Change Type Old Version New Version d.ts File
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function getState(): BluetoothState;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function getBtConnectionState(): ProfileConnectionState;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function pairDevice(deviceId: string): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function cancelPairedDevice(deviceId: string): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function getRemoteDeviceName(deviceId: string): string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function getRemoteDeviceClass(deviceId: string): DeviceClass;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function enableBluetooth(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function disableBluetooth(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function getLocalName(): string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function getPairedDevices(): Array<string>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function getProfileConnectionState(profileId: ProfileId): ProfileConnectionState;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function setDevicePairingConfirmation(device: string, accept: boolean): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function setLocalName(name: string): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function setBluetoothScanMode(mode: ScanMode, duration: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function getBluetoothScanMode(): ScanMode;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function startBluetoothDiscovery(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function stopBluetoothDiscovery(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "bluetoothDeviceFind", callback: Callback<Array<string>>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "bluetoothDeviceFind", callback?: Callback<Array<string>>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "bondStateChange", callback: Callback<BondStateParam>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "bondStateChange", callback?: Callback<BondStateParam>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "pinRequired", callback: Callback<PinRequiredParam>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "pinRequired", callback?: Callback<PinRequiredParam>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "stateChange", callback: Callback<BluetoothState>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "stateChange", callback?: Callback<BluetoothState>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function sppListen(name: string, option: SppOption, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function sppAccept(serverSocket: number, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function sppConnect(device: string, option: SppOption, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function sppCloseServerSocket(socket: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function sppCloseClientSocket(socket: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function sppWrite(clientSocket: number, data: ArrayBuffer): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "sppRead", clientSocket: number, callback: Callback<ArrayBuffer>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "sppRead", clientSocket: number, callback?: Callback<ArrayBuffer>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: bluetoothManager
Method or attribute name: function getProfileInstance(profileId: ProfileId): A2dpSourceProfile | HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile | HidHostProfile | PanProfile;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BaseProfile
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BaseProfile
Method or attribute name: getConnectionDevices(): Array<string>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BaseProfile
Method or attribute name: getDeviceState(device: string): ProfileConnectionState;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: connect(device: string): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: disconnect(device: string): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: on(type: "connectionStateChange", callback: Callback<StateChangeParam>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: off(type: "connectionStateChange", callback?: Callback<StateChangeParam>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: getPlayingState(device: string): PlayingState;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Method or attribute name: connect(device: string): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Method or attribute name: disconnect(device: string): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Method or attribute name: on(type: "connectionStateChange", callback: Callback<StateChangeParam>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Method or attribute name: off(type: "connectionStateChange", callback?: Callback<StateChangeParam>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: HidHostProfile
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: HidHostProfile
Method or attribute name: connect(device: string): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: HidHostProfile
Method or attribute name: disconnect(device: string): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: HidHostProfile
Method or attribute name: on(type: "connectionStateChange", callback: Callback<StateChangeParam>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: HidHostProfile
Method or attribute name: off(type: "connectionStateChange", callback?: Callback<StateChangeParam>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PanProfile
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PanProfile
Method or attribute name: disconnect(device: string): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PanProfile
Method or attribute name: on(type: "connectionStateChange", callback: Callback<StateChangeParam>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PanProfile
Method or attribute name: off(type: "connectionStateChange", callback?: Callback<StateChangeParam>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PanProfile
Method or attribute name: setTethering(enable: boolean): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PanProfile
Method or attribute name: isTetheringOn(): boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLE
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function createGattServer(): GattServer;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function createGattClientDevice(deviceId: string): GattClientDevice;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function getConnectedBLEDevices(): Array<string>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function startBLEScan(filters: Array<ScanFilter>, options?: ScanOptions): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function stopBLEScan(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "BLEDeviceFind", callback: Callback<Array<ScanResult>>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "BLEDeviceFind", callback?: Callback<Array<ScanResult>>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattServer
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: startAdvertising(setting: AdvertiseSetting, advData: AdvertiseData, advResponse?: AdvertiseData): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: stopAdvertising(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: addService(service: GattService): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: removeService(serviceUuid: string): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: close(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: notifyCharacteristicChanged(deviceId: string, notifyCharacteristic: NotifyCharacteristic): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: sendResponse(serverResponse: ServerResponse): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: on(type: "characteristicRead", callback: Callback<CharacteristicReadRequest>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: off(type: "characteristicRead", callback?: Callback<CharacteristicReadRequest>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: on(type: "characteristicWrite", callback: Callback<CharacteristicWriteRequest>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: off(type: "characteristicWrite", callback?: Callback<CharacteristicWriteRequest>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: on(type: "descriptorRead", callback: Callback<DescriptorReadRequest>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: off(type: "descriptorRead", callback?: Callback<DescriptorReadRequest>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: on(type: "descriptorWrite", callback: Callback<DescriptorWriteRequest>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: off(type: "descriptorWrite", callback?: Callback<DescriptorWriteRequest>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: on(type: "connectStateChange", callback: Callback<BLEConnectChangedState>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: off(type: "connectStateChange", callback?: Callback<BLEConnectChangedState>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: connect(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: disconnect(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: close(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: getDeviceName(callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: getDeviceName(): Promise<string>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: getServices(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<GattService>>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: getServices(): Promise<Array<GattService>>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: readCharacteristicValue(characteristic: BLECharacteristic, callback: AsyncCallback<BLECharacteristic>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: readCharacteristicValue(characteristic: BLECharacteristic): Promise<BLECharacteristic>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: readDescriptorValue(descriptor: BLEDescriptor, callback: AsyncCallback<BLEDescriptor>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: readDescriptorValue(descriptor: BLEDescriptor): Promise<BLEDescriptor>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: writeCharacteristicValue(characteristic: BLECharacteristic): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: writeDescriptorValue(descriptor: BLEDescriptor): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: getRssiValue(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: getRssiValue(): Promise<number>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: setBLEMtuSize(mtu: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: setNotifyCharacteristicChanged(characteristic: BLECharacteristic, enable: boolean): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: on(type: "BLECharacteristicChange", callback: Callback<BLECharacteristic>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: off(type: "BLECharacteristicChange", callback?: Callback<BLECharacteristic>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: on(type: "BLEConnectionStateChange", callback: Callback<BLEConnectChangedState>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: off(type: "BLEConnectionStateChange", callback?: Callback<BLEConnectChangedState>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattService
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattService
Method or attribute name: serviceUuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattService
Method or attribute name: isPrimary: boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattService
Method or attribute name: characteristics: Array<BLECharacteristic>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: GattService
Method or attribute name: includeServices?: Array<GattService>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLECharacteristic
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLECharacteristic
Method or attribute name: serviceUuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLECharacteristic
Method or attribute name: characteristicUuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLECharacteristic
Method or attribute name: characteristicValue: ArrayBuffer;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLECharacteristic
Method or attribute name: descriptors: Array<BLEDescriptor>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLEDescriptor
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLEDescriptor
Method or attribute name: serviceUuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLEDescriptor
Method or attribute name: characteristicUuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLEDescriptor
Method or attribute name: descriptorUuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLEDescriptor
Method or attribute name: descriptorValue: ArrayBuffer;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: NotifyCharacteristic
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: NotifyCharacteristic
Method or attribute name: serviceUuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: NotifyCharacteristic
Method or attribute name: characteristicUuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: NotifyCharacteristic
Method or attribute name: characteristicValue: ArrayBuffer;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: NotifyCharacteristic
Method or attribute name: confirm: boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: CharacteristicReadRequest
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: CharacteristicReadRequest
Method or attribute name: deviceId: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: CharacteristicReadRequest
Method or attribute name: transId: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: CharacteristicReadRequest
Method or attribute name: offset: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: CharacteristicReadRequest
Method or attribute name: characteristicUuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: CharacteristicReadRequest
Method or attribute name: serviceUuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: CharacteristicWriteRequest
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: CharacteristicWriteRequest
Method or attribute name: deviceId: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: CharacteristicWriteRequest
Method or attribute name: transId: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: CharacteristicWriteRequest
Method or attribute name: offset: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: CharacteristicWriteRequest
Method or attribute name: isPrep: boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: CharacteristicWriteRequest
Method or attribute name: needRsp: boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: CharacteristicWriteRequest
Method or attribute name: value: ArrayBuffer;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: CharacteristicWriteRequest
Method or attribute name: characteristicUuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: CharacteristicWriteRequest
Method or attribute name: serviceUuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DescriptorReadRequest
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DescriptorReadRequest
Method or attribute name: deviceId: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DescriptorReadRequest
Method or attribute name: transId: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DescriptorReadRequest
Method or attribute name: offset: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DescriptorReadRequest
Method or attribute name: descriptorUuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DescriptorReadRequest
Method or attribute name: characteristicUuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DescriptorReadRequest
Method or attribute name: serviceUuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DescriptorWriteRequest
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DescriptorWriteRequest
Method or attribute name: deviceId: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DescriptorWriteRequest
Method or attribute name: transId: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DescriptorWriteRequest
Method or attribute name: offset: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DescriptorWriteRequest
Method or attribute name: isPrep: boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DescriptorWriteRequest
Method or attribute name: needRsp: boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DescriptorWriteRequest
Method or attribute name: value: ArrayBuffer;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DescriptorWriteRequest
Method or attribute name: descriptorUuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DescriptorWriteRequest
Method or attribute name: characteristicUuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DescriptorWriteRequest
Method or attribute name: serviceUuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ServerResponse
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ServerResponse
Method or attribute name: deviceId: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ServerResponse
Method or attribute name: transId: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ServerResponse
Method or attribute name: status: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ServerResponse
Method or attribute name: offset: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ServerResponse
Method or attribute name: value: ArrayBuffer;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLEConnectChangedState
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLEConnectChangedState
Method or attribute name: deviceId: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BLEConnectChangedState
Method or attribute name: state: ProfileConnectionState;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanResult
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanResult
Method or attribute name: deviceId: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanResult
Method or attribute name: rssi: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanResult
Method or attribute name: data: ArrayBuffer;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: AdvertiseSetting
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: AdvertiseSetting
Method or attribute name: interval?: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: AdvertiseSetting
Method or attribute name: txPower?: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: AdvertiseSetting
Method or attribute name: connectable?: boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: AdvertiseData
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: AdvertiseData
Method or attribute name: serviceUuids: Array<string>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: AdvertiseData
Method or attribute name: manufactureData: Array<ManufactureData>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: AdvertiseData
Method or attribute name: serviceData: Array<ServiceData>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ManufactureData
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ManufactureData
Method or attribute name: manufactureId: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ManufactureData
Method or attribute name: manufactureValue: ArrayBuffer;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ServiceData
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ServiceData
Method or attribute name: serviceUuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ServiceData
Method or attribute name: serviceValue: ArrayBuffer;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanFilter
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanFilter
Method or attribute name: deviceId?: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanFilter
Method or attribute name: name?: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanFilter
Method or attribute name: serviceUuid?: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanFilter
Method or attribute name: serviceUuidMask?: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanFilter
Method or attribute name: serviceSolicitationUuid?: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanFilter
Method or attribute name: serviceSolicitationUuidMask?: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanFilter
Method or attribute name: serviceData?: ArrayBuffer;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanFilter
Method or attribute name: serviceDataMask?: ArrayBuffer;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanFilter
Method or attribute name: manufactureId?: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanFilter
Method or attribute name: manufactureData?: ArrayBuffer;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanFilter
Method or attribute name: manufactureDataMask?: ArrayBuffer;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanOptions
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanOptions
Method or attribute name: interval?: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanOptions
Method or attribute name: dutyMode?: ScanDuty;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanOptions
Method or attribute name: matchMode?: MatchMode;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: SppOption
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: SppOption
Method or attribute name: uuid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: SppOption
Method or attribute name: secure: boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: SppOption
Method or attribute name: type: SppType;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PinRequiredParam
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PinRequiredParam
Method or attribute name: deviceId: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PinRequiredParam
Method or attribute name: pinCode: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DeviceClass
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DeviceClass
Method or attribute name: majorClass: MajorClass;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DeviceClass
Method or attribute name: majorMinorClass: MajorMinorClass;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: DeviceClass
Method or attribute name: classOfDevice: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BondStateParam
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BondStateParam
Method or attribute name: deviceId: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BondStateParam
Method or attribute name: state: BondState;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: StateChangeParam
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: StateChangeParam
Method or attribute name: deviceId: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: StateChangeParam
Method or attribute name: state: ProfileConnectionState;
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanDuty
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanDuty
Method or attribute name: SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER = 0
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanDuty
Method or attribute name: SCAN_MODE_BALANCED = 1
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanDuty
Method or attribute name: SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY = 2
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MatchMode
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MatchMode
Method or attribute name: MATCH_MODE_AGGRESSIVE = 1
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MatchMode
Method or attribute name: MATCH_MODE_STICKY = 2
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ProfileConnectionState
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ProfileConnectionState
Method or attribute name: STATE_DISCONNECTED = 0
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ProfileConnectionState
Method or attribute name: STATE_CONNECTING = 1
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ProfileConnectionState
Method or attribute name: STATE_CONNECTED = 2
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ProfileConnectionState
Method or attribute name: STATE_DISCONNECTING = 3
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BluetoothState
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BluetoothState
Method or attribute name: STATE_OFF = 0
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BluetoothState
Method or attribute name: STATE_TURNING_ON = 1
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BluetoothState
Method or attribute name: STATE_ON = 2
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BluetoothState
Method or attribute name: STATE_TURNING_OFF = 3
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BluetoothState
Method or attribute name: STATE_BLE_TURNING_ON = 4
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BluetoothState
Method or attribute name: STATE_BLE_ON = 5
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BluetoothState
Method or attribute name: STATE_BLE_TURNING_OFF = 6
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: SppType
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: SppType
Method or attribute name: SPP_RFCOMM
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanMode
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanMode
Method or attribute name: SCAN_MODE_NONE = 0
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanMode
Method or attribute name: SCAN_MODE_CONNECTABLE = 1
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanMode
Method or attribute name: SCAN_MODE_GENERAL_DISCOVERABLE = 2
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanMode
Method or attribute name: SCAN_MODE_LIMITED_DISCOVERABLE = 3
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanMode
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ScanMode
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BondState
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BondState
Method or attribute name: BOND_STATE_INVALID = 0
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BondState
Method or attribute name: BOND_STATE_BONDING = 1
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: BondState
Method or attribute name: BOND_STATE_BONDED = 2
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorClass
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorClass
Method or attribute name: MAJOR_MISC = 0x0000
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorClass
Method or attribute name: MAJOR_COMPUTER = 0x0100
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorClass
Method or attribute name: MAJOR_PHONE = 0x0200
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorClass
Method or attribute name: MAJOR_NETWORKING = 0x0300
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorClass
Method or attribute name: MAJOR_AUDIO_VIDEO = 0x0400
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorClass
Method or attribute name: MAJOR_PERIPHERAL = 0x0500
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorClass
Method or attribute name: MAJOR_IMAGING = 0x0600
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorClass
Method or attribute name: MAJOR_WEARABLE = 0x0700
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorClass
Method or attribute name: MAJOR_TOY = 0x0800
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorClass
Method or attribute name: MAJOR_HEALTH = 0x0900
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorClass
Method or attribute name: MAJOR_UNCATEGORIZED = 0x1F00
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: COMPUTER_UNCATEGORIZED = 0x0100
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: COMPUTER_DESKTOP = 0x0104
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: COMPUTER_SERVER = 0x0108
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: COMPUTER_LAPTOP = 0x010C
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: COMPUTER_HANDHELD_PC_PDA = 0x0110
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: COMPUTER_PALM_SIZE_PC_PDA = 0x0114
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: COMPUTER_WEARABLE = 0x0118
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: COMPUTER_TABLET = 0x011C
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PHONE_UNCATEGORIZED = 0x0200
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PHONE_CELLULAR = 0x0204
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PHONE_CORDLESS = 0x0208
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PHONE_SMART = 0x020C
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PHONE_MODEM_OR_GATEWAY = 0x0210
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PHONE_ISDN = 0x0214
