@ohos.util.TreeMap (Nonlinear Container TreeMap)

TreeMap stores key-value (KV) pairs. Each key must be unique and have only one value.

TreeMap is implemented using a red-black tree, which is a binary search tree where keys are stored in sorted order for efficient insertion and removal.

HashMap is faster in accessing data than TreeMap, because the former accesses data based on the hash code of the key, whereas the latter stores and accesses the keys in sorted order.

Recommended use case: Use TreeMap when you need to store KV pairs in sorted order.

This topic uses the following to identify the use of generics:

  • K: Key

  • V: Value


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import TreeMap from '@ohos.util.TreeMap';  



System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang

Name Type Readable Writable Description
length number Yes No Number of elements in a tree map (called container later).


constructor(comparator?:(firstValue: K, secondValue: K) => boolean)

A constructor used to create a TreeMap instance.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang


Name Type Mandatory Description
comparator function No Custom comparator.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200012 The TreeMap's constructor cannot be directly invoked.


let treeMap = new TreeMap();


isEmpty(): boolean

Checks whether this container is empty (contains no element).

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the container is empty; returns false otherwise.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200011 The isEmpty method cannot be bound.


const treeMap = new TreeMap();
let result = treeMap.isEmpty();


hasKey(key: K): boolean

Checks whether this container has the specified key.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang


Name Type Mandatory Description
key K Yes Target key.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the specified key is contained; returns false otherwise.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200011 The hasKey method cannot be bound.


let treeMap = new TreeMap();
treeMap.set("squirrel", 123);
let result = treeMap.hasKey("squirrel");


hasValue(value: V): boolean

Checks whether this container has the specified value.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang


Name Type Mandatory Description
value V Yes Target value.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the specified value is contained; returns false otherwise.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200011 The hasValue method cannot be bound.


let treeMap = new TreeMap();
treeMap.set("squirrel", 123);
let result = treeMap.hasValue(123);


get(key: K): V

Obtains the value of the specified key in this container.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang


Name Type Mandatory Description
key K Yes Target key.

Return value

Type Description
V Value of the key.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200011 The get method cannot be bound.


let treeMap = new TreeMap();
treeMap.set("squirrel", 123);
treeMap.set("sparrow", 356);
let result = treeMap.get("sparrow");


getFirstKey(): K

Obtains the first key in this container.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang

Return value

Type Description
K Key obtained.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200011 The getFirstKey method cannot be bound.


let treeMap = new TreeMap();
treeMap.set("squirrel", 123);
treeMap.set("sparrow", 356);
let result = treeMap.getFirstKey();


getLastKey(): K

Obtains the last key in this container.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang

Return value

Type Description
K Key obtained.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200011 The getLastKey method cannot be bound.


let treeMap = new TreeMap();
treeMap.set("squirrel", 123);
treeMap.set("sparrow", 356);
let result = treeMap.getLastKey();


setAll(map: TreeMap<K, V>): void

Adds all elements in a TreeMap instance to this container.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang


Name Type Mandatory Description
map TreeMap<K, V> Yes TreeMap object to be added to the container.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200011 The setAll method cannot be bound.


let treeMap = new TreeMap();
treeMap.set("squirrel", 123);
treeMap.set("sparrow", 356);
let map = new TreeMap();
map.set("demo", 12);
map.setAll(treeMap); // Add all elements in the treeMap to the map.
map.forEach((value, key) => {
  console.log("value" + value, "key" + key); // Print result: 12 demo, 356 sparrow, and 123 squirrel


set(key: K, value: V): Object

Adds an element to this container.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang


Name Type Mandatory Description
key K Yes Key of the target element.
value V Yes Value of the target element.

Return value

Type Description
Object Container that contains the new element.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200011 The set method cannot be bound.


let treeMap = new TreeMap();
treeMap.set("squirrel", 123);


remove(key: K): V

Removes the element with the specified key from this container.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang


Name Type Mandatory Description
key K Yes Target key.

Return value

Type Description
V Value of the element removed.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200011 The remove method cannot be bound.


let treeMap = new TreeMap();
treeMap.set("squirrel", 123);
treeMap.set("sparrow", 356);
let result = treeMap.remove("sparrow");


getLowerKey(key: K): K

Obtains the key that is placed in front of the input key in this container.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang


Name Type Mandatory Description
key K Yes Input key.

