
The <Search> component provides an area for users to enter search queries.


This component is supported since API version 8. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Child Components

Not supported


Search(options?: { value?: string; placeholder?: string; icon?: string; controller?: SearchController })


Name Type Mandatory Description
value string No Text input in the search text box.
Since API version 10, this parameter supports two-way binding through $$.
icon string No Path to the search icon. By default, the system search icon is used.
For details about the supported image types, see Image.
controller SearchController No Controller of the <Search> component.


In addition to the universal attributes, the following attributes are supported.

Name Type Description
searchButton string Text on the search button located next to the search text box. By default, there is no search button.
placeholderColor ResourceColor Placeholder text color.
placeholderFont Font Placeholder text style, including the font size, font width, font family, and font style. Currently, only the default font family is supported.
textFont Font Style of the text entered in the search box, including the font size, font width, font family, and font style. Currently, only the default font family is supported.
textAlign TextAlign Text alignment mode in the search text box.
Default value: TextAlign.Start
copyOption9+ CopyOptions Whether copy and paste is allowed.


In addition to the universal events, the following events are supported.

Name Description
onSubmit(callback: (value: string) => void) Invoked when users click the search icon or the search button, or touch the search button on a soft keyboard.
- value: current text input.
onChange(callback: (value: string) => void) Invoked when the input in the text box changes.
- value: current text input.
onCopy(callback: (value: string) => void) Invoked when data is copied to the pasteboard, which is displayed when the search text box is long pressed.
- value: text copied.
onCut(callback: (value: string) => void) Invoked when data is cut from the pasteboard, which is displayed when the search text box is long pressed.
- value: text cut.
onPaste(callback: (value: string) => void) Invoked when data is pasted from the pasteboard, which is displayed when the search text box is long pressed.
-value: text pasted.


Implements the controller of the <Search> component. Currently, the controller can be used to control the caret position.

Objects to Import

controller: SearchController = new SearchController()


caretPosition(value: number): void

Sets the position of the caret.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value number Yes Length from the start of the character string to the position where the caret is located.


// xxx.ets
struct SearchExample {
  @State changeValue: string = ''
  @State submitValue: string = ''
  controller: SearchController = new SearchController()

  build() {
    Column() {
      Text('onSubmit:' + this.submitValue).fontSize(18).margin(15)
      Text('onChange:' + this.changeValue).fontSize(18).margin(15)
      Search({ value: this.changeValue, placeholder: 'Type to search...', controller: this.controller })
        .placeholderFont({ size: 14, weight: 400 })
        .textFont({ size: 14, weight: 400 })
        .onSubmit((value: string) => {
          this.submitValue = value
        .onChange((value: string) => {
          this.changeValue = value
      Button('Set caretPosition 1')
        .onClick(() => {
          // Move the caret to after the first entered character.