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: NETWORK_FULLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0300
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: NETWORK_1_TO_17_UTILIZED = 0x0320
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: NETWORK_17_TO_33_UTILIZED = 0x0340
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: NETWORK_33_TO_50_UTILIZED = 0x0360
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: NETWORK_60_TO_67_UTILIZED = 0x0380
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: NETWORK_67_TO_83_UTILIZED = 0x03A0
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: NETWORK_83_TO_99_UTILIZED = 0x03C0
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: NETWORK_NO_SERVICE = 0x03E0
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: AUDIO_VIDEO_UNCATEGORIZED = 0x0400
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: AUDIO_VIDEO_WEARABLE_HEADSET = 0x0404
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: AUDIO_VIDEO_HANDSFREE = 0x0408
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: AUDIO_VIDEO_MICROPHONE = 0x0410
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: AUDIO_VIDEO_LOUDSPEAKER = 0x0414
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: AUDIO_VIDEO_HEADPHONES = 0x0418
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: AUDIO_VIDEO_PORTABLE_AUDIO = 0x041C
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: AUDIO_VIDEO_CAR_AUDIO = 0x0420
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: AUDIO_VIDEO_SET_TOP_BOX = 0x0424
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: AUDIO_VIDEO_HIFI_AUDIO = 0x0428
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: AUDIO_VIDEO_VCR = 0x042C
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: AUDIO_VIDEO_VIDEO_CAMERA = 0x0430
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: AUDIO_VIDEO_CAMCORDER = 0x0434
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: AUDIO_VIDEO_VIDEO_MONITOR = 0x0438
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: AUDIO_VIDEO_VIDEO_DISPLAY_AND_LOUDSPEAKER = 0x043C
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: AUDIO_VIDEO_VIDEO_CONFERENCING = 0x0440
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: AUDIO_VIDEO_VIDEO_GAMING_TOY = 0x0448
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PERIPHERAL_NON_KEYBOARD_NON_POINTING = 0x0500
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PERIPHERAL_KEYBOARD = 0x0540
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PERIPHERAL_POINTING_DEVICE = 0x0580
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PERIPHERAL_KEYBOARD_POINTING = 0x05C0
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PERIPHERAL_UNCATEGORIZED = 0x0500
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PERIPHERAL_JOYSTICK = 0x0504
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PERIPHERAL_GAMEPAD = 0x0508
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PERIPHERAL_REMOTE_CONTROL = 0x05C0
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PERIPHERAL_SENSING_DEVICE = 0x0510
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PERIPHERAL_DIGITIZER_TABLET = 0x0514
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PERIPHERAL_CARD_READER = 0x0518
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PERIPHERAL_DIGITAL_PEN = 0x051C
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PERIPHERAL_SCANNER_RFID = 0x0520
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: PERIPHERAL_GESTURAL_INPUT = 0x0522
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: IMAGING_UNCATEGORIZED = 0x0600
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: IMAGING_DISPLAY = 0x0610
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: IMAGING_CAMERA = 0x0620
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: IMAGING_SCANNER = 0x0640
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: IMAGING_PRINTER = 0x0680
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: WEARABLE_UNCATEGORIZED = 0x0700
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: WEARABLE_WRIST_WATCH = 0x0704
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: WEARABLE_PAGER = 0x0708
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: WEARABLE_JACKET = 0x070C
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: WEARABLE_HELMET = 0x0710
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: WEARABLE_GLASSES = 0x0714
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: TOY_UNCATEGORIZED = 0x0800
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: TOY_ROBOT = 0x0804
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: TOY_VEHICLE = 0x0808
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: TOY_DOLL_ACTION_FIGURE = 0x080C
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: TOY_CONTROLLER = 0x0810
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: TOY_GAME = 0x0814
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: HEALTH_UNCATEGORIZED = 0x0900
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: HEALTH_BLOOD_PRESSURE = 0x0904
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: HEALTH_THERMOMETER = 0x0908
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: HEALTH_WEIGHING = 0x090C
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: HEALTH_GLUCOSE = 0x0910
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: HEALTH_PULSE_OXIMETER = 0x0914
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: HEALTH_PULSE_RATE = 0x0918
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: HEALTH_DATA_DISPLAY = 0x091C
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: HEALTH_STEP_COUNTER = 0x0920
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: HEALTH_BODY_COMPOSITION_ANALYZER = 0x0924
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: HEALTH_PEAK_FLOW_MONITOR = 0x0928
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: HEALTH_MEDICATION_MONITOR = 0x092C
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: HEALTH_KNEE_PROSTHESIS = 0x0930
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: HEALTH_ANKLE_PROSTHESIS = 0x0934
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: HEALTH_GENERIC_HEALTH_MANAGER = 0x0938
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Method or attribute name: HEALTH_PERSONAL_MOBILITY_DEVICE = 0x093C
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PlayingState
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PlayingState
Method or attribute name: STATE_NOT_PLAYING
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: PlayingState
Method or attribute name: STATE_PLAYING
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ProfileId
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ProfileId
Method or attribute name: PROFILE_A2DP_SOURCE = 1
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ProfileId
Method or attribute name: PROFILE_HANDS_FREE_AUDIO_GATEWAY = 4
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ProfileId
Method or attribute name: PROFILE_HID_HOST = 6
Added NA Module name: ohos.bluetoothManager
Class name: ProfileId
Method or attribute name: PROFILE_PAN_NETWORK = 7
Added NA Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function initialize(): void;
Added NA Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function uninitialize(): void;
Added NA Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function read(): Promise<number[]>;
Added NA Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function read(callback: AsyncCallback<number[]>): void;
Added NA Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function write(data: number[]): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function write(data: number[], callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function getDefaultNetSync(): NetHandle;
Added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function isDefaultNetMetered(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
Added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function isDefaultNetMetered(): Promise<boolean>;
Added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function getAppNet(callback: AsyncCallback<NetHandle>): void;
Added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function getAppNet(): Promise<NetHandle>;
Added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function setAppNet(netHandle: NetHandle, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function setAppNet(netHandle: NetHandle): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: NetHandle
Method or attribute name: bindSocket(socketParam: TCPSocket | UDPSocket, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: NetHandle
Method or attribute name: bindSocket(socketParam: TCPSocket | UDPSocket): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: ethernet
Added NA Module name:
Class name: ethernet
Method or attribute name: function getIfaceConfig(iface: string, callback: AsyncCallback<InterfaceConfiguration>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: ethernet
Method or attribute name: function getIfaceConfig(iface: string): Promise<InterfaceConfiguration>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: ethernet
Method or attribute name: function setIfaceConfig(iface: string, ic: InterfaceConfiguration, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: ethernet
Method or attribute name: function setIfaceConfig(iface: string, ic: InterfaceConfiguration): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: ethernet
Method or attribute name: function isIfaceActive(iface: string, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: ethernet
Method or attribute name: function isIfaceActive(iface: string): Promise<number>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: ethernet
Method or attribute name: function getAllActiveIfaces(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<string>>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: ethernet
Method or attribute name: function getAllActiveIfaces(): Promise<Array<string>>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: InterfaceConfiguration
Added NA Module name:
Class name: InterfaceConfiguration
Method or attribute name: mode: IPSetMode;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: InterfaceConfiguration
Method or attribute name: ipAddr: string;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: InterfaceConfiguration
Method or attribute name: route: string;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: InterfaceConfiguration
Method or attribute name: gateway: string;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: InterfaceConfiguration
Method or attribute name: netMask: string;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: InterfaceConfiguration
Method or attribute name: dnsServers: string;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: IPSetMode
Added NA Module name:
Class name: IPSetMode
Method or attribute name: STATIC = 0
Added NA Module name:
Class name: IPSetMode
Method or attribute name: DHCP = 1
Added NA Module name:
Class name: HttpRequestOptions
Method or attribute name: expectDataType?: HttpDataType;
Added NA Class name: HttpRequestOptions
Method or attribute name: expectDataType?: HttpDataType;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: HttpRequestOptions
Method or attribute name: usingCache?: boolean;
Added NA Class name: HttpRequestOptions
Method or attribute name: usingCache?: boolean;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: HttpRequestOptions
Method or attribute name: priority?: number;
Added NA Class name: HttpRequestOptions
Method or attribute name: priority?: number;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: HttpRequestOptions
Method or attribute name: usingProtocol?: HttpProtocol;
Added NA Class name: HttpRequestOptions
Method or attribute name: usingProtocol?: HttpProtocol;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: HttpProtocol
Added NA Class name: HttpProtocol
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name:
Class name: HttpProtocol
Method or attribute name: HTTP1_1
Added NA Class name: HttpProtocol
Method or attribute name: HTTP1_1
Added NA Module name:
Class name: HttpProtocol
Method or attribute name: HTTP2
Added NA Class name: HttpProtocol
Method or attribute name: HTTP2
Added NA Module name:
Class name: HttpDataType
Added NA Class name: HttpDataType
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name:
Class name: HttpDataType
Method or attribute name: STRING
Added NA Class name: HttpDataType
Method or attribute name: STRING
Added NA Module name:
Class name: HttpDataType
Method or attribute name: OBJECT = 1
Added NA Class name: HttpDataType
Method or attribute name: OBJECT = 1
Added NA Module name:
Class name: HttpDataType
Method or attribute name: ARRAY_BUFFER = 2
Added NA Class name: HttpDataType
Method or attribute name: ARRAY_BUFFER = 2
Added NA Module name:
Class name: HttpResponse
Method or attribute name: resultType: HttpDataType;
Added NA Class name: HttpResponse
Method or attribute name: resultType: HttpDataType;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: http
Method or attribute name: function createHttpResponseCache(cacheSize?: number): HttpResponseCache;
Added NA Class name: http
Method or attribute name: function createHttpResponseCache(cacheSize?: number): HttpResponseCache;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: HttpResponseCache
Added NA Class name: HttpResponseCache
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name:
Class name: HttpResponseCache
Method or attribute name: flush(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: HttpResponseCache
Method or attribute name: flush(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: HttpResponseCache
Method or attribute name: flush(): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: HttpResponseCache
Method or attribute name: flush(): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: HttpResponseCache
Method or attribute name: delete(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: HttpResponseCache
Method or attribute name: delete(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: HttpResponseCache
Method or attribute name: delete(): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: HttpResponseCache
Method or attribute name: delete(): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function isSharingSupported(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function isSharingSupported(): Promise<boolean>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function isSharing(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function isSharing(): Promise<boolean>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function startSharing(type: SharingIfaceType, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function startSharing(type: SharingIfaceType): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function stopSharing(type: SharingIfaceType, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function stopSharing(type: SharingIfaceType): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function getStatsRxBytes(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function getStatsRxBytes(): Promise<number>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function getStatsTxBytes(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function getStatsTxBytes(): Promise<number>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function getStatsTotalBytes(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function getStatsTotalBytes(): Promise<number>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function getSharingIfaces(state: SharingIfaceState, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<string>>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function getSharingIfaces(state: SharingIfaceState): Promise<Array<string>>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function getSharingState(type: SharingIfaceType, callback: AsyncCallback<SharingIfaceState>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function getSharingState(type: SharingIfaceType): Promise<SharingIfaceState>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function getSharableRegexes(type: SharingIfaceType, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<string>>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function getSharableRegexes(type: SharingIfaceType): Promise<Array<string>>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function on(type: 'sharingStateChange', callback: Callback<boolean>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function off(type: 'sharingStateChange', callback?: Callback<boolean>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function on(type: 'interfaceSharingStateChange', callback: Callback<{ type: SharingIfaceType, iface: string, state: SharingIfaceState }>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function off(type: 'interfaceSharingStateChange', callback?: Callback<{ type: SharingIfaceType, iface: string, state: SharingIfaceState }>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function on(type: 'sharingUpstreamChange', callback: Callback<NetHandle>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: sharing
Method or attribute name: function off(type: 'sharingUpstreamChange', callback?: Callback<NetHandle>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: SharingIfaceState
Added NA Module name:
Class name: SharingIfaceState
Method or attribute name: SHARING_NIC_SERVING = 1
Added NA Module name:
Class name: SharingIfaceState
Method or attribute name: SHARING_NIC_CAN_SERVER = 2
Added NA Module name:
Class name: SharingIfaceState
Method or attribute name: SHARING_NIC_ERROR = 3
Added NA Module name:
Class name: SharingIfaceType
Added NA Module name:
Class name: SharingIfaceType
Method or attribute name: SHARING_WIFI = 0
Added NA Module name:
Class name: SharingIfaceType
Method or attribute name: SHARING_USB = 1
Added NA Module name:
Class name: SharingIfaceType
Method or attribute name: SHARING_BLUETOOTH = 2
Added NA Module name:
Class name: socket
Method or attribute name: function constructTLSSocketInstance(): TLSSocket;
Added NA Class name: socket
Method or attribute name: function constructTLSSocketInstance(): TLSSocket;
Added NA Class name: TCPExtraOptions
Method or attribute name: socketLinger?: {on: boolean, linger: number};
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: bind(address: NetAddress, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: bind(address: NetAddress, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: bind(address: NetAddress): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: bind(address: NetAddress): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getRemoteAddress(callback: AsyncCallback<NetAddress>): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getRemoteAddress(callback: AsyncCallback<NetAddress>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getRemoteAddress(): Promise<NetAddress>;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getRemoteAddress(): Promise<NetAddress>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getState(callback: AsyncCallback<SocketStateBase>): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getState(callback: AsyncCallback<SocketStateBase>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getState(): Promise<SocketStateBase>;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getState(): Promise<SocketStateBase>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: setExtraOptions(options: TCPExtraOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: setExtraOptions(options: TCPExtraOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: setExtraOptions(options: TCPExtraOptions): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: setExtraOptions(options: TCPExtraOptions): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: on(type: 'message', callback: Callback<{message: ArrayBuffer, remoteInfo: SocketRemoteInfo}>): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: on(type: 'message', callback: Callback<{message: ArrayBuffer, remoteInfo: SocketRemoteInfo}>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: off(type: 'message', callback?: Callback<{message: ArrayBuffer, remoteInfo: SocketRemoteInfo}>): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: off(type: 'message', callback?: Callback<{message: ArrayBuffer, remoteInfo: SocketRemoteInfo}>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: on(type: 'connect' | 'close', callback: Callback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: on(type: 'connect' | 'close', callback: Callback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: on(type: 'connect' | 'close', callback: Callback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: on(type: 'connect' | 'close', callback: Callback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: off(type: 'connect' | 'close', callback?: Callback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: off(type: 'connect' | 'close', callback?: Callback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: off(type: 'connect' | 'close', callback?: Callback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: off(type: 'connect' | 'close', callback?: Callback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: on(type: 'error', callback: ErrorCallback): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: on(type: 'error', callback: ErrorCallback): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: off(type: 'error', callback?: ErrorCallback): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: off(type: 'error', callback?: ErrorCallback): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getCertificate(callback: AsyncCallback<X509CertRawData>): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getCertificate(callback: AsyncCallback<X509CertRawData>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getCertificate(): Promise<X509CertRawData>;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getCertificate(): Promise<X509CertRawData>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getRemoteCertificate(callback: AsyncCallback<X509CertRawData>): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getRemoteCertificate(callback: AsyncCallback<X509CertRawData>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getRemoteCertificate(): Promise<X509CertRawData>;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getRemoteCertificate(): Promise<X509CertRawData>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getProtocol(callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getProtocol(callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getProtocol(): Promise<string>;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getProtocol(): Promise<string>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getCipherSuite(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<string>>): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getCipherSuite(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<string>>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getCipherSuite(): Promise<Array<string>>;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getCipherSuite(): Promise<Array<string>>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getSignatureAlgorithms(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<string>>): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getSignatureAlgorithms(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<string>>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getSignatureAlgorithms(): Promise<Array<string>>;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: getSignatureAlgorithms(): Promise<Array<string>>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: connect(options: TLSConnectOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: connect(options: TLSConnectOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: connect(options: TLSConnectOptions): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: connect(options: TLSConnectOptions): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: send(data: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: send(data: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: send(data: string): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: send(data: string): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: close(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: close(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: close(): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: TLSSocket
Method or attribute name: close(): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSecureOptions
Added NA Class name: TLSSecureOptions
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSecureOptions
Method or attribute name: ca: string | Array<string>;
Added NA Class name: TLSSecureOptions
Method or attribute name: ca: string | Array<string>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSecureOptions
Method or attribute name: cert?: string;
Added NA Class name: TLSSecureOptions
Method or attribute name: cert?: string;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSecureOptions
Method or attribute name: key?: string;
Added NA Class name: TLSSecureOptions
Method or attribute name: key?: string;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSecureOptions
Method or attribute name: password?: string;
Added NA Class name: TLSSecureOptions
Method or attribute name: password?: string;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSecureOptions
Method or attribute name: protocols?: Protocol | Array<Protocol>;
Added NA Class name: TLSSecureOptions
Method or attribute name: protocols?: Protocol | Array<Protocol>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSecureOptions
Method or attribute name: useRemoteCipherPrefer?: boolean;
Added NA Class name: TLSSecureOptions
Method or attribute name: useRemoteCipherPrefer?: boolean;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSecureOptions
Method or attribute name: signatureAlgorithms?: string;
Added NA Class name: TLSSecureOptions
Method or attribute name: signatureAlgorithms?: string;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSSecureOptions
Method or attribute name: cipherSuite?: string;
Added NA Class name: TLSSecureOptions
Method or attribute name: cipherSuite?: string;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSConnectOptions
Added NA Class name: TLSConnectOptions
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSConnectOptions
Method or attribute name: address: NetAddress;
Added NA Class name: TLSConnectOptions
Method or attribute name: address: NetAddress;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSConnectOptions
Method or attribute name: secureOptions: TLSSecureOptions;
Added NA Class name: TLSConnectOptions
Method or attribute name: secureOptions: TLSSecureOptions;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: TLSConnectOptions
Method or attribute name: ALPNProtocols?: Array<string>;
Added NA Class name: TLSConnectOptions
Method or attribute name: ALPNProtocols?: Array<string>;
Added NA Module name:
Class name: Protocol
Added NA Class name: Protocol
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name:
Class name: Protocol
Method or attribute name: TLSv12 = "TLSv1.2"
Added NA Class name: Protocol
Method or attribute name: TLSv12 = "TLSv1.2"
Added NA Module name:
Class name: Protocol
Method or attribute name: TLSv13 = "TLSv1.3"
Added NA Class name: Protocol
Method or attribute name: TLSv13 = "TLSv1.3"
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.cardEmulation
Class name: CardType
Added NA Class name: CardType
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.cardEmulation
Class name: CardType
Method or attribute name: PAYMENT = "payment"
Added NA Class name: CardType
Method or attribute name: PAYMENT = "payment"
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.cardEmulation
Class name: CardType
Method or attribute name: OTHER = "other"
Added NA Class name: CardType
Method or attribute name: OTHER = "other"
Added NA Class name: cardEmulation
Method or attribute name: function hasHceCapability(): boolean;
Added NA Class name: cardEmulation
Method or attribute name: function isDefaultService(elementName: ElementName, type: CardType): boolean;
Added NA Class name: HceService
Method or attribute name: start(elementName: ElementName, aidList: string[]): void
Added NA Class name: HceService
Method or attribute name: stop(elementName: ElementName): void
Added NA Class name: HceService
Method or attribute name: transmit(response: number[]): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: HceService
Method or attribute name: transmit(response: number[], callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: nfcController
Method or attribute name: function enableNfc(): void
Added NA Class name: nfcController
Method or attribute name: function disableNfc(): void
