
The <ListItemGroup> component is used to display list item groups. It must be used with the <List> component and, if not otherwise specified, takes up the entire width of the <List>.


This component is supported since API version 9. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Usage Guidelines

If the listDirection attribute of the parent <List> component is set to Axis.Vertical, the height attribute of the <ListItemGroup> component cannot be set. The height of a <ListItemGroup> component is the sum of its header height, footer height, and total height of the list items. If the listDirection attribute of the parent <List> component is set to Axis.Horizontal, the width attribute of the <ListItemGroup> component cannot be set. The width of a <ListItemGroup> component is the sum of its header width, footer width, and total width of the list items.

The list items in the <ListItemGroup> component cannot be edited, selected, or dragged. That is, the editable and selectable attributes of these list items do not take effect.

Child Components

This component supports the <ListItem> child component.


ListItemGroup(options?: {header?: CustomBuilder, footer?: CustomBuilder, space?: number | string})


Name Type Mandatory Description
header CustomBuilder No Header of the <ListItemGroup> component.
footer CustomBuilder No Footer of the <ListItemGroup> component.
space number | string No Spacing between list items. This parameter is valid only between list items, but not between a header and list item or between a footer and list item.


Name Type Description
divider {
strokeWidth: Length,
color?: ResourceColor,
startMargin?: Length,
endMargin?: Length
} | null
Style of the divider for the list items. By default, there is no divider.
- strokeWidth: stroke width of the divider.
- color: color of the divider.
- startMargin: distance between the divider and the start of the list.
- endMargin: distance between the divider and the end of the list.


The <ListItemGroup> component does not support the universal attribute aspectRatio.

If the main axis of <ListItemGroup> runs in the vertical direction, the height setting does not take effect.

If the main axis of <ListItemGroup> runs in the horizontal direction, the width setting does not take effect.


// xxx.ets
struct ListItemGroupExample {
  private timetable: any = [
      title: 'Monday',
      projects: ['Language', 'Math', 'English']
      title: 'Tuesday',
      projects: ['Physics', 'Chemistry', 'Biologics']
      title: 'Wednesday',
      projects: ['History', 'Geography', 'Politics']
      title: 'Thursday',
      projects: ['Art', 'Music', 'Sports']

  @Builder itemHead(text:string) {

  @Builder itemFoot(num:number) {
    Text(''Total lessons:'+ num")

  build() {
    Column() {
      List({ space: 20 }) {
        ForEach(this.timetable, (item) => {
          ListItemGroup({ header:this.itemHead(item.title), footer:this.itemFoot(item.projects.length) }) {
            ForEach(item.projects, (project) => {
              ListItem() {
            }, item => item)
          .divider ({ strokeWidth: 1,color:Color.Blue }) // Divider between lines
    }.width('100%').height('100%').backgroundColor(0xDCDCDC).padding({ top: 5 })
