of the component functions.
       "version": "3.1",                                         # Version, which must be the same as the version of OpenHarmony.
       "license": "MIT",                                         # Component license.
       "publishAs": "code-segment",                              # HPM package release mode. The default value is code-segment.
       "segment": {
           "destPath": "third_party/nghttp2"
       },                                                        # Code restoration path (source code path) set when publishAs is code-segment.
       "dirs": {},                                               # Directory structure of the HPM package. This field is mandatory and can be left empty.
       "scripts": {},                                            # Scripts to be executed. This field is mandatory and can be left empty.
       "licensePath": "COPYING",
       "readmePath": {
           "en": "README.rst"
       "component": {                                            # Component attributes.
           "name": "<component_name>",                           # Component name.
           "subsystem": "",                                      # Subsystem to which the component belongs.
           "syscap": [],                                         # System capabilities provided by the component for applications.
           "features": [],                                       # List of configurable features of the component. Generally, this parameter corresponds to sub_component in build.
           "adapted_system_type": [],                            # Types of adapted systems. The value can be mini, small, standard, or their combinations.
           "rom": "xxxKB"                                        # ROM baseline. If there is no baseline, enter the current value.
           "ram": "xxxKB",                                       # RAM baseline. If there is no baseline, enter the current value.
           "deps": {
               "components": [                                   # Other components on which this component depends.
               "third_party": [                                  # Third-party open-source software on which this component depends.
           "build": {                                            # Build-related configuration.
               "sub_component": [
                   "//foundation/arkui/napi:napi_packages",      # Existing module 1.
                   "//foundation/arkui/napi:napi_packages_ndk"   # Existing module 2.
                   "//foundation/arkui/napi:new"                 # Module to add.
               ],                                                # Component build entry. Configure the module here.
               "inner_kits": [],                                 # APIs between components.
               "test": []                                        # Entry for building the component's test cases.

    icon-note.gif NOTE
    The bundle.json file must be in the folder of the corresponding subsystem.

  3. Start the build and check whether a .so file or binary file is generated.

Creating a Component and Adding a Module

  1. Configure the file in the module directory and select the corresponding GN template. Note that part_name in the file is the name of the component to add.

  2. Create a bundle.json file in the folder of the corresponding subsystem.

  3. Add the new component to the end of existing components in vendor/{product_company}/{product_name}/config.json.

     "subsystems": [
            "subsystem": "Subsystem to which the component belongs",
            "components": [
              {"component": "Component 1 name", "features":[]},         # Existing component 1 in the subsystem
              { "component": "Component 2 name", "features":[] },       # Existing component 2 in the subsystem
              {"component": "New component name", "features":[]}        # New component in the subsystem
  4. Start the build and check whether a .so file or binary file is generated.

Creating a Subsystem and Adding a Module

  1. Configure the file in the module directory and select the corresponding GN template. This step is the same as Step 1 in "Creating a Component and Adding a Module."

  2. Create a bundle.json file in the folder of the component of the subsystem. This step is the same as Step 2 in "Creating a Component and Adding a Module."

  3. Modify the subsystem_config.json file in the build directory.

     "Subsystem 1 name": {                     # Existing subsystem 1
       "path": "Subsystem 1 directory",
       "name": "Subsystem 1 name"
      "Subsystem 2 name": {                    # Existing subsystem 2
       "path": "Subsystem 2 directory",
       "name": "Subsystem 2 name"
     "Subsystem name new": {                   # Subsystem to add
       "path": "New subsystem directory",
       "name": "New subsystem name"

    The subsystem_config.json file defines the subsystems and their directories. When adding a subsystem, specify path and name for the subsystem.

  4. If product_name in the vendor/{product_company}/{product_name} directory is hispark_taurus_standard, add the new component information to the end of existing components in the config.json file.

    "subsystems": [
        "subsystem": "arkui",                      # Name of the existing subsystem
        "components": [                            # All components of the subsystem
            "component": "ace_engine_standard",    # Name of the existing component
            "features": []
            "component": "napi",                   # Name of the existing component
            "features": []
            "component": "component_new1",         # Name of the new component to add
            "features": []
        "subsystem": "subsystem_new",              # Name of the new subsystem to add
        "components": [
            "component": "component_new2",         # Name of the component to be added to the new subsystem
            "features": []
  5. Start the build and check whether a .so file or binary file is generated.

Building a Module

You can start the build by using the CLI or hb tool. The following uses the CLI as an example:

You can run the --build-target Module_name command to build a module separately.

./ --build-target Module_name

You can also build a product. For example, to build hispark_taurus_standard, run the following command:

./ --product-name hispark_taurus_standard --build-target Module_name --ccache

You can also build the component to which the module belongs.

./ --product-name hispark_taurus_standard --build-target musl --build-target Module_name --ccache