Added NA Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: const NDEF_FORMATABLE = 7;
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: TnfType
Added NA Class name: TnfType
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: TnfType
Method or attribute name: TNF_EMPTY = 0x0
Added NA Class name: TnfType
Method or attribute name: TNF_EMPTY = 0x0
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: TnfType
Method or attribute name: TNF_WELL_KNOWN = 0x1
Added NA Class name: TnfType
Method or attribute name: TNF_WELL_KNOWN = 0x1
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: TnfType
Method or attribute name: TNF_MEDIA = 0x2
Added NA Class name: TnfType
Method or attribute name: TNF_MEDIA = 0x2
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: TnfType
Method or attribute name: TNF_ABSOLUTE_URI = 0x3
Added NA Class name: TnfType
Method or attribute name: TNF_ABSOLUTE_URI = 0x3
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: TnfType
Method or attribute name: TNF_EXT_APP = 0x4
Added NA Class name: TnfType
Method or attribute name: TNF_EXT_APP = 0x4
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: TnfType
Method or attribute name: TNF_UNKNOWN = 0x5
Added NA Class name: TnfType
Method or attribute name: TNF_UNKNOWN = 0x5
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: TnfType
Method or attribute name: TNF_UNCHANGED = 0x6
Added NA Class name: TnfType
Method or attribute name: TNF_UNCHANGED = 0x6
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: NfcForumType
Added NA Class name: NfcForumType
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: NfcForumType
Method or attribute name: NFC_FORUM_TYPE_1 = 1
Added NA Class name: NfcForumType
Method or attribute name: NFC_FORUM_TYPE_1 = 1
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: NfcForumType
Method or attribute name: NFC_FORUM_TYPE_2 = 2
Added NA Class name: NfcForumType
Method or attribute name: NFC_FORUM_TYPE_2 = 2
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: NfcForumType
Method or attribute name: NFC_FORUM_TYPE_3 = 3
Added NA Class name: NfcForumType
Method or attribute name: NFC_FORUM_TYPE_3 = 3
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: NfcForumType
Method or attribute name: NFC_FORUM_TYPE_4 = 4
Added NA Class name: NfcForumType
Method or attribute name: NFC_FORUM_TYPE_4 = 4
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: NfcForumType
Method or attribute name: MIFARE_CLASSIC = 101
Added NA Class name: NfcForumType
Method or attribute name: MIFARE_CLASSIC = 101
Added NA Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: const RTD_TEXT: number[];
Added NA Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: const RTD_URI: number[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: MifareClassicType
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicType
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: MifareClassicType
Method or attribute name: TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicType
Method or attribute name: TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: MifareClassicType
Method or attribute name: TYPE_CLASSIC = 1
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicType
Method or attribute name: TYPE_CLASSIC = 1
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: MifareClassicType
Method or attribute name: TYPE_PLUS = 2
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicType
Method or attribute name: TYPE_PLUS = 2
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: MifareClassicType
Method or attribute name: TYPE_PRO = 3
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicType
Method or attribute name: TYPE_PRO = 3
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: MifareClassicSize
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicSize
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: MifareClassicSize
Method or attribute name: MC_SIZE_MINI = 320
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicSize
Method or attribute name: MC_SIZE_MINI = 320
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: MifareClassicSize
Method or attribute name: MC_SIZE_1K = 1024
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicSize
Method or attribute name: MC_SIZE_1K = 1024
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: MifareClassicSize
Method or attribute name: MC_SIZE_2K = 2048
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicSize
Method or attribute name: MC_SIZE_2K = 2048
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: MifareClassicSize
Method or attribute name: MC_SIZE_4K = 4096
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicSize
Method or attribute name: MC_SIZE_4K = 4096
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: MifareUltralightType
Added NA Class name: MifareUltralightType
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: MifareUltralightType
Method or attribute name: TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0
Added NA Class name: MifareUltralightType
Method or attribute name: TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: MifareUltralightType
Method or attribute name: TYPE_ULTRALIGHT = 1
Added NA Class name: MifareUltralightType
Method or attribute name: TYPE_ULTRALIGHT = 1
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: MifareUltralightType
Method or attribute name: TYPE_ULTRALIGHT_C = 2
Added NA Class name: MifareUltralightType
Method or attribute name: TYPE_ULTRALIGHT_C = 2
Added NA Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcA(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcATag
Added NA Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcB(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcBTag
Added NA Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcF(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcFTag
Added NA Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcV(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcVTag
Added NA Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getIsoDep(tagInfo: TagInfo): IsoDepTag
Added NA Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNdef(tagInfo: TagInfo): NdefTag
Added NA Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getMifareClassic(tagInfo: TagInfo): MifareClassicTag
Added NA Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getMifareUltralight(tagInfo: TagInfo): MifareUltralightTag
Added NA Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNdefFormatable(tagInfo: TagInfo): NdefFormatableTag
Added NA Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getTagInfo(want: Want): TagInfo
Added NA Class name: TagInfo
Method or attribute name: uid: number[];
Added NA Class name: TagInfo
Method or attribute name: technology: number[];
Added NA Class name: TagInfo
Method or attribute name: extrasData: PacMap[];
Added NA Class name: TagInfo
Method or attribute name: tagRfDiscId: number;
Added NA Class name: TagInfo
Method or attribute name: remoteTagService: rpc.RemoteObject;
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: NdefRecord
Added NA Class name: NdefRecord
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: NdefRecord
Method or attribute name: tnf: number;
Added NA Class name: NdefRecord
Method or attribute name: tnf: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: NdefRecord
Method or attribute name: rtdType: number[];
Added NA Class name: NdefRecord
Method or attribute name: rtdType: number[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: NdefRecord
Method or attribute name: id: number[];
Added NA Class name: NdefRecord
Method or attribute name: id: number[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: NdefRecord
Method or attribute name: payload: number[];
Added NA Class name: NdefRecord
Method or attribute name: payload: number[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: ndef
Added NA Class name: ndef
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: ndef
Method or attribute name: function makeUriRecord(uri: string): NdefRecord;
Added NA Class name: ndef
Method or attribute name: function makeUriRecord(uri: string): NdefRecord;
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: ndef
Method or attribute name: function makeTextRecord(text: string, locale: string): NdefRecord;
Added NA Class name: ndef
Method or attribute name: function makeTextRecord(text: string, locale: string): NdefRecord;
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: ndef
Method or attribute name: function makeMimeRecord(mimeType: string, mimeData: number[]): NdefRecord;
Added NA Class name: ndef
Method or attribute name: function makeMimeRecord(mimeType: string, mimeData: number[]): NdefRecord;
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: ndef
Method or attribute name: function makeExternalRecord(domainName: string, type: string, externalData: number[]): NdefRecord;
Added NA Class name: ndef
Method or attribute name: function makeExternalRecord(domainName: string, type: string, externalData: number[]): NdefRecord;
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: ndef
Method or attribute name: function createNdefMessage(data: number[]): NdefMessage;
Added NA Class name: ndef
Method or attribute name: function createNdefMessage(data: number[]): NdefMessage;
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: ndef
Method or attribute name: function createNdefMessage(ndefRecords: NdefRecord[]): NdefMessage;
Added NA Class name: ndef
Method or attribute name: function createNdefMessage(ndefRecords: NdefRecord[]): NdefMessage;
Added NA Module name: ohos.nfc.tag
Class name: ndef
Method or attribute name: function messageToBytes(ndefMessage: NdefMessage): number[];
Added NA Class name: ndef
Method or attribute name: function messageToBytes(ndefMessage: NdefMessage): number[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: ErrorCode
Added NA Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: CHECK_PARAM_ERROR = 401
Added NA Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: CHECK_PARAM_ERROR = 401
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: OS_MMAP_ERROR = 1900001
Added NA Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: OS_MMAP_ERROR = 1900001
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: OS_IOCTL_ERROR = 1900002
Added NA Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: OS_IOCTL_ERROR = 1900002
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: WRITE_TO_ASHMEM_ERROR = 1900003
Added NA Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: WRITE_TO_ASHMEM_ERROR = 1900003
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: READ_FROM_ASHMEM_ERROR = 1900004
Added NA Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: READ_FROM_ASHMEM_ERROR = 1900004
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: ONLY_PROXY_OBJECT_PERMITTED_ERROR = 1900005
Added NA Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: ONLY_PROXY_OBJECT_PERMITTED_ERROR = 1900005
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: ONLY_REMOTE_OBJECT_PERMITTED_ERROR = 1900006
Added NA Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: ONLY_REMOTE_OBJECT_PERMITTED_ERROR = 1900006
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: COMMUNICATION_ERROR = 1900007
Added NA Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: COMMUNICATION_ERROR = 1900007
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: PROXY_OR_REMOTE_OBJECT_INVALID_ERROR = 1900008
Added NA Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: PROXY_OR_REMOTE_OBJECT_INVALID_ERROR = 1900008
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: WRITE_DATA_TO_MESSAGE_SEQUENCE_ERROR = 1900009
Added NA Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: WRITE_DATA_TO_MESSAGE_SEQUENCE_ERROR = 1900009
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: READ_DATA_FROM_MESSAGE_SEQUENCE_ERROR = 1900010
Added NA Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: READ_DATA_FROM_MESSAGE_SEQUENCE_ERROR = 1900010
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: PARCEL_MEMORY_ALLOC_ERROR = 1900011
Added NA Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: PARCEL_MEMORY_ALLOC_ERROR = 1900011
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: CALL_JS_METHOD_ERROR = 1900012
Added NA Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: CALL_JS_METHOD_ERROR = 1900012
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: OS_DUP_ERROR = 1900013
Added NA Class name: ErrorCode
Method or attribute name: OS_DUP_ERROR = 1900013
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: static create(): MessageSequence;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: static create(): MessageSequence;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: reclaim(): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: reclaim(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeRemoteObject(object: IRemoteObject): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeRemoteObject(object: IRemoteObject): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readRemoteObject(): IRemoteObject;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readRemoteObject(): IRemoteObject;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeInterfaceToken(token: string): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeInterfaceToken(token: string): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readInterfaceToken(): string;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readInterfaceToken(): string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: getSize(): number;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: getSize(): number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: getCapacity(): number;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: getCapacity(): number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: setSize(size: number): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: setSize(size: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: setCapacity(size: number): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: setCapacity(size: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: getWritableBytes(): number;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: getWritableBytes(): number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: getReadableBytes(): number;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: getReadableBytes(): number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: getReadPosition(): number;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: getReadPosition(): number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: getWritePosition(): number;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: getWritePosition(): number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: rewindRead(pos: number): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: rewindRead(pos: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: rewindWrite(pos: number): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: rewindWrite(pos: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeNoException(): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeNoException(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readException(): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readException(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeByte(val: number): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeByte(val: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeShort(val: number): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeShort(val: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeInt(val: number): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeInt(val: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeLong(val: number): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeLong(val: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeFloat(val: number): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeFloat(val: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeDouble(val: number): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeDouble(val: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeBoolean(val: boolean): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeBoolean(val: boolean): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeChar(val: number): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeChar(val: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeString(val: string): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeString(val: string): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeParcelable(val: Parcelable): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeParcelable(val: Parcelable): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeByteArray(byteArray: number[]): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeByteArray(byteArray: number[]): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeShortArray(shortArray: number[]): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeShortArray(shortArray: number[]): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeIntArray(intArray: number[]): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeIntArray(intArray: number[]): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeLongArray(longArray: number[]): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeLongArray(longArray: number[]): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeFloatArray(floatArray: number[]): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeFloatArray(floatArray: number[]): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeDoubleArray(doubleArray: number[]): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeDoubleArray(doubleArray: number[]): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeBooleanArray(booleanArray: boolean[]): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeBooleanArray(booleanArray: boolean[]): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeCharArray(charArray: number[]): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeCharArray(charArray: number[]): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeStringArray(stringArray: string[]): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeStringArray(stringArray: string[]): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeParcelableArray(parcelableArray: Parcelable[]): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeParcelableArray(parcelableArray: Parcelable[]): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeRemoteObjectArray(objectArray: IRemoteObject[]): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeRemoteObjectArray(objectArray: IRemoteObject[]): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readByte(): number;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readByte(): number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readShort(): number;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readShort(): number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readInt(): number;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readInt(): number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readLong(): number;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readLong(): number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readFloat(): number;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readFloat(): number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readDouble(): number;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readDouble(): number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readBoolean(): boolean;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readBoolean(): boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readChar(): number;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readChar(): number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readString(): string;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readString(): string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readParcelable(dataIn: Parcelable) : void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readParcelable(dataIn: Parcelable) : void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readByteArray(dataIn: number[]) : void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readByteArray(dataIn: number[]) : void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readByteArray(): number[];
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readByteArray(): number[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readShortArray(dataIn: number[]) : void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readShortArray(dataIn: number[]) : void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readShortArray(): number[];
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readShortArray(): number[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readIntArray(dataIn: number[]) : void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readIntArray(dataIn: number[]) : void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readIntArray(): number[];
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readIntArray(): number[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readLongArray(dataIn: number[]) : void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readLongArray(dataIn: number[]) : void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readLongArray(): number[];
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readLongArray(): number[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readFloatArray(dataIn: number[]) : void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readFloatArray(dataIn: number[]) : void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readFloatArray(): number[];
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readFloatArray(): number[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readDoubleArray(dataIn: number[]) : void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readDoubleArray(dataIn: number[]) : void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readDoubleArray(): number[];
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readDoubleArray(): number[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readBooleanArray(dataIn: boolean[]) : void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readBooleanArray(dataIn: boolean[]) : void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readBooleanArray(): boolean[];
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readBooleanArray(): boolean[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readCharArray(dataIn: number[]) : void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readCharArray(dataIn: number[]) : void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readCharArray(): number[];
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readCharArray(): number[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readStringArray(dataIn: string[]) : void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readStringArray(dataIn: string[]) : void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readStringArray(): string[];
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readStringArray(): string[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readParcelableArray(parcelableArray: Parcelable[]): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readParcelableArray(parcelableArray: Parcelable[]): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readRemoteObjectArray(objects: IRemoteObject[]): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readRemoteObjectArray(objects: IRemoteObject[]): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readRemoteObjectArray(): IRemoteObject[];
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readRemoteObjectArray(): IRemoteObject[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: static closeFileDescriptor(fd: number): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: static closeFileDescriptor(fd: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: static dupFileDescriptor(fd: number) :number;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: static dupFileDescriptor(fd: number) :number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: containFileDescriptors(): boolean;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: containFileDescriptors(): boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeFileDescriptor(fd: number): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeFileDescriptor(fd: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readFileDescriptor(): number;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readFileDescriptor(): number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeAshmem(ashmem: Ashmem): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeAshmem(ashmem: Ashmem): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readAshmem(): Ashmem;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readAshmem(): Ashmem;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: getRawDataCapacity(): number;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: getRawDataCapacity(): number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeRawData(rawData: number[], size: number): void;
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: writeRawData(rawData: number[], size: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readRawData(size: number): number[];
Added NA Class name: MessageSequence
Method or attribute name: readRawData(size: number): number[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: Parcelable
Added NA Class name: Parcelable
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: Parcelable
Method or attribute name: marshalling(dataOut: MessageSequence): boolean;
Added NA Class name: Parcelable
Method or attribute name: marshalling(dataOut: MessageSequence): boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: Parcelable
Method or attribute name: unmarshalling(dataIn: MessageSequence) : boolean;
Added NA Class name: Parcelable
Method or attribute name: unmarshalling(dataIn: MessageSequence) : boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: RequestResult
Added NA Class name: RequestResult
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: RequestResult
Method or attribute name: errCode: number;
Added NA Class name: RequestResult
Method or attribute name: errCode: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: RequestResult
Method or attribute name: code: number;
Added NA Class name: RequestResult
Method or attribute name: code: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: RequestResult
Method or attribute name: data: MessageSequence;
Added NA Class name: RequestResult
Method or attribute name: data: MessageSequence;
Added NA Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: RequestResult
Method or attribute name: reply: MessageSequence;
Added NA Class name: RequestResult
Method or attribute name: reply: MessageSequence;
Added NA Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: getLocalInterface(descriptor: string): IRemoteBroker;
Added NA Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: sendMessageRequest(code: number, data: MessageSequence, reply: MessageSequence, options: MessageOption): Promise<RequestResult>;
Added NA Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: sendMessageRequest(code: number, data: MessageSequence, reply: MessageSequence, options: MessageOption, callback: AsyncCallback<RequestResult>): void;
Added NA Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: registerDeathRecipient(recipient: DeathRecipient, flags: number): void;
Added NA Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: unregisterDeathRecipient(recipient: DeathRecipient, flags: number): void;
Added NA Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: getDescriptor(): string;
Added NA Class name: MessageOption
Method or attribute name: TF_SYNC: number;
Added NA Class name: MessageOption
Method or attribute name: TF_ASYNC: number;
Added NA Class name: MessageOption
Method or attribute name: TF_ACCEPT_FDS: number;
Added NA Class name: MessageOption
Method or attribute name: TF_WAIT_TIME: number;
Added NA Class name: MessageOption
Method or attribute name: constructor(syncFlags?: number, waitTime?: number);
Added NA Class name: MessageOption
Method or attribute name: constructor(async?: boolean);
Added NA Class name: MessageOption
Method or attribute name: isAsync(): boolean;
Added NA Class name: MessageOption
Method or attribute name: setAsync(async: boolean): void;
Added NA Class name: RemoteObject
Method or attribute name: getLocalInterface(descriptor: string): IRemoteBroker;
Added NA Class name: RemoteObject
Method or attribute name: getDescriptor(): string;
Added NA Class name: RemoteObject
Method or attribute name: onRemoteMessageRequest(code: number, data: MessageSequence, reply: MessageSequence, options: MessageOption): boolean | Promise<boolean>;
Added NA Class name: RemoteObject