Return value

Type Description
K Key obtained.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200011 The getLowerKey method cannot be bound.


let treeMap = new TreeMap();
treeMap.set("squirrel", 123);
treeMap.set("sparrow", 356);
treeMap.set("gander", 356);
let result = treeMap.getLowerKey("sparrow");


getHigherKey(key: K): K

Obtains the key that is placed next to the input key in this container.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang


Name Type Mandatory Description
key K Yes Input key.

Return value

Type Description
K Key obtained.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200011 The getHigherKey method cannot be bound.


let treeMap = new TreeMap();
treeMap.set("squirrel", 123);
treeMap.set("sparrow", 356);
treeMap.set("gander", 356);
let result = treeMap.getHigherKey("sparrow");


replace(key: K, newValue: V): boolean

Replaces an element in this container.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang


Name Type Mandatory Description
key K Yes Key of the target element.
newValue V Yes New value of the element.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the element is replaced successfully; returns false otherwise.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200011 The replace method cannot be bound.


let treeMap = new TreeMap();
treeMap.set("sparrow", 123);
let result = treeMap.replace("sparrow", 357);


clear(): void

Clears this container and sets its length to 0.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200011 The clear method cannot be bound.


let treeMap = new TreeMap();
treeMap.set("squirrel", 123);
treeMap.set("sparrow", 356);


keys(): IterableIterator<K>

Obtains an iterator that contains all the keys in this container.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang

Return value

Type Description
IterableIterator<K> Iterator obtained.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200011 The keys method cannot be bound.


let treeMap = new TreeMap();
treeMap.set("squirrel", 123);
treeMap.set("sparrow", 356);
let iter = treeMap.keys();
let temp = iter.next().value;
while(temp != undefined) {
  console.log("value:" + temp);
  temp = iter.next().value;


values(): IterableIterator<V>

Obtains an iterator that contains all the values in this container.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang

Return value

Type Description
IterableIterator<V> Iterator obtained.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200011 The values method cannot be bound.


let treeMap = new TreeMap();
treeMap.set("squirrel", 123);
treeMap.set("sparrow", 356);
let iter = treeMap.values();
let temp = iter.next().value;
while(temp != undefined) {
  console.log("value:" + temp);
  temp = iter.next().value;


forEach(callbackFn: (value?: V, key?: K, map?: TreeMap<K, V>) => void, thisArg?: Object): void

Uses a callback to traverse the elements in this container and obtain their position indexes.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang


Name Type Mandatory Description
callbackFn function Yes Callback invoked to traverse the elements in the container.
thisArg Object No Value of this to use when callbackFn is invoked.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value V No Value of the element that is currently traversed.
key K No Key of the element that is currently traversed.
map TreeMap<K, V> No Instance that invokes the forEach method.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200011 The forEach method cannot be bound.


let treeMap = new TreeMap();
treeMap.set("sparrow", 123);
treeMap.set("gull", 357);
treeMap.forEach((value, key) => {
    console.log("value:" + value, "key:" + key);


entries(): IterableIterator<[K, V]>

Obtains an iterator that contains all the elements in this container.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang

Return value

Type Description
IterableIterator<[K, V]> Iterator obtained.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200011 The entries method cannot be bound.


let treeMap = new TreeMap();
treeMap.set("squirrel", 123);
treeMap.set("sparrow", 356);
let iter = treeMap.entries();
let temp = iter.next().value;
while(temp != undefined) {
  console.log("key:" + temp[0]);
  console.log("value:" + temp[1]);
  temp = iter.next().value;


[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[K, V]>

Obtains an iterator, each item of which is a JavaScript object.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang

Return value

Type Description
IterableIterator<[K, V]> Iterator obtained.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200011 The Symbol.iterator method cannot be bound.


let treeMap = new TreeMap();
treeMap.set("squirrel", 123);
treeMap.set("sparrow", 356);

// Method 1:
for (let item of treeMap) { 
  console.log("key:" + item[0]);
  console.log("value:" + item[1]);

// Method 2:
let iter = treeMap[Symbol.iterator]();
let temp = iter.next().value;
while(temp != undefined) {
  console.log("key:" + temp[0]);
  console.log("value:" + temp[1]);
  temp = iter.next().value;