Mission Management Scenarios

Before getting started with the development of mission management, be familiar with the following concepts related to mission management:

  • AbilityRecord: minimum unit for the system service to manage a UIAbility instance. It corresponds to a UIAbility component instance of an application.

  • MissionRecord: minimum unit for mission management. One MissionRecord has only one AbilityRecord. In other words, a UIAbility component instance corresponds to a mission.

  • MissionList: a list of missions started from the home screen. It records the startup relationship between missions. In a MissionList, an above mission is started by the mission under it, and the mission at the bottom is started by the home screen.

  • MissionListManager: system mission management module that maintains all the MissionLists and is consistent with the list in Recents.

    Figure 1 Mission management


Missions are managed by system applications (such as home screen), rather than third-party applications. Users interact with missions through Recents. After creating a mission, users can perform the following operations on Recents:

  • Delete a mission.

  • Lock or unlock a mission. (Locked missions are not cleared when users attempt to clear all missions in Recents.)

  • Clear all missions in Recents.

  • Switch a mission to the foreground.

A UIAbility instance corresponds to an independent mission. Therefore, when an application calls startAbility() to start a UIAbility, a mission is created.

To call missionManager to manage missions, the home screen application must request the ohos.permission.MANAGE_MISSIONS permission. For details about the configuration, see Declaring Permissions in the Configuration File.

You can use missionManager to manage missions, for example, listening for mission changes, obtaining mission information or snapshots, and clearing, locking, or unlocking missions. The sample code is as follows:

import missionManager from '@ohos.app.ability.missionManager'

let listener = {
    // Listen for mission creation.
    onMissionCreated: function (mission) {
    // Listen for mission destruction.
    onMissionDestroyed: function (mission) {
    // Listen for mission snapshot changes.
    onMissionSnapshotChanged: function (mission) {
    // Listen for switching the mission to the foreground.
    onMissionMovedToFront: function (mission) {
    // Listen for mission icon changes.
    onMissionIconUpdated: function (mission, icon) {
    // Listen for mission name changes.
    onMissionLabelUpdated: function (mission) {
    // Listen for mission closure events.
    onMissionClosed: function (mission) {

// 1. Register a mission change listener.
let listenerId = missionManager.on('mission', listener);

// 2. Obtain the latest 20 missions in the system.
missionManager.getMissionInfos("", 20, (error, missions) => {
    console.info("getMissionInfos is called, error.code = " + error.code);
    console.info("size = " + missions.length);
    console.info("missions = " + JSON.stringify(missions));

// 3. Obtain the detailed information about a mission.
let missionId = 11; // The mission ID 11 is only an example.
let mission = missionManager.getMissionInfo("", missionId).catch(function (err) {

// 4. Obtain the mission snapshot.
missionManager.getMissionSnapShot("", missionId, (error, snapshot) => {
    console.info("getMissionSnapShot is called, error.code = " + error.code);
    console.info("bundleName = " + snapshot.ability.bundleName);

// 5. Obtain the low-resolution mission snapshot.
missionManager.getLowResolutionMissionSnapShot("", missionId, (error, snapshot) => {
    console.info("getLowResolutionMissionSnapShot is called, error.code = " + error.code);
    console.info("bundleName = " + snapshot.ability.bundleName);

// 6. Lock or unlock the mission.
missionManager.lockMission(missionId).then(() => {
    console.info("lockMission is called ");

missionManager.unlockMission(missionId).then(() => {
    console.info("unlockMission is called ");

// 7. Switch the mission to the foreground.
missionManager.moveMissionToFront(missionId).then(() => {
    console.info("moveMissionToFront is called ");

// 8. Clear a single mission.
missionManager.clearMission(missionId).then(() => {
    console.info("clearMission is called ");

// 9. Clear all missions.
missionManager.clearAllMissions().catch(function (err) {

// 10. Deregister the mission change listener.
missionManager.off('mission', listenerId, (error) => {