Method or attribute name: sendMessageRequest(code: number, data: MessageSequence, reply: MessageSequence, options: MessageOption): Promise<RequestResult>;
Added NA Class name: RemoteObject
Method or attribute name: sendMessageRequest(code: number, data: MessageSequence, reply: MessageSequence, options: MessageOption, callback: AsyncCallback<RequestResult>): void;
Added NA Class name: RemoteObject
Method or attribute name: modifyLocalInterface(localInterface: IRemoteBroker, descriptor: string): void;
Added NA Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: PING_TRANSACTION: number;
Added NA Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: DUMP_TRANSACTION: number;
Added NA Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: INTERFACE_TRANSACTION: number;
Added NA Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: MIN_TRANSACTION_ID: number;
Added NA Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: MAX_TRANSACTION_ID: number;
Added NA Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: getLocalInterface(interface: string): IRemoteBroker;
Added NA Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: registerDeathRecipient(recipient: DeathRecipient, flags: number): void;
Added NA Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: unregisterDeathRecipient(recipient: DeathRecipient, flags: number): void;
Added NA Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: getDescriptor(): string;
Added NA Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: sendMessageRequest(code: number, data: MessageSequence, reply: MessageSequence, options: MessageOption): Promise<RequestResult>;
Added NA Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: sendMessageRequest(code: number, data: MessageSequence, reply: MessageSequence, options: MessageOption, callback: AsyncCallback<RequestResult>): void;
Added NA Class name: IPCSkeleton
Method or attribute name: static flushCmdBuffer(object: IRemoteObject): void;
Added NA Class name: IPCSkeleton
Method or attribute name: static restoreCallingIdentity(identity: string): void;
Added NA Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: PROT_EXEC: number;
Added NA Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: PROT_NONE: number;
Added NA Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: PROT_READ: number;
Added NA Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: PROT_WRITE: number;
Added NA Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: static create(name: string, size: number): Ashmem;
Added NA Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: static create(ashmem: Ashmem): Ashmem;
Added NA Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: mapTypedAshmem(mapType: number): void;
Added NA Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: mapReadWriteAshmem(): void;
Added NA Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: mapReadonlyAshmem(): void;
Added NA Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: setProtectionType(protectionType: number): void;
Added NA Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: writeAshmem(buf: number[], size: number, offset: number): void;
Added NA Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: readAshmem(size: number, offset: number): number[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function enableWifi(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function disableWifi(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function isWifiActive(): boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function scan(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getScanResults(): Promise<Array<WifiScanInfo>>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getScanResults(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<WifiScanInfo>>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getScanResultsSync(): Array<WifiScanInfo>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function addDeviceConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig): Promise<number>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function addDeviceConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function addCandidateConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig): Promise<number>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function addCandidateConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function removeCandidateConfig(networkId: number): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function removeCandidateConfig(networkId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getCandidateConfigs(): Array<WifiDeviceConfig>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function connectToCandidateConfig(networkId: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function connectToNetwork(networkId: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function connectToDevice(config: WifiDeviceConfig): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function disconnect(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getSignalLevel(rssi: number, band: number): number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getLinkedInfo(): Promise<WifiLinkedInfo>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getLinkedInfo(callback: AsyncCallback<WifiLinkedInfo>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function isConnected(): boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getSupportedFeatures(): number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function isFeatureSupported(featureId: number): boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getDeviceMacAddress(): string[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getIpInfo(): IpInfo;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getCountryCode(): string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function reassociate(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function reconnect(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getDeviceConfigs(): Array<WifiDeviceConfig>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function updateNetwork(config: WifiDeviceConfig): number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function disableNetwork(netId: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function removeAllNetwork(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function removeDevice(id: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function enableHotspot(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function disableHotspot(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function isHotspotDualBandSupported(): boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function isHotspotActive(): boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function setHotspotConfig(config: HotspotConfig): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getHotspotConfig(): HotspotConfig;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getStations(): Array<StationInfo>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getP2pLinkedInfo(): Promise<WifiP2pLinkedInfo>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getP2pLinkedInfo(callback: AsyncCallback<WifiP2pLinkedInfo>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getCurrentGroup(): Promise<WifiP2pGroupInfo>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getCurrentGroup(callback: AsyncCallback<WifiP2pGroupInfo>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getP2pPeerDevices(): Promise<WifiP2pDevice[]>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getP2pPeerDevices(callback: AsyncCallback<WifiP2pDevice[]>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getP2pLocalDevice(): Promise<WifiP2pDevice>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getP2pLocalDevice(callback: AsyncCallback<WifiP2pDevice>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function createGroup(config: WifiP2PConfig): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function removeGroup(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function p2pConnect(config: WifiP2PConfig): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function p2pCancelConnect(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function startDiscoverDevices(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function stopDiscoverDevices(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function deletePersistentGroup(netId: number): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getP2pGroups(): Promise<Array<WifiP2pGroupInfo>>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function getP2pGroups(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<WifiP2pGroupInfo>>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function setDeviceName(devName: string): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "wifiStateChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "wifiStateChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "wifiConnectionChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "wifiConnectionChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "wifiScanStateChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "wifiScanStateChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "wifiRssiChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "wifiRssiChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "streamChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "streamChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "deviceConfigChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "deviceConfigChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "hotspotStateChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "hotspotStateChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "hotspotStaJoin", callback: Callback<StationInfo>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "hotspotStaJoin", callback?: Callback<StationInfo>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "hotspotStaLeave", callback: Callback<StationInfo>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "hotspotStaLeave", callback?: Callback<StationInfo>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "p2pStateChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "p2pStateChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "p2pConnectionChange", callback: Callback<WifiP2pLinkedInfo>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "p2pConnectionChange", callback?: Callback<WifiP2pLinkedInfo>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "p2pDeviceChange", callback: Callback<WifiP2pDevice>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "p2pDeviceChange", callback?: Callback<WifiP2pDevice>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "p2pPeerDeviceChange", callback: Callback<WifiP2pDevice[]>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "p2pPeerDeviceChange", callback?: Callback<WifiP2pDevice[]>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "p2pPersistentGroupChange", callback: Callback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "p2pPersistentGroupChange", callback?: Callback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "p2pDiscoveryChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: wifiManager
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "p2pDiscoveryChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: EapMethod
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: EapMethod
Method or attribute name: EAP_NONE
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: EapMethod
Method or attribute name: EAP_PEAP
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: EapMethod
Method or attribute name: EAP_TLS
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: EapMethod
Method or attribute name: EAP_TTLS
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: EapMethod
Method or attribute name: EAP_PWD
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: EapMethod
Method or attribute name: EAP_SIM
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: EapMethod
Method or attribute name: EAP_AKA
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: EapMethod
Method or attribute name: EAP_AKA_PRIME
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: EapMethod
Method or attribute name: EAP_UNAUTH_TLS
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: Phase2Method
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: Phase2Method
Method or attribute name: PHASE2_NONE
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: Phase2Method
Method or attribute name: PHASE2_PAP
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: Phase2Method
Method or attribute name: PHASE2_MSCHAP
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: Phase2Method
Method or attribute name: PHASE2_MSCHAPV2
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: Phase2Method
Method or attribute name: PHASE2_GTC
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: Phase2Method
Method or attribute name: PHASE2_SIM
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: Phase2Method
Method or attribute name: PHASE2_AKA
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: Phase2Method
Method or attribute name: PHASE2_AKA_PRIME
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiEapConfig
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiEapConfig
Method or attribute name: eapMethod: EapMethod;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiEapConfig
Method or attribute name: phase2Method: Phase2Method;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiEapConfig
Method or attribute name: identity: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiEapConfig
Method or attribute name: anonymousIdentity: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiEapConfig
Method or attribute name: password: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiEapConfig
Method or attribute name: caCertAliases: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiEapConfig
Method or attribute name: caPath: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiEapConfig
Method or attribute name: clientCertAliases: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiEapConfig
Method or attribute name: certEntry: Uint8Array;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiEapConfig
Method or attribute name: certPassword: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiEapConfig
Method or attribute name: altSubjectMatch: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiEapConfig
Method or attribute name: domainSuffixMatch: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiEapConfig
Method or attribute name: realm: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiEapConfig
Method or attribute name: plmn: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiEapConfig
Method or attribute name: eapSubId: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiDeviceConfig
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiDeviceConfig
Method or attribute name: ssid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiDeviceConfig
Method or attribute name: bssid?: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiDeviceConfig
Method or attribute name: preSharedKey: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiDeviceConfig
Method or attribute name: isHiddenSsid?: boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiDeviceConfig
Method or attribute name: securityType: WifiSecurityType;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiDeviceConfig
Method or attribute name: creatorUid?: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiDeviceConfig
Method or attribute name: disableReason?: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiDeviceConfig
Method or attribute name: netId?: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiDeviceConfig
Method or attribute name: randomMacType?: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiDeviceConfig
Method or attribute name: randomMacAddr?: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiDeviceConfig
Method or attribute name: ipType?: IpType;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiDeviceConfig
Method or attribute name: staticIp?: IpConfig;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiDeviceConfig
Method or attribute name: eapConfig?: WifiEapConfig;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: IpConfig
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: IpConfig
Method or attribute name: ipAddress: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: IpConfig
Method or attribute name: gateway: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: IpConfig
Method or attribute name: prefixLength: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: IpConfig
Method or attribute name: dnsServers: number[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: IpConfig
Method or attribute name: domains: Array<string>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiInfoElem
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiInfoElem
Method or attribute name: eid: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiInfoElem
Method or attribute name: content: Uint8Array;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiChannelWidth
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiChannelWidth
Method or attribute name: WIDTH_20MHZ = 0
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiChannelWidth
Method or attribute name: WIDTH_40MHZ = 1
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiChannelWidth
Method or attribute name: WIDTH_80MHZ = 2
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiChannelWidth
Method or attribute name: WIDTH_160MHZ = 3
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiChannelWidth
Method or attribute name: WIDTH_80MHZ_PLUS = 4
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiChannelWidth
Method or attribute name: WIDTH_INVALID
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiScanInfo
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiScanInfo
Method or attribute name: ssid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiScanInfo
Method or attribute name: bssid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiScanInfo
Method or attribute name: capabilities: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiScanInfo
Method or attribute name: securityType: WifiSecurityType;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiScanInfo
Method or attribute name: rssi: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiScanInfo
Method or attribute name: band: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiScanInfo
Method or attribute name: frequency: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiScanInfo
Method or attribute name: channelWidth: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiScanInfo
Method or attribute name: centerFrequency0: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiScanInfo
Method or attribute name: centerFrequency1: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiScanInfo
Method or attribute name: infoElems: Array<WifiInfoElem>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiScanInfo
Method or attribute name: timestamp: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiSecurityType
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiSecurityType
Method or attribute name: WIFI_SEC_TYPE_INVALID = 0
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiSecurityType
Method or attribute name: WIFI_SEC_TYPE_OPEN = 1
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiSecurityType
Method or attribute name: WIFI_SEC_TYPE_WEP = 2
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiSecurityType
Method or attribute name: WIFI_SEC_TYPE_PSK = 3
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiSecurityType
Method or attribute name: WIFI_SEC_TYPE_SAE = 4
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiSecurityType
Method or attribute name: WIFI_SEC_TYPE_EAP = 5
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiSecurityType
Method or attribute name: WIFI_SEC_TYPE_EAP_SUITE_B = 6
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiSecurityType
Method or attribute name: WIFI_SEC_TYPE_OWE = 7
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiSecurityType
Method or attribute name: WIFI_SEC_TYPE_WAPI_CERT = 8
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiSecurityType
Method or attribute name: WIFI_SEC_TYPE_WAPI_PSK = 9
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: ssid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: bssid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: networkId: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: rssi: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: band: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: linkSpeed: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: frequency: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: isHidden: boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: isRestricted: boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: chload: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: snr: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: macType: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: macAddress: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: ipAddress: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: suppState: SuppState;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: connState: ConnState;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: IpInfo
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: IpInfo
Method or attribute name: ipAddress: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: IpInfo
Method or attribute name: gateway: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: IpInfo
Method or attribute name: netmask: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: IpInfo
Method or attribute name: primaryDns: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: IpInfo
Method or attribute name: secondDns: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: IpInfo
Method or attribute name: serverIp: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: IpInfo
Method or attribute name: leaseDuration: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: HotspotConfig
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: HotspotConfig
Method or attribute name: ssid: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: HotspotConfig
Method or attribute name: securityType: WifiSecurityType;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: HotspotConfig
Method or attribute name: band: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: HotspotConfig
Method or attribute name: preSharedKey: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: HotspotConfig
Method or attribute name: maxConn: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: StationInfo
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: StationInfo
Method or attribute name: name: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: StationInfo
Method or attribute name: macAddress: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: StationInfo
Method or attribute name: ipAddress: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: IpType
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: IpType
Method or attribute name: STATIC
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: IpType
Method or attribute name: DHCP
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: IpType
Method or attribute name: UNKNOWN
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: SuppState
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: SuppState
Method or attribute name: DISCONNECTED
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: SuppState
Method or attribute name: INTERFACE_DISABLED
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: SuppState
Method or attribute name: INACTIVE
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: SuppState
Method or attribute name: SCANNING
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: SuppState
Method or attribute name: AUTHENTICATING
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: SuppState
Method or attribute name: ASSOCIATING
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: SuppState
Method or attribute name: ASSOCIATED
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: SuppState
Method or attribute name: FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: SuppState
Method or attribute name: GROUP_HANDSHAKE
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: SuppState
Method or attribute name: COMPLETED
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: SuppState
Method or attribute name: UNINITIALIZED
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: SuppState
Method or attribute name: INVALID
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: ConnState
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: ConnState
Method or attribute name: SCANNING
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: ConnState
Method or attribute name: CONNECTING
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: ConnState
Method or attribute name: AUTHENTICATING
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: ConnState
Method or attribute name: OBTAINING_IPADDR
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: ConnState
Method or attribute name: CONNECTED
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: ConnState
Method or attribute name: DISCONNECTING
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: ConnState
Method or attribute name: DISCONNECTED
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: ConnState
Method or attribute name: UNKNOWN
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pDevice
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pDevice
Method or attribute name: deviceName: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pDevice
Method or attribute name: deviceAddress: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pDevice
Method or attribute name: primaryDeviceType: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pDevice
Method or attribute name: deviceStatus: P2pDeviceStatus;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pDevice
Method or attribute name: groupCapabilities: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2PConfig
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2PConfig
Method or attribute name: deviceAddress: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2PConfig
Method or attribute name: netId: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2PConfig
Method or attribute name: passphrase: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2PConfig
Method or attribute name: groupName: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2PConfig
Method or attribute name: goBand: GroupOwnerBand;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pGroupInfo
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pGroupInfo
Method or attribute name: isP2pGo: boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pGroupInfo
Method or attribute name: ownerInfo: WifiP2pDevice;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pGroupInfo
Method or attribute name: passphrase: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pGroupInfo
Method or attribute name: interface: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pGroupInfo
Method or attribute name: groupName: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pGroupInfo
Method or attribute name: networkId: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pGroupInfo
Method or attribute name: frequency: number;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pGroupInfo
Method or attribute name: clientDevices: WifiP2pDevice[];
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pGroupInfo
Method or attribute name: goIpAddress: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: P2pConnectState
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: P2pConnectState
Method or attribute name: DISCONNECTED = 0
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: P2pConnectState
Method or attribute name: CONNECTED = 1
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pLinkedInfo
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: connectState: P2pConnectState;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: isGroupOwner: boolean;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: WifiP2pLinkedInfo
Method or attribute name: groupOwnerAddr: string;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: P2pDeviceStatus
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: P2pDeviceStatus
Method or attribute name: CONNECTED = 0
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: P2pDeviceStatus
Method or attribute name: INVITED = 1
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: P2pDeviceStatus
Method or attribute name: FAILED = 2
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: P2pDeviceStatus
Method or attribute name: AVAILABLE = 3
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: P2pDeviceStatus
Method or attribute name: UNAVAILABLE = 4
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: GroupOwnerBand
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: GroupOwnerBand
Method or attribute name: GO_BAND_AUTO = 0
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: GroupOwnerBand
Method or attribute name: GO_BAND_2GHZ = 1
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManager
Class name: GroupOwnerBand
Method or attribute name: GO_BAND_5GHZ = 2
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManagerExt
Class name: wifiManagerExt
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManagerExt
Class name: wifiManagerExt
Method or attribute name: function enableHotspot(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManagerExt
Class name: wifiManagerExt
Method or attribute name: function disableHotspot(): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManagerExt
Class name: wifiManagerExt
Method or attribute name: function getSupportedPowerMode(): Promise<Array<PowerMode>>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManagerExt
Class name: wifiManagerExt
Method or attribute name: function getSupportedPowerMode(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<PowerMode>>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManagerExt
Class name: wifiManagerExt
Method or attribute name: function getPowerMode (): Promise<PowerMode>;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManagerExt
Class name: wifiManagerExt
Method or attribute name: function getPowerMode (callback: AsyncCallback<PowerMode>): void;
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManagerExt
Class name: wifiManagerExt
Method or attribute name: function setPowerMode(mode: PowerMode) : void
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManagerExt
Class name: PowerMode
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManagerExt
Class name: PowerMode
Method or attribute name: SLEEPING = 0
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManagerExt
Class name: PowerMode
Method or attribute name: GENERAL = 1
Added NA Module name: ohos.wifiManagerExt
Class name: PowerMode
Method or attribute name: THROUGH_WALL = 2
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: IsoDepTag
Added NA Class name: IsoDepTag
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: IsoDepTag
Method or attribute name: getHistoricalBytes(): number[];
Added NA Class name: IsoDepTag
Method or attribute name: getHistoricalBytes(): number[];
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: IsoDepTag
Method or attribute name: getHiLayerResponse(): number[];
Added NA Class name: IsoDepTag
Method or attribute name: getHiLayerResponse(): number[];
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: IsoDepTag
Method or attribute name: isExtendedApduSupported(): Promise<boolean>;
Added NA Class name: IsoDepTag
Method or attribute name: isExtendedApduSupported(): Promise<boolean>;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: IsoDepTag
Method or attribute name: isExtendedApduSupported(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
Added NA Class name: IsoDepTag
Method or attribute name: isExtendedApduSupported(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: NdefMessage
Added NA Class name: NdefMessage
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: NdefMessage
Method or attribute name: getNdefRecords(): tag.NdefRecord[];
Added NA Class name: NdefMessage
Method or attribute name: getNdefRecords(): tag.NdefRecord[];
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: NdefTag
Added NA Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: getNdefTagType(): tag.NfcForumType;
Added NA Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: getNdefTagType(): tag.NfcForumType;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: getNdefMessage(): NdefMessage;
Added NA Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: getNdefMessage(): NdefMessage;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: isNdefWritable(): boolean;
Added NA Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: isNdefWritable(): boolean;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: readNdef(): Promise<NdefMessage>;
Added NA Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: readNdef(): Promise<NdefMessage>;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: readNdef(callback: AsyncCallback<NdefMessage>): void;
Added NA Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: readNdef(callback: AsyncCallback<NdefMessage>): void;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: writeNdef(msg: NdefMessage): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: writeNdef(msg: NdefMessage): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: writeNdef(msg: NdefMessage, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: writeNdef(msg: NdefMessage, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: canSetReadOnly(): boolean;
Added NA Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: canSetReadOnly(): boolean;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: setReadOnly(): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: setReadOnly(): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: setReadOnly(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: setReadOnly(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: getNdefTagTypeString(type: tag.NfcForumType): string;
Added NA Class name: NdefTag
Method or attribute name: getNdefTagTypeString(type: tag.NfcForumType): string;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: authenticateSector(sectorIndex: number, key: number[], isKeyA: boolean): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: authenticateSector(sectorIndex: number, key: number[], isKeyA: boolean): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: authenticateSector(sectorIndex: number, key: number[], isKeyA: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: authenticateSector(sectorIndex: number, key: number[], isKeyA: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: readSingleBlock(blockIndex: number): Promise<number[]>;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: readSingleBlock(blockIndex: number): Promise<number[]>;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: readSingleBlock(blockIndex: number, callback: AsyncCallback<number[]>): void;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: readSingleBlock(blockIndex: number, callback: AsyncCallback<number[]>): void;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: writeSingleBlock(blockIndex: number, data: number[]): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: writeSingleBlock(blockIndex: number, data: number[]): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: writeSingleBlock(blockIndex: number, data: number[], callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: writeSingleBlock(blockIndex: number, data: number[], callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: incrementBlock(blockIndex: number, value: number): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: incrementBlock(blockIndex: number, value: number): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: incrementBlock(blockIndex: number, value: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: incrementBlock(blockIndex: number, value: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: decrementBlock(blockIndex: number, value: number): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: decrementBlock(blockIndex: number, value: number): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: decrementBlock(blockIndex: number, value: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: decrementBlock(blockIndex: number, value: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: transferToBlock(blockIndex: number): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: transferToBlock(blockIndex: number): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: transferToBlock(blockIndex: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: transferToBlock(blockIndex: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: restoreFromBlock(blockIndex: number): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: restoreFromBlock(blockIndex: number): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: restoreFromBlock(blockIndex: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: restoreFromBlock(blockIndex: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: getSectorCount(): number;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: getSectorCount(): number;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: getBlockCountInSector(sectorIndex: number): number;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: getBlockCountInSector(sectorIndex: number): number;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: getType(): tag.MifareClassicType;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: getType(): tag.MifareClassicType;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: getTagSize(): number;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: getTagSize(): number;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: isEmulatedTag(): boolean;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: isEmulatedTag(): boolean;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: getBlockIndex(sectorIndex: number): number;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: getBlockIndex(sectorIndex: number): number;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: getSectorIndex(blockIndex: number): number;
Added NA Class name: MifareClassicTag
Method or attribute name: getSectorIndex(blockIndex: number): number;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareUltralightTag
Added NA Class name: MifareUltralightTag
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareUltralightTag
Method or attribute name: readMultiplePages(pageIndex: number): Promise<number[]>;
Added NA Class name: MifareUltralightTag
Method or attribute name: readMultiplePages(pageIndex: number): Promise<number[]>;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareUltralightTag
Method or attribute name: readMultiplePages(pageIndex: number, callback: AsyncCallback<number[]>): void;
Added NA Class name: MifareUltralightTag
Method or attribute name: readMultiplePages(pageIndex: number, callback: AsyncCallback<number[]>): void;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareUltralightTag
Method or attribute name: writeSinglePage(pageIndex: number, data: number[]): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: MifareUltralightTag
Method or attribute name: writeSinglePage(pageIndex: number, data: number[]): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareUltralightTag
Method or attribute name: writeSinglePage(pageIndex: number, data: number[], callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: MifareUltralightTag
Method or attribute name: writeSinglePage(pageIndex: number, data: number[], callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: MifareUltralightTag
Method or attribute name: getType(): tag.MifareUltralightType;
Added NA Class name: MifareUltralightTag
Method or attribute name: getType(): tag.MifareUltralightType;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: NdefFormatableTag
Added NA Class name: NdefFormatableTag
Method or attribute name:
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: NdefFormatableTag
Method or attribute name: format(message: NdefMessage): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: NdefFormatableTag
Method or attribute name: format(message: NdefMessage): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: NdefFormatableTag
Method or attribute name: format(message: NdefMessage, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: NdefFormatableTag
Method or attribute name: format(message: NdefMessage, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: NdefFormatableTag
Method or attribute name: formatReadOnly(message: NdefMessage): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: NdefFormatableTag
Method or attribute name: formatReadOnly(message: NdefMessage): Promise<void>;
Added NA Module name: nfctech
Class name: NdefFormatableTag
Method or attribute name: formatReadOnly(message: NdefMessage, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: NdefFormatableTag
Method or attribute name: formatReadOnly(message: NdefMessage, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: connect(): void;
Added NA Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: resetConnection(): void;
Added NA Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: isConnected(): boolean;
Added NA Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: setTimeout(timeout: number): void;
Added NA Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: getTimeout(): number;
Added NA Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: transmit(data: number[]): Promise<number[]>;
Added NA Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: transmit(data: number[], callback: AsyncCallback<number[]>): void;
Added NA Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: getMaxTransmitSize(): number;
Deleted Module name: ohos.rpc
Class name: IRemoteObject
NA @ohos.rpc.d.ts
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function getState(): BluetoothState;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function getState(): BluetoothState;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.getState
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function getBtConnectionState(): ProfileConnectionState;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function getBtConnectionState(): ProfileConnectionState;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.getBtConnectionState
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function pairDevice(deviceId: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function pairDevice(deviceId: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.pairDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function cancelPairedDevice(deviceId: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function cancelPairedDevice(deviceId: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.cancelPairedDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function getRemoteDeviceName(deviceId: string): string;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function getRemoteDeviceName(deviceId: string): string;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.getRemoteDeviceName
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function getRemoteDeviceClass(deviceId: string): DeviceClass;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function getRemoteDeviceClass(deviceId: string): DeviceClass;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.getRemoteDeviceClass
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function enableBluetooth(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function enableBluetooth(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.enableBluetooth
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function disableBluetooth(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function disableBluetooth(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.disableBluetooth
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function getLocalName(): string;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function getLocalName(): string;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.getLocalName
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function getPairedDevices(): Array<string>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function getPairedDevices(): Array<string>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.getPairedDevices
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function getProfileConnState(profileId: ProfileId): ProfileConnectionState;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function getProfileConnState(profileId: ProfileId): ProfileConnectionState;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.getProfileConnectionState
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function setDevicePairingConfirmation(device: string, accept: boolean): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function setDevicePairingConfirmation(device: string, accept: boolean): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.setDevicePairingConfirmation
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function setLocalName(name: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function setLocalName(name: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.setLocalName
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function setBluetoothScanMode(mode: ScanMode, duration: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function setBluetoothScanMode(mode: ScanMode, duration: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.setBluetoothScanMode
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function getBluetoothScanMode(): ScanMode;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function getBluetoothScanMode(): ScanMode;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.getBluetoothScanMode
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function startBluetoothDiscovery(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function startBluetoothDiscovery(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.startBluetoothDiscovery
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function stopBluetoothDiscovery(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function stopBluetoothDiscovery(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.stopBluetoothDiscovery
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "bluetoothDeviceFind", callback: Callback<Array<string>>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "bluetoothDeviceFind", callback: Callback<Array<string>>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "bluetoothDeviceFind", callback?: Callback<Array<string>>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "bluetoothDeviceFind", callback?: Callback<Array<string>>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "bondStateChange", callback: Callback<BondStateParam>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "bondStateChange", callback: Callback<BondStateParam>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "bondStateChange", callback?: Callback<BondStateParam>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "bondStateChange", callback?: Callback<BondStateParam>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "pinRequired", callback: Callback<PinRequiredParam>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "pinRequired", callback: Callback<PinRequiredParam>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "pinRequired", callback?: Callback<PinRequiredParam>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "pinRequired", callback?: Callback<PinRequiredParam>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "stateChange", callback: Callback<BluetoothState>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "stateChange", callback: Callback<BluetoothState>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "stateChange", callback?: Callback<BluetoothState>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "stateChange", callback?: Callback<BluetoothState>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function sppListen(name: string, option: SppOption, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function sppListen(name: string, option: SppOption, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.sppListen
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function sppAccept(serverSocket: number, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function sppAccept(serverSocket: number, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.sppAccept
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function sppConnect(device: string, option: SppOption, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function sppConnect(device: string, option: SppOption, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.sppConnect
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function sppCloseServerSocket(socket: number): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function sppCloseServerSocket(socket: number): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.sppCloseServerSocket
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function sppCloseClientSocket(socket: number): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function sppCloseClientSocket(socket: number): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.sppCloseClientSocket
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function sppWrite(clientSocket: number, data: ArrayBuffer): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function sppWrite(clientSocket: number, data: ArrayBuffer): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.sppWrite
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "sppRead", clientSocket: number, callback: Callback<ArrayBuffer>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "sppRead", clientSocket: number, callback: Callback<ArrayBuffer>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "sppRead", clientSocket: number, callback?: Callback<ArrayBuffer>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "sppRead", clientSocket: number, callback?: Callback<ArrayBuffer>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function getProfile(profileId: ProfileId): A2dpSourceProfile | HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function getProfile(profileId: ProfileId): A2dpSourceProfile | HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.getProfileInstance
Deprecated version changed Class name: BaseProfile
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: BaseProfile
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.BaseProfile
Deprecated version changed Class name: BaseProfile
Method or attribute name: getConnectionDevices(): Array<string>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: BaseProfile
Method or attribute name: getConnectionDevices(): Array<string>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.BaseProfile
Deprecated version changed Class name: BaseProfile
Method or attribute name: getDeviceState(device: string): ProfileConnectionState;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: BaseProfile
Method or attribute name: getDeviceState(device: string): ProfileConnectionState;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.BaseProfile
Deprecated version changed Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.A2dpSourceProfile
Deprecated version changed Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: connect(device: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: connect(device: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.A2dpSourceProfile
Deprecated version changed Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: disconnect(device: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: disconnect(device: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.A2dpSourceProfile
Deprecated version changed Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: on(type: "connectionStateChange", callback: Callback<StateChangeParam>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: on(type: "connectionStateChange", callback: Callback<StateChangeParam>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.A2dpSourceProfile.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: off(type: "connectionStateChange", callback?: Callback<StateChangeParam>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: off(type: "connectionStateChange", callback?: Callback<StateChangeParam>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: getPlayingState(device: string): PlayingState;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: getPlayingState(device: string): PlayingState;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.A2dpSourceProfile
Deprecated version changed Class name: HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Deprecated version changed Class name: HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Method or attribute name: connect(device: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Method or attribute name: connect(device: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Deprecated version changed Class name: HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Method or attribute name: disconnect(device: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Method or attribute name: disconnect(device: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Deprecated version changed Class name: HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Method or attribute name: on(type: "connectionStateChange", callback: Callback<StateChangeParam>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Method or attribute name: on(type: "connectionStateChange", callback: Callback<StateChangeParam>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Method or attribute name: off(type: "connectionStateChange", callback?: Callback<StateChangeParam>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Method or attribute name: off(type: "connectionStateChange", callback?: Callback<StateChangeParam>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function createGattServer(): GattServer;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function createGattServer(): GattServer;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.BLE.createGattServer
Deprecated version changed Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function createGattClientDevice(deviceId: string): GattClientDevice;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function createGattClientDevice(deviceId: string): GattClientDevice;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.BLE.createGattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function getConnectedBLEDevices(): Array<string>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function getConnectedBLEDevices(): Array<string>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.BLE.getConnectedBLEDevices
Deprecated version changed Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function startBLEScan(filters: Array<ScanFilter>, options?: ScanOptions): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function startBLEScan(filters: Array<ScanFilter>, options?: ScanOptions): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.BLE.startBLEScan
Deprecated version changed Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function stopBLEScan(): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function stopBLEScan(): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.BLE.stopBLEScan
Deprecated version changed Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "BLEDeviceFind", callback: Callback<Array<ScanResult>>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "BLEDeviceFind", callback: Callback<Array<ScanResult>>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.BLE.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "BLEDeviceFind", callback?: Callback<Array<ScanResult>>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "BLEDeviceFind", callback?: Callback<Array<ScanResult>>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattServer
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattServer
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattServer
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: startAdvertising(setting: AdvertiseSetting, advData: AdvertiseData, advResponse?: AdvertiseData): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: startAdvertising(setting: AdvertiseSetting, advData: AdvertiseData, advResponse?: AdvertiseData): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattServer
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: stopAdvertising(): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: stopAdvertising(): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattServer
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: addService(service: GattService): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: addService(service: GattService): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattServer
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: removeService(serviceUuid: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: removeService(serviceUuid: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattServer
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: close(): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: close(): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattServer
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: notifyCharacteristicChanged(deviceId: string, notifyCharacteristic: NotifyCharacteristic): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: notifyCharacteristicChanged(deviceId: string, notifyCharacteristic: NotifyCharacteristic): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattServer
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: sendResponse(serverResponse: ServerResponse): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: sendResponse(serverResponse: ServerResponse): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattServer
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: on(type: "characteristicRead", callback: Callback<CharacteristicReadReq>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: on(type: "characteristicRead", callback: Callback<CharacteristicReadReq>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattServer
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: off(type: "characteristicRead", callback?: Callback<CharacteristicReadReq>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: off(type: "characteristicRead", callback?: Callback<CharacteristicReadReq>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattServer
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: on(type: "characteristicWrite", callback: Callback<CharacteristicWriteReq>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: on(type: "characteristicWrite", callback: Callback<CharacteristicWriteReq>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattServer
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: off(type: "characteristicWrite", callback?: Callback<CharacteristicWriteReq>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: off(type: "characteristicWrite", callback?: Callback<CharacteristicWriteReq>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattServer
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: on(type: "descriptorRead", callback: Callback<DescriptorReadReq>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: on(type: "descriptorRead", callback: Callback<DescriptorReadReq>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattServer
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: off(type: "descriptorRead", callback?: Callback<DescriptorReadReq>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: off(type: "descriptorRead", callback?: Callback<DescriptorReadReq>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattServer
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: on(type: "descriptorWrite", callback: Callback<DescriptorWriteReq>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: on(type: "descriptorWrite", callback: Callback<DescriptorWriteReq>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattServer
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: off(type: "descriptorWrite", callback?: Callback<DescriptorWriteReq>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: off(type: "descriptorWrite", callback?: Callback<DescriptorWriteReq>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattServer
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: on(type: "connectStateChange", callback: Callback<BLEConnectChangedState>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: on(type: "connectStateChange", callback: Callback<BLEConnectChangedState>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattServer
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: off(type: "connectStateChange", callback?: Callback<BLEConnectChangedState>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattServer
Method or attribute name: off(type: "connectStateChange", callback?: Callback<BLEConnectChangedState>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattServer
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: connect(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: connect(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: disconnect(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: disconnect(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: close(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: close(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: getDeviceName(callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: getDeviceName(callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: getDeviceName(): Promise<string>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: getDeviceName(): Promise<string>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: getServices(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<GattService>>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: getServices(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<GattService>>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: getServices(): Promise<Array<GattService>>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: getServices(): Promise<Array<GattService>>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: readCharacteristicValue(characteristic: BLECharacteristic, callback: AsyncCallback<BLECharacteristic>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: readCharacteristicValue(characteristic: BLECharacteristic, callback: AsyncCallback<BLECharacteristic>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: readCharacteristicValue(characteristic: BLECharacteristic): Promise<BLECharacteristic>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: readCharacteristicValue(characteristic: BLECharacteristic): Promise<BLECharacteristic>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: readDescriptorValue(descriptor: BLEDescriptor, callback: AsyncCallback<BLEDescriptor>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: readDescriptorValue(descriptor: BLEDescriptor, callback: AsyncCallback<BLEDescriptor>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: readDescriptorValue(descriptor: BLEDescriptor): Promise<BLEDescriptor>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: readDescriptorValue(descriptor: BLEDescriptor): Promise<BLEDescriptor>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: writeCharacteristicValue(characteristic: BLECharacteristic): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: writeCharacteristicValue(characteristic: BLECharacteristic): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: writeDescriptorValue(descriptor: BLEDescriptor): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: writeDescriptorValue(descriptor: BLEDescriptor): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: getRssiValue(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: getRssiValue(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: getRssiValue(): Promise<number>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: getRssiValue(): Promise<number>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: setBLEMtuSize(mtu: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: setBLEMtuSize(mtu: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: setNotifyCharacteristicChanged(characteristic: BLECharacteristic, enable: boolean): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: setNotifyCharacteristicChanged(characteristic: BLECharacteristic, enable: boolean): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: on(type: "BLECharacteristicChange", callback: Callback<BLECharacteristic>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: on(type: "BLECharacteristicChange", callback: Callback<BLECharacteristic>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: off(type: "BLECharacteristicChange", callback?: Callback<BLECharacteristic>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: off(type: "BLECharacteristicChange", callback?: Callback<BLECharacteristic>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: on(type: "BLEConnectionStateChange", callback: Callback<BLEConnectChangedState>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: on(type: "BLEConnectionStateChange", callback: Callback<BLEConnectChangedState>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: off(type: "BLEConnectionStateChange", callback?: Callback<BLEConnectChangedState>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattClientDevice
Method or attribute name: off(type: "BLEConnectionStateChange", callback?: Callback<BLEConnectChangedState>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: GattService
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GattService
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.GattService
Deprecated version changed Class name: BLECharacteristic
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: BLECharacteristic
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.BLECharacteristic
Deprecated version changed Class name: BLEDescriptor
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: BLEDescriptor
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.BLEDescriptor
Deprecated version changed Class name: NotifyCharacteristic
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: NotifyCharacteristic
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.NotifyCharacteristic
Deprecated version changed Class name: CharacteristicReadReq
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: CharacteristicReadReq
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.CharacteristicReadRequest
Deprecated version changed Class name: CharacteristicWriteReq
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: CharacteristicWriteReq
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.CharacteristicWriteRequest
Deprecated version changed Class name: DescriptorReadReq
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: DescriptorReadReq
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.DescriptorReadRequest
Deprecated version changed Class name: DescriptorWriteReq
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: DescriptorWriteReq
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.DescriptorWriteRequest
Deprecated version changed Class name: ServerResponse
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: ServerResponse
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.ServerResponse
Deprecated version changed Class name: BLEConnectChangedState
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: BLEConnectChangedState
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.BLEConnectChangedState
Deprecated version changed Class name: ScanResult
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: ScanResult
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.ScanResult
Deprecated version changed Class name: AdvertiseSetting
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: AdvertiseSetting
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.AdvertiseSetting
Deprecated version changed Class name: AdvertiseData
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: AdvertiseData
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.AdvertiseData
Deprecated version changed Class name: ManufactureData
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: ManufactureData
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.ManufactureData
Deprecated version changed Class name: ServiceData
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: ServiceData
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.ServiceData
Deprecated version changed Class name: ScanFilter
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: ScanFilter
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.ScanFilter
Deprecated version changed Class name: ScanOptions
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: ScanOptions
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.ScanOptions
Deprecated version changed Class name: SppOption
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: SppOption
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.SppOption
Deprecated version changed Class name: PinRequiredParam
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: PinRequiredParam
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.PinRequiredParam
Deprecated version changed Class name: DeviceClass
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: DeviceClass
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.DeviceClass
Deprecated version changed Class name: BondStateParam
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: BondStateParam
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.BondStateParam
Deprecated version changed Class name: ScanDuty
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: ScanDuty
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.ScanDuty
Deprecated version changed Class name: MatchMode
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: MatchMode
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.MatchMode
Deprecated version changed Class name: ProfileConnectionState
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: ProfileConnectionState
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.ProfileConnectionState
Deprecated version changed Class name: BluetoothState
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: BluetoothState
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.BluetoothState
Deprecated version changed Class name: SppType
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: SppType
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.SppType
Deprecated version changed Class name: ScanMode
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: ScanMode
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.ScanMode
Deprecated version changed Class name: BondState
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: BondState
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.BondState
Deprecated version changed Class name: MajorClass
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: MajorClass
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.MajorClass
Deprecated version changed Class name: MajorMinorClass
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: MajorMinorClass
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.MajorMinorClass
Deprecated version changed Class name: StateChangeParam
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: StateChangeParam
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.StateChangeParam
Deprecated version changed Class name: PlayingState
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: PlayingState
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.PlayingState
Deprecated version changed Class name: ProfileId
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: ProfileId
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.bluetoothManager/bluetoothManager.ProfileId
Deprecated version changed Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function init(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function init(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.connectedTag/connectedTag
Deprecated version changed Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function uninit(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function uninit(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.connectedTag/connectedTag
Deprecated version changed Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function readNdefTag(): Promise<string>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function readNdefTag(): Promise<string>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.connectedTag/connectedTag
Deprecated version changed Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function readNdefTag(callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function readNdefTag(callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.connectedTag/connectedTag
Deprecated version changed Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function writeNdefTag(data: string): Promise<void>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function writeNdefTag(data: string): Promise<void>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.connectedTag/connectedTag
Deprecated version changed Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function writeNdefTag(data: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function writeNdefTag(data: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.connectedTag/connectedTag
Deprecated version changed Class name: FeatureType
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: FeatureType
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.nfc.cardEmulation/cardEmulation
Deprecated version changed Class name: cardEmulation
Method or attribute name: function isSupported(feature: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: cardEmulation
Method or attribute name: function isSupported(feature: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.nfc.cardEmulation/cardEmulation
Deprecated version changed Class name: HceService
Method or attribute name: startHCE(aidList: string[]): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: HceService
Method or attribute name: startHCE(aidList: string[]): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.nfc.cardEmulation/cardEmulation.HceService
Deprecated version changed Class name: HceService
Method or attribute name: stopHCE(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: HceService
Method or attribute name: stopHCE(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.nfc.cardEmulation/cardEmulation.HceService
Deprecated version changed Class name: HceService
Method or attribute name: sendResponse(responseApdu: number[]): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: HceService
Method or attribute name: sendResponse(responseApdu: number[]): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.nfc.cardEmulation/cardEmulation.HceService
Deprecated version changed Class name: nfcController
Method or attribute name: function isNfcAvailable(): boolean
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: nfcController
Method or attribute name: function isNfcAvailable(): boolean
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: global
Deprecated version changed Class name: nfcController
Method or attribute name: function openNfc(): boolean
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: nfcController
Method or attribute name: function openNfc(): boolean
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: @ohos.nfc.controller.nfcController
Deprecated version changed Class name: nfcController
Method or attribute name: function closeNfc(): boolean
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: nfcController
Method or attribute name: function closeNfc(): boolean
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: @ohos.nfc.controller.nfcController
Deprecated version changed Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcATag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcATag
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcATag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcATag
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.nfc.tag/tag
Deprecated version changed Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcBTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcBTag
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcBTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcBTag
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.nfc.tag/tag
Deprecated version changed Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcFTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcFTag
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcFTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcFTag
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.nfc.tag/tag
Deprecated version changed Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcVTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcVTag
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcVTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcVTag
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.nfc.tag/tag
Deprecated version changed Class name: TagInfo
Method or attribute name: supportedProfiles: number[];
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: TagInfo
Method or attribute name: supportedProfiles: number[];
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.nfc.tag/tag.TagInfo
Deprecated version changed Class name: MessageParcel
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: MessageParcel
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.MessageSequence
Deprecated version changed Class name: Sequenceable
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: Sequenceable
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.Parcelable
Deprecated version changed Class name: SendRequestResult
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: SendRequestResult
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.RequestResult
Deprecated version changed Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: queryLocalInterface(descriptor: string): IRemoteBroker;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: queryLocalInterface(descriptor: string): IRemoteBroker;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.IRemoteObject
Deprecated version changed Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): boolean;
Deprecated version: 8
Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: N/A
Deprecated version changed Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): Promise<SendRequestResult>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): Promise<SendRequestResult>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.IRemoteObject
Deprecated version changed Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption, callback: AsyncCallback<SendRequestResult>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption, callback: AsyncCallback<SendRequestResult>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.IRemoteObject
Deprecated version changed Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: addDeathRecipient(recipient: DeathRecipient, flags: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: addDeathRecipient(recipient: DeathRecipient, flags: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.IRemoteObject
Deprecated version changed Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: removeDeathRecipient(recipient: DeathRecipient, flags: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: removeDeathRecipient(recipient: DeathRecipient, flags: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.IRemoteObject
Deprecated version changed Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: getInterfaceDescriptor(): string;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: IRemoteObject
Method or attribute name: getInterfaceDescriptor(): string;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.IRemoteObject
Deprecated version changed Class name: RemoteObject
Method or attribute name: queryLocalInterface(descriptor: string): IRemoteBroker;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: RemoteObject
Method or attribute name: queryLocalInterface(descriptor: string): IRemoteBroker;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.RemoteObject
Deprecated version changed Class name: RemoteObject
Method or attribute name: getInterfaceDescriptor(): string;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: RemoteObject
Method or attribute name: getInterfaceDescriptor(): string;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.RemoteObject
Deprecated version changed Class name: RemoteObject
Method or attribute name: onRemoteRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: RemoteObject
Method or attribute name: onRemoteRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.RemoteObject
Deprecated version changed Class name: RemoteObject
Method or attribute name: sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): Promise<SendRequestResult>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: RemoteObject
Method or attribute name: sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): Promise<SendRequestResult>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.RemoteObject
Deprecated version changed Class name: RemoteObject
Method or attribute name: sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption, callback: AsyncCallback<SendRequestResult>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: RemoteObject
Method or attribute name: sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption, callback: AsyncCallback<SendRequestResult>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.RemoteObject
Deprecated version changed Class name: RemoteObject
Method or attribute name: attachLocalInterface(localInterface: IRemoteBroker, descriptor: string): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: RemoteObject
Method or attribute name: attachLocalInterface(localInterface: IRemoteBroker, descriptor: string): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.RemoteObject
Deprecated version changed Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: queryLocalInterface(interface: string): IRemoteBroker;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: queryLocalInterface(interface: string): IRemoteBroker;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.RemoteProxy
Deprecated version changed Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: addDeathRecipient(recipient: DeathRecipient, flags: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: addDeathRecipient(recipient: DeathRecipient, flags: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.RemoteProxy
Deprecated version changed Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: removeDeathRecipient(recipient: DeathRecipient, flags: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: removeDeathRecipient(recipient: DeathRecipient, flags: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.RemoteProxy
Deprecated version changed Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: getInterfaceDescriptor(): string;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: getInterfaceDescriptor(): string;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.RemoteProxy
Deprecated version changed Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): Promise<SendRequestResult>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): Promise<SendRequestResult>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.RemoteProxy
Deprecated version changed Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption, callback: AsyncCallback<SendRequestResult>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: RemoteProxy
Method or attribute name: sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption, callback: AsyncCallback<SendRequestResult>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.RemoteProxy
Deprecated version changed Class name: IPCSkeleton
Method or attribute name: static flushCommands(object: IRemoteObject): number;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: IPCSkeleton
Method or attribute name: static flushCommands(object: IRemoteObject): number;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.IPCSkeleton
Deprecated version changed Class name: IPCSkeleton
Method or attribute name: static setCallingIdentity(identity: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: IPCSkeleton
Method or attribute name: static setCallingIdentity(identity: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.IPCSkeleton
Deprecated version changed Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: static createAshmem(name: string, size: number): Ashmem;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: static createAshmem(name: string, size: number): Ashmem;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.Ashmem
Deprecated version changed Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: static createAshmemFromExisting(ashmem: Ashmem): Ashmem;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: static createAshmemFromExisting(ashmem: Ashmem): Ashmem;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.Ashmem
Deprecated version changed Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: mapAshmem(mapType: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: mapAshmem(mapType: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.Ashmem
Deprecated version changed Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: mapReadAndWriteAshmem(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: mapReadAndWriteAshmem(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.Ashmem
Deprecated version changed Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: mapReadOnlyAshmem(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: mapReadOnlyAshmem(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.Ashmem
Deprecated version changed Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: setProtection(protectionType: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: setProtection(protectionType: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.Ashmem
Deprecated version changed Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: writeToAshmem(buf: number[], size: number, offset: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: writeToAshmem(buf: number[], size: number, offset: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.Ashmem
Deprecated version changed Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: readFromAshmem(size: number, offset: number): number[];
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: Ashmem
Method or attribute name: readFromAshmem(size: number, offset: number): number[];
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.rpc.Ashmem
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function enableWifi(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function enableWifi(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.enableWifi
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function disableWifi(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function disableWifi(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.disableWifi
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function isWifiActive(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function isWifiActive(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.isWifiActive
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function scan(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function scan(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.scan
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getScanInfos(): Promise<Array<WifiScanInfo>>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getScanInfos(): Promise<Array<WifiScanInfo>>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.getScanResults
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getScanInfos(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<WifiScanInfo>>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getScanInfos(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<WifiScanInfo>>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.getScanResults
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function addDeviceConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig): Promise<number>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function addDeviceConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig): Promise<number>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.addDeviceConfig
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function addDeviceConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function addDeviceConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.addDeviceConfig
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function addUntrustedConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig): Promise<boolean>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function addUntrustedConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig): Promise<boolean>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.addCandidateConfig
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function addUntrustedConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function addUntrustedConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.addCandidateConfig
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function removeUntrustedConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig): Promise<boolean>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function removeUntrustedConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig): Promise<boolean>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.removeCandidateConfig
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function removeUntrustedConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function removeUntrustedConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.removeCandidateConfig
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function connectToNetwork(networkId: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function connectToNetwork(networkId: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.connectToNetwork
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function connectToDevice(config: WifiDeviceConfig): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function connectToDevice(config: WifiDeviceConfig): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.connectToDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function disconnect(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function disconnect(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.disconnect
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getSignalLevel(rssi: number, band: number): number;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getSignalLevel(rssi: number, band: number): number;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.getSignalLevel
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getLinkedInfo(): Promise<WifiLinkedInfo>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getLinkedInfo(): Promise<WifiLinkedInfo>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.getLinkedInfo
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getLinkedInfo(callback: AsyncCallback<WifiLinkedInfo>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getLinkedInfo(callback: AsyncCallback<WifiLinkedInfo>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.getLinkedInfo
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function isConnected(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function isConnected(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.isConnected
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getSupportedFeatures(): number;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getSupportedFeatures(): number;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.getSupportedFeatures
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function isFeatureSupported(featureId: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function isFeatureSupported(featureId: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.isFeatureSupported
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getDeviceMacAddress(): string[];
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getDeviceMacAddress(): string[];
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.getDeviceMacAddress
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getIpInfo(): IpInfo;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getIpInfo(): IpInfo;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.getIpInfo
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getCountryCode(): string;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getCountryCode(): string;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.getCountryCode
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function reassociate(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function reassociate(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.reassociate
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function reconnect(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function reconnect(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.reconnect
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getDeviceConfigs(): Array<WifiDeviceConfig>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getDeviceConfigs(): Array<WifiDeviceConfig>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.getDeviceConfigs
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function updateNetwork(config: WifiDeviceConfig): number;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function updateNetwork(config: WifiDeviceConfig): number;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.updateNetwork
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function disableNetwork(netId: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function disableNetwork(netId: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.disableNetwork
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function removeAllNetwork(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function removeAllNetwork(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.removeAllNetwork
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function removeDevice(id: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function removeDevice(id: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.removeDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function enableHotspot(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function enableHotspot(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.enableHotspot
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function disableHotspot(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function disableHotspot(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.disableHotspot
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function isHotspotDualBandSupported(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function isHotspotDualBandSupported(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.isHotspotDualBandSupported
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function isHotspotActive(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function isHotspotActive(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.isHotspotActive
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function setHotspotConfig(config: HotspotConfig): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function setHotspotConfig(config: HotspotConfig): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.setHotspotConfig
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getHotspotConfig(): HotspotConfig;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getHotspotConfig(): HotspotConfig;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.getHotspotConfig
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getStations(): Array<StationInfo>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getStations(): Array<StationInfo>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.getStations
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getP2pLinkedInfo(): Promise<WifiP2pLinkedInfo>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getP2pLinkedInfo(): Promise<WifiP2pLinkedInfo>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.getP2pLinkedInfo
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getP2pLinkedInfo(callback: AsyncCallback<WifiP2pLinkedInfo>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getP2pLinkedInfo(callback: AsyncCallback<WifiP2pLinkedInfo>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.getP2pLinkedInfo
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getCurrentGroup(): Promise<WifiP2pGroupInfo>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getCurrentGroup(): Promise<WifiP2pGroupInfo>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.getCurrentGroup
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getCurrentGroup(callback: AsyncCallback<WifiP2pGroupInfo>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getCurrentGroup(callback: AsyncCallback<WifiP2pGroupInfo>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.getCurrentGroup
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getP2pPeerDevices(): Promise<WifiP2pDevice[]>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getP2pPeerDevices(): Promise<WifiP2pDevice[]>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.getP2pPeerDevices
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getP2pPeerDevices(callback: AsyncCallback<WifiP2pDevice[]>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function getP2pPeerDevices(callback: AsyncCallback<WifiP2pDevice[]>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.getP2pPeerDevices
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function createGroup(config: WifiP2PConfig): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function createGroup(config: WifiP2PConfig): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.createGroup
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function removeGroup(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function removeGroup(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.removeGroup
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function p2pConnect(config: WifiP2PConfig): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function p2pConnect(config: WifiP2PConfig): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.p2pConnect
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function p2pCancelConnect(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function p2pCancelConnect(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.p2pCancelConnect
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function startDiscoverDevices(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function startDiscoverDevices(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.startDiscoverDevices
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function stopDiscoverDevices(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function stopDiscoverDevices(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.stopDiscoverDevices
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function deletePersistentGroup(netId: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function deletePersistentGroup(netId: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.deletePersistentGroup
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function setDeviceName(devName: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function setDeviceName(devName: string): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.setDeviceName
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "wifiStateChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "wifiStateChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "wifiStateChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "wifiStateChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "wifiConnectionChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "wifiConnectionChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "wifiConnectionChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "wifiConnectionChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "wifiScanStateChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "wifiScanStateChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "wifiScanStateChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "wifiScanStateChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "wifiRssiChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "wifiRssiChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "wifiRssiChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "wifiRssiChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "streamChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "streamChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "streamChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "streamChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "hotspotStateChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "hotspotStateChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "hotspotStateChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "hotspotStateChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "hotspotStaJoin", callback: Callback<StationInfo>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "hotspotStaJoin", callback: Callback<StationInfo>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "hotspotStaJoin", callback?: Callback<StationInfo>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "hotspotStaJoin", callback?: Callback<StationInfo>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "hotspotStaLeave", callback: Callback<StationInfo>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "hotspotStaLeave", callback: Callback<StationInfo>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "hotspotStaLeave", callback?: Callback<StationInfo>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "hotspotStaLeave", callback?: Callback<StationInfo>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "p2pStateChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "p2pStateChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "p2pStateChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "p2pStateChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "p2pConnectionChange", callback: Callback<WifiP2pLinkedInfo>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "p2pConnectionChange", callback: Callback<WifiP2pLinkedInfo>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "p2pConnectionChange", callback?: Callback<WifiP2pLinkedInfo>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "p2pConnectionChange", callback?: Callback<WifiP2pLinkedInfo>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "p2pDeviceChange", callback: Callback<WifiP2pDevice>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "p2pDeviceChange", callback: Callback<WifiP2pDevice>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "p2pDeviceChange", callback?: Callback<WifiP2pDevice>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "p2pDeviceChange", callback?: Callback<WifiP2pDevice>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "p2pPeerDeviceChange", callback: Callback<WifiP2pDevice[]>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "p2pPeerDeviceChange", callback: Callback<WifiP2pDevice[]>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "p2pPeerDeviceChange", callback?: Callback<WifiP2pDevice[]>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "p2pPeerDeviceChange", callback?: Callback<WifiP2pDevice[]>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "p2pPersistentGroupChange", callback: Callback<void>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "p2pPersistentGroupChange", callback: Callback<void>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "p2pPersistentGroupChange", callback?: Callback<void>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "p2pPersistentGroupChange", callback?: Callback<void>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "p2pDiscoveryChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "p2pDiscoveryChange", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.on
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "p2pDiscoveryChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifi
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "p2pDiscoveryChange", callback?: Callback<number>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/
Deprecated version changed Class name: WifiDeviceConfig
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: WifiDeviceConfig
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.WifiDeviceConfig
Deprecated version changed Class name: IpConfig
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: IpConfig
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.IpConfig
Deprecated version changed Class name: WifiScanInfo
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: WifiScanInfo
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.WifiScanInfo
Deprecated version changed Class name: WifiSecurityType
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: WifiSecurityType
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.WifiSecurityType
Deprecated version changed Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: WifiLinkedInfo
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.WifiLinkedInfo
Deprecated version changed Class name: IpInfo
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: IpInfo
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.IpInfo
Deprecated version changed Class name: HotspotConfig
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: HotspotConfig
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.HotspotConfig
Deprecated version changed Class name: StationInfo
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: StationInfo
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.StationInfo
Deprecated version changed Class name: IpType
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: IpType
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.IpType
Deprecated version changed Class name: SuppState
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: SuppState
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.SuppState
Deprecated version changed Class name: ConnState
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: ConnState
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.ConnState
Deprecated version changed Class name: WifiP2pDevice
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: WifiP2pDevice
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.WifiP2pDevice
Deprecated version changed Class name: WifiP2PConfig
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: WifiP2PConfig
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.WifiP2PConfig
Deprecated version changed Class name: WifiP2pGroupInfo
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: WifiP2pGroupInfo
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.WifiP2pGroupInfo
Deprecated version changed Class name: P2pConnectState
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: P2pConnectState
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.P2pConnectState
Deprecated version changed Class name: WifiP2pLinkedInfo
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: WifiP2pLinkedInfo
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.WifiP2pLinkedInfo
Deprecated version changed Class name: P2pDeviceStatus
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: P2pDeviceStatus
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.P2pDeviceStatus
Deprecated version changed Class name: GroupOwnerBand
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: GroupOwnerBand
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManager/wifiManager.GroupOwnerBand
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifiext
Method or attribute name: function enableHotspot(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifiext
Method or attribute name: function enableHotspot(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManagerExt/wifiManagerExt.enableHotspot
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifiext
Method or attribute name: function disableHotspot(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifiext
Method or attribute name: function disableHotspot(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManagerExt/wifiManagerExt.disableHotspot
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifiext
Method or attribute name: function getSupportedPowerModel(): Promise<Array<PowerModel>>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifiext
Method or attribute name: function getSupportedPowerModel(): Promise<Array<PowerModel>>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManagerExt/wifiManagerExt.getSupportedPowerMode
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifiext
Method or attribute name: function getSupportedPowerModel(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<PowerModel>>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifiext
Method or attribute name: function getSupportedPowerModel(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<PowerModel>>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManagerExt/wifiManagerExt.getSupportedPowerMode
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifiext
Method or attribute name: function getPowerModel (): Promise<PowerModel>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifiext
Method or attribute name: function getPowerModel (): Promise<PowerModel>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManagerExt/wifiManagerExt.getPowerMode
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifiext
Method or attribute name: function getPowerModel (callback: AsyncCallback<PowerModel>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifiext
Method or attribute name: function getPowerModel (callback: AsyncCallback<PowerModel>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManagerExt/wifiManagerExt.getPowerMode
Deprecated version changed Class name: wifiext
Method or attribute name: function setPowerModel(model: PowerModel) : boolean
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: wifiext
Method or attribute name: function setPowerModel(model: PowerModel) : boolean
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManagerExt/wifiManagerExt.setPowerMode
Deprecated version changed Class name: PowerModel
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: PowerModel
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.wifiManagerExt/wifiManagerExt.PowerMode
Deprecated version changed Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: getTagInfo(): tag.TagInfo;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: getTagInfo(): tag.TagInfo;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.nfc.tag/tag
Deprecated version changed Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: connectTag(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: connectTag(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: tagSession.TagSession
Deprecated version changed Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: reset(): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: reset(): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: tagSession.TagSession
Deprecated version changed Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: isTagConnected(): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: isTagConnected(): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: tagSession.TagSession
Deprecated version changed Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: setSendDataTimeout(timeout: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: setSendDataTimeout(timeout: number): boolean;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: tagSession.TagSession
Deprecated version changed Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: getSendDataTimeout(): number;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: getSendDataTimeout(): number;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: tagSession.TagSession
Deprecated version changed Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: sendData(data: number[]): Promise<number[]>;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: sendData(data: number[]): Promise<number[]>;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: tagSession.TagSession
Deprecated version changed Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: sendData(data: number[], callback: AsyncCallback<number[]>): void;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: sendData(data: number[], callback: AsyncCallback<number[]>): void;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: tagSession.TagSession
Deprecated version changed Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: getMaxSendLength(): number;
Deprecated version: N/A
Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: getMaxSendLength(): number;
Deprecated version: 9
Substitute API: tagSession.TagSession
Initial version changed Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: getPlayingState(device: string): PlayingState;
Initial version: N/A
Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: getPlayingState(device: string): PlayingState;
Initial version: 8
Initial version changed Class name: ScanFilter
Initial version: 7
Class name: ScanFilter
Initial version: N/A
Initial version changed Class name: ScanFilter
Method or attribute name: deviceId?: string;
Initial version: N/A
Class name: ScanFilter
Method or attribute name: deviceId?: string;
Initial version: 7
Initial version changed Class name: ScanFilter
Method or attribute name: name?: string;
Initial version: N/A
Class name: ScanFilter
Method or attribute name: name?: string;
Initial version: 7
Initial version changed Class name: ScanFilter
Method or attribute name: serviceUuid?: string;
Initial version: N/A
Class name: ScanFilter
Method or attribute name: serviceUuid?: string;
Initial version: 7
Initial version changed Class name: ProfileId
Initial version: 8
Class name: ProfileId
Initial version: N/A
Initial version changed Class name: ProfileId
Method or attribute name: PROFILE_A2DP_SOURCE = 1
Initial version: N/A
Class name: ProfileId
Method or attribute name: PROFILE_A2DP_SOURCE = 1
Initial version: 8
Initial version changed Class name: ProfileId
Method or attribute name: PROFILE_HANDS_FREE_AUDIO_GATEWAY = 4
Initial version: N/A
Class name: ProfileId
Method or attribute name: PROFILE_HANDS_FREE_AUDIO_GATEWAY = 4
Initial version: 8
Initial version changed Class name: FeatureType
Initial version: N/A
Class name: FeatureType
Initial version: 6
Initial version changed Class name: TagInfo
Method or attribute name: supportedProfiles: number[];
Initial version: N/A
Class name: TagInfo
Method or attribute name: supportedProfiles: number[];
Initial version: 7
Permission changed Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function startBluetoothDiscovery(): boolean;
Permission: ohos.permission.LOCATION
Class name: bluetooth
Method or attribute name: function startBluetoothDiscovery(): boolean;
Permission: ohos.permission.DISCOVER_BLUETOOTH and ohos.permission.LOCATION
Permission changed Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: connect(device: string): boolean;
Permission: permission ohos.permission.DISCOVER_BLUETOOTH
Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: connect(device: string): boolean;
Permission: ohos.permission.DISCOVER_BLUETOOTH
Permission changed Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: disconnect(device: string): boolean;
Permission: permission ohos.permission.DISCOVER_BLUETOOTH
Class name: A2dpSourceProfile
Method or attribute name: disconnect(device: string): boolean;
Permission: ohos.permission.DISCOVER_BLUETOOTH
Permission changed Class name: HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Method or attribute name: connect(device: string): boolean;
Permission: permission ohos.permission.DISCOVER_BLUETOOTH
Class name: HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Method or attribute name: connect(device: string): boolean;
Permission: ohos.permission.DISCOVER_BLUETOOTH
Permission changed Class name: HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Method or attribute name: disconnect(device: string): boolean;
Permission: permission ohos.permission.DISCOVER_BLUETOOTH
Class name: HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile
Method or attribute name: disconnect(device: string): boolean;
Permission: ohos.permission.DISCOVER_BLUETOOTH
Permission changed Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function startBLEScan(filters: Array<ScanFilter>, options?: ScanOptions): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.LOCATION
Class name: BLE
Method or attribute name: function startBLEScan(filters: Array<ScanFilter>, options?: ScanOptions): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.DISCOVER_BLUETOOTH and ohos.permission.MANAGE_BLUETOOTH and ohos.permission.LOCATION
Permission changed Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function init(): boolean;
Permission: s ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function init(): boolean;
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Permission changed Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function uninit(): boolean;
Permission: s ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function uninit(): boolean;
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Permission changed Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function readNdefTag(): Promise<string>;
Permission: s ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function readNdefTag(): Promise<string>;
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Permission changed Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function readNdefTag(callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
Permission: s ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function readNdefTag(callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Permission changed Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function writeNdefTag(data: string): Promise<void>;
Permission: s ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function writeNdefTag(data: string): Promise<void>;
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Permission changed Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function writeNdefTag(data: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Permission: s ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function writeNdefTag(data: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Permission changed Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "notify", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Permission: s ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function on(type: "notify", callback: Callback<number>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Permission changed Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "notify", callback?:Callback<number>): void;
Permission: s ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: connectedTag
Method or attribute name: function off(type: "notify", callback?:Callback<number>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Permission changed Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function getAddressesByName(host: string, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<NetAddress>>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_NETWORK_INFO
Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function getAddressesByName(host: string, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<NetAddress>>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.INTERNET
Permission changed Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function getAddressesByName(host: string): Promise<Array<NetAddress>>;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_NETWORK_INFO
Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function getAddressesByName(host: string): Promise<Array<NetAddress>>;
Permission: ohos.permission.INTERNET
Permission changed Class name: NetHandle
Method or attribute name: getAddressesByName(host: string, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<NetAddress>>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_NETWORK_INFO
Class name: NetHandle
Method or attribute name: getAddressesByName(host: string, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<NetAddress>>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.INTERNET
Permission changed Class name: NetHandle
Method or attribute name: getAddressesByName(host: string): Promise<Array<NetAddress>>;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_NETWORK_INFO
Class name: NetHandle
Method or attribute name: getAddressesByName(host: string): Promise<Array<NetAddress>>;
Permission: ohos.permission.INTERNET
Permission changed Class name: NetHandle
Method or attribute name: getAddressByName(host: string, callback: AsyncCallback<NetAddress>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_NETWORK_INFO
Class name: NetHandle
Method or attribute name: getAddressByName(host: string, callback: AsyncCallback<NetAddress>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.INTERNET
Permission changed Class name: NetHandle
Method or attribute name: getAddressByName(host: string): Promise<NetAddress>;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_NETWORK_INFO
Class name: NetHandle
Method or attribute name: getAddressByName(host: string): Promise<NetAddress>;
Permission: ohos.permission.INTERNET
Permission deleted Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcATag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcATag
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcATag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcATag
Permission: N/A
Permission deleted Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcBTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcBTag
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcBTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcBTag
Permission: N/A
Permission deleted Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcFTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcFTag
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcFTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcFTag
Permission: N/A
Permission deleted Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcVTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcVTag
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcVTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcVTag
Permission: N/A
Permission deleted Class name: NfcATag
Method or attribute name: getSak(): number;
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: NfcATag
Method or attribute name: getSak(): number;
Permission: N/A
Permission deleted Class name: NfcATag
Method or attribute name: getAtqa(): number[];
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: NfcATag
Method or attribute name: getAtqa(): number[];
Permission: N/A
Permission deleted Class name: NfcBTag
Method or attribute name: getRespAppData(): number[];
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: NfcBTag
Method or attribute name: getRespAppData(): number[];
Permission: N/A
Permission deleted Class name: NfcBTag
Method or attribute name: getRespProtocol(): number[];
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: NfcBTag
Method or attribute name: getRespProtocol(): number[];
Permission: N/A
Permission deleted Class name: NfcFTag
Method or attribute name: getSystemCode(): number[];
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: NfcFTag
Method or attribute name: getSystemCode(): number[];
Permission: N/A
Permission deleted Class name: NfcFTag
Method or attribute name: getPmm(): number[];
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: NfcFTag
Method or attribute name: getPmm(): number[];
Permission: N/A
Permission deleted Class name: NfcVTag
Method or attribute name: getResponseFlags(): number;
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: NfcVTag
Method or attribute name: getResponseFlags(): number;
Permission: N/A
Permission deleted Class name: NfcVTag
Method or attribute name: getDsfId(): number;
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: NfcVTag
Method or attribute name: getDsfId(): number;
Permission: N/A
Permission deleted Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: isTagConnected(): boolean;
Permission: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: isTagConnected(): boolean;
Permission: N/A
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function getDefaultNet(callback: AsyncCallback<NetHandle>): void;
Error code: 201, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function getDefaultNet(): Promise<NetHandle>;
Error code: 201, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function getAllNets(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<NetHandle>>): void;
Error code: 201, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function getAllNets(): Promise<Array<NetHandle>>;
Error code: 201, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function getConnectionProperties(netHandle: NetHandle, callback: AsyncCallback<ConnectionProperties>): void;
Error code: 201, 401, 2100001, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function getConnectionProperties(netHandle: NetHandle): Promise<ConnectionProperties>;
Error code: 201, 401, 2100001, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function getNetCapabilities(netHandle: NetHandle, callback: AsyncCallback<NetCapabilities>): void;
Error code: 201, 401, 2100001, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function getNetCapabilities(netHandle: NetHandle): Promise<NetCapabilities>;
Error code: 201, 401, 2100001, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function hasDefaultNet(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
Error code: 201, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function hasDefaultNet(): Promise<boolean>;
Error code: 201, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function enableAirplaneMode(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Error code: 201, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function enableAirplaneMode(): Promise<void>;
Error code: 201, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function disableAirplaneMode(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Error code: 201, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function disableAirplaneMode(): Promise<void>;
Error code: 201, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function reportNetConnected(netHandle: NetHandle, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Error code: 201, 401, 2100001, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function reportNetConnected(netHandle: NetHandle): Promise<void>;
Error code: 201, 401, 2100001, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function reportNetDisconnected(netHandle: NetHandle, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Error code: 201, 401, 2100001, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function reportNetDisconnected(netHandle: NetHandle): Promise<void>;
Error code: 201, 401, 2100001, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function getAddressesByName(host: string, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<NetAddress>>): void;
Error code: 201, 401, 2100001, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function getAddressesByName(host: string): Promise<Array<NetAddress>>;
Error code: 201, 401, 2100001, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: NetConnection
Method or attribute name: register(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Error code: 201, 2100002, 2100003, 2101008, 2101022
Error code added NA Class name: NetConnection
Method or attribute name: unregister(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Error code: 2100002, 2100003, 2101007
Error code added NA Class name: NetHandle
Method or attribute name: getAddressesByName(host: string, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<NetAddress>>): void;
Error code: 201, 401, 2100001, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: NetHandle
Method or attribute name: getAddressesByName(host: string): Promise<Array<NetAddress>>;
Error code: 201, 401, 2100001, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: NetHandle
Method or attribute name: getAddressByName(host: string, callback: AsyncCallback<NetAddress>): void;
Error code: 201, 401, 2100001, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: NetHandle
Method or attribute name: getAddressByName(host: string): Promise<NetAddress>;
Error code: 201, 401, 2100001, 2100002, 2100003
Error code added NA Class name: HttpRequest
Method or attribute name: request(url: string, callback: AsyncCallback<HttpResponse>): void;
Error code: 401, 201, 2300001, 2300003, 2300005, 2300006, 2300007, 2300008, 2300009, 2300016, 2300018, 2300023, 2300025, 2300026, 2300027, 2300028, 2300047, 2300052, 2300055, 2300056, 2300058, 2300059, 2300060, 2300061, 2300063, 2300070, 2300073, 2300077, 2300078, 2300094, 2300999
Error code added NA Class name: HttpRequest
Method or attribute name: request(url: string, options: HttpRequestOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<HttpResponse>): void;
Error code: 401, 201, 2300001, 2300003, 2300005, 2300006, 2300007, 2300008, 2300009, 2300016, 2300018, 2300023, 2300025, 2300026, 2300027, 2300028, 2300047, 2300052, 2300055, 2300056, 2300058, 2300059, 2300060, 2300061, 2300063, 2300070, 2300073, 2300077, 2300078, 2300094, 2300999
Error code added NA Class name: HttpRequest
Method or attribute name: request(url: string, options?: HttpRequestOptions): Promise<HttpResponse>;
Error code: 401, 201, 2300001, 2300003, 2300005, 2300006, 2300007, 2300008, 2300009, 2300016, 2300018, 2300023, 2300025, 2300026, 2300027, 2300028, 2300047, 2300052, 2300055, 2300056, 2300058, 2300059, 2300060, 2300061, 2300063, 2300070, 2300073, 2300077, 2300078, 2300094, 2300999
Error code added NA Class name: UDPSocket
Method or attribute name: bind(address: NetAddress, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: UDPSocket
Method or attribute name: bind(address: NetAddress): Promise<void>;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: UDPSocket
Method or attribute name: send(options: UDPSendOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: UDPSocket
Method or attribute name: send(options: UDPSendOptions): Promise<void>;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: UDPSocket
Method or attribute name: close(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Error code: 201
Error code added NA Class name: UDPSocket
Method or attribute name: close(): Promise<void>;
Error code: 201
Error code added NA Class name: UDPSocket
Method or attribute name: getState(callback: AsyncCallback<SocketStateBase>): void;
Error code: 201
Error code added NA Class name: UDPSocket
Method or attribute name: getState(): Promise<SocketStateBase>;
Error code: 201
Error code added NA Class name: UDPSocket
Method or attribute name: setExtraOptions(options: UDPExtraOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: UDPSocket
Method or attribute name: setExtraOptions(options: UDPExtraOptions): Promise<void>;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: TCPSocket
Method or attribute name: bind(address: NetAddress, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: TCPSocket
Method or attribute name: bind(address: NetAddress): Promise<void>;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: TCPSocket
Method or attribute name: connect(options: TCPConnectOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: TCPSocket
Method or attribute name: connect(options: TCPConnectOptions): Promise<void>;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: TCPSocket
Method or attribute name: send(options: TCPSendOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: TCPSocket
Method or attribute name: send(options: TCPSendOptions): Promise<void>;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: TCPSocket
Method or attribute name: close(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Error code: 201
Error code added NA Class name: TCPSocket
Method or attribute name: close(): Promise<void>;
Error code: 201
Error code added NA Class name: TCPSocket
Method or attribute name: getRemoteAddress(callback: AsyncCallback<NetAddress>): void;
Error code: 201
Error code added NA Class name: TCPSocket
Method or attribute name: getRemoteAddress(): Promise<NetAddress>;
Error code: 201
Error code added NA Class name: TCPSocket
Method or attribute name: getState(callback: AsyncCallback<SocketStateBase>): void;
Error code: 201
Error code added NA Class name: TCPSocket
Method or attribute name: getState(): Promise<SocketStateBase>;
Error code: 201
Error code added NA Class name: TCPSocket
Method or attribute name: setExtraOptions(options: TCPExtraOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: TCPSocket
Method or attribute name: setExtraOptions(options: TCPExtraOptions): Promise<void>;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: WebSocket
Method or attribute name: connect(url: string, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: WebSocket
Method or attribute name: connect(url: string, options: WebSocketRequestOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: WebSocket
Method or attribute name: connect(url: string, options?: WebSocketRequestOptions): Promise<boolean>;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: WebSocket
Method or attribute name: send(data: string | ArrayBuffer, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: WebSocket
Method or attribute name: send(data: string | ArrayBuffer): Promise<boolean>;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: WebSocket
Method or attribute name: close(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: WebSocket
Method or attribute name: close(options: WebSocketCloseOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
Error code: 401, 201
Error code added NA Class name: WebSocket
Method or attribute name: close(options?: WebSocketCloseOptions): Promise<boolean>;
Error code: 401, 201
Permission added Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function hasDefaultNet(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
Permission: N/A
Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function hasDefaultNet(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_NETWORK_INFO
Permission added Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function hasDefaultNet(): Promise<boolean>;
Permission: N/A
Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function hasDefaultNet(): Promise<boolean>;
Permission: ohos.permission.GET_NETWORK_INFO
Permission added Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function enableAirplaneMode(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Permission: N/A
Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function enableAirplaneMode(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL
Permission added Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function enableAirplaneMode(): Promise<void>;
Permission: N/A
Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function enableAirplaneMode(): Promise<void>;
Permission: ohos.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL
Permission added Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function disableAirplaneMode(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Permission: N/A
Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function disableAirplaneMode(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Permission: ohos.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL
Permission added Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function disableAirplaneMode(): Promise<void>;
Permission: N/A
Class name: connection
Method or attribute name: function disableAirplaneMode(): Promise<void>;
Permission: ohos.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL
SysCap changed Class name: cardEmulation
Class name: cardEmulation
SysCap changed Class name: FeatureType
Class name: FeatureType
SysCap changed Class name: FeatureType
Method or attribute name: HCE = 0
Class name: FeatureType
Method or attribute name: HCE = 0
SysCap changed Class name: FeatureType
Method or attribute name: UICC = 1
Class name: FeatureType
Method or attribute name: UICC = 1
SysCap changed Class name: FeatureType
Method or attribute name: ESE = 2
Class name: FeatureType
Method or attribute name: ESE = 2
SysCap changed Class name: cardEmulation
Method or attribute name: function isSupported(feature: number): boolean;
Class name: cardEmulation
Method or attribute name: function isSupported(feature: number): boolean;
SysCap changed Class name: HceService
Class name: HceService
SysCap changed Class name: HceService
Method or attribute name: startHCE(aidList: string[]): boolean;
Class name: HceService
Method or attribute name: startHCE(aidList: string[]): boolean;
SysCap changed Class name: HceService
Method or attribute name: stopHCE(): boolean;
Class name: HceService
Method or attribute name: stopHCE(): boolean;
SysCap changed Class name: HceService
Method or attribute name: on(type: "hceCmd", callback: AsyncCallback<number[]>): void;
Class name: HceService
Method or attribute name: on(type: "hceCmd", callback: AsyncCallback<number[]>): void;
SysCap changed Class name: HceService
Method or attribute name: sendResponse(responseApdu: number[]): void;
Class name: HceService
Method or attribute name: sendResponse(responseApdu: number[]): void;
SysCap changed Class name: tag
Class name: tag
SysCap changed Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: const NFC_A = 1;
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: const NFC_A = 1;
SysCap changed Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: const NFC_B = 2;
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: const NFC_B = 2;
SysCap changed Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: const ISO_DEP = 3;
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: const ISO_DEP = 3;
SysCap changed Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: const NFC_F = 4;
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: const NFC_F = 4;
SysCap changed Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: const NFC_V = 5;
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: const NFC_V = 5;
SysCap changed Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: const NDEF = 6;
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: const NDEF = 6;
SysCap changed Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: const MIFARE_CLASSIC = 8;
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: const MIFARE_CLASSIC = 8;
SysCap changed Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: const MIFARE_ULTRALIGHT = 9;
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: const MIFARE_ULTRALIGHT = 9;
SysCap changed Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcATag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcATag
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcATag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcATag
SysCap changed Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcBTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcBTag
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcBTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcBTag
SysCap changed Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcFTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcFTag
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcFTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcFTag
SysCap changed Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcVTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcVTag
Class name: tag
Method or attribute name: function getNfcVTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcVTag
SysCap changed Class name: TagInfo
Class name: TagInfo
SysCap changed Class name: TagInfo
Method or attribute name: supportedProfiles: number[];
Class name: TagInfo
Method or attribute name: supportedProfiles: number[];
SysCap changed Class name: NfcATag
Class name: NfcATag
SysCap changed Class name: NfcATag
Method or attribute name: getSak(): number;
Class name: NfcATag
Method or attribute name: getSak(): number;
SysCap changed Class name: NfcATag
Method or attribute name: getAtqa(): number[];
Class name: NfcATag
Method or attribute name: getAtqa(): number[];
SysCap changed Class name: NfcBTag
Class name: NfcBTag
SysCap changed Class name: NfcBTag
Method or attribute name: getRespAppData(): number[];
Class name: NfcBTag
Method or attribute name: getRespAppData(): number[];
SysCap changed Class name: NfcBTag
Method or attribute name: getRespProtocol(): number[];
Class name: NfcBTag
Method or attribute name: getRespProtocol(): number[];
SysCap changed Class name: NfcFTag
Class name: NfcFTag
SysCap changed Class name: NfcFTag
Method or attribute name: getSystemCode(): number[];
Class name: NfcFTag
Method or attribute name: getSystemCode(): number[];
SysCap changed Class name: NfcFTag
Method or attribute name: getPmm(): number[];
Class name: NfcFTag
Method or attribute name: getPmm(): number[];
SysCap changed Class name: NfcVTag
Class name: NfcVTag
SysCap changed Class name: NfcVTag
Method or attribute name: getResponseFlags(): number;
Class name: NfcVTag
Method or attribute name: getResponseFlags(): number;
SysCap changed Class name: NfcVTag
Method or attribute name: getDsfId(): number;
Class name: NfcVTag
Method or attribute name: getDsfId(): number;
SysCap changed Class name: TagSession
Class name: TagSession
SysCap changed Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: getTagInfo(): tag.TagInfo;
Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: getTagInfo(): tag.TagInfo;
SysCap changed Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: connectTag(): boolean;
Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: connectTag(): boolean;
SysCap changed Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: reset(): void;
Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: reset(): void;
SysCap changed Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: isTagConnected(): boolean;
Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: isTagConnected(): boolean;
SysCap changed Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: setSendDataTimeout(timeout: number): boolean;
Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: setSendDataTimeout(timeout: number): boolean;
SysCap changed Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: getSendDataTimeout(): number;
Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: getSendDataTimeout(): number;
SysCap changed Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: sendData(data: number[]): Promise<number[]>;
Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: sendData(data: number[]): Promise<number[]>;
SysCap changed Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: sendData(data: number[], callback: AsyncCallback<number[]>): void;
Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: sendData(data: number[], callback: AsyncCallback<number[]>): void;
SysCap changed Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: getMaxSendLength(): number;
Class name: TagSession
Method or attribute name: getMaxSendLength(): number;