
The <Panel> component is a slidable panel that presents lightweight content with flexible sizes.


This component is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Child Components



Built-in components and custom components are allowed, with support for (if/else, ForEach, and LazyForEach) rendering control.


Panel(show: boolean)


Name Type Mandatory Description
show boolean Yes Whether the panel is shown.
The panel is hidden and does not take up space in the layout if this parameter is set to false or Visible.None is set.


In addition to the universal attributes, the following attributes are supported.

Name Type Description
type PanelType Type of the panel.
Default value: PanelType.Foldable
mode PanelMode Initial status of the panel.
Default value for the Minibar type: PanelMode.Mini
Default value for other types: PanelMode.Half
dragBar boolean Whether to enable a drag bar. The value true means that the drag bar will be displayed, and false means the opposite.
Default value: true
fullHeight string | number Panel height in the PanelMode.Full mode.
Default value: main axis height of the panel minus 8 vp
This attribute cannot be set in percentage.
halfHeight string | number Panel height in the PanelMode.Half mode.
Default value: half of the main axis height of the panel
This attribute cannot be set in percentage.
miniHeight string | number Panel height in the PanelMode.Mini mode.
Default value: 48
Unit: vp
This attribute cannot be set in percentage.
show boolean Whether to show the panel.
backgroundMask9+ ResourceColor Background mask of the panel.


Name Description
Minibar A minibar panel displays content in the minibar area or a large (fullscreen-like) area.
Foldable A foldable panel displays permanent content in a large (fullscreen-like), medium-sized (halfscreen-like), or small area.
Temporary A temporary panel displays content in a large (fullscreen-like) or medium-sized (halfscreen-like) area.


Name Description
Mini Displays a minibar or foldable panel in its minimum size. This attribute does not take effect for temporary panels.
Half Displays a foldable or temporary panel in a medium-sized (halfscreen-like) area. This attribute does not take effect for minibar panels.
Full Displays a panel in a large (fullscreen-like) area.


In addition to the universal events, the following events are supported.

Name Description
onChange(event: (width: number, height: number, mode: PanelMode) => void) Triggered when the status of the panel changes. The returned height value is the height of the content area. When the value of dragBar is true, the panel height is the sum of the drag bar height and content area height.
onHeightChange(callback: (value: number) => void)9+ Triggered when the height of the panel changes. The returned height value is the height of the content area, in px by default. When the value of dragBar is true, the panel height is the sum of the drag bar height and content area height. For user experience purposes, the panel can be slid to only this height: fullHeight - 8 vp.


// xxx.ets
struct PanelExample {
  @State show: boolean = false

  build() {
    Column() {
      Text('2021-09-30    Today Calendar: 1.afternoon......Click for details')
        .backgroundColor(0xFFFFFF).padding({ left: 20 })
        .onClick(() => {
 = !
            Panel( { // Display the agenda.
        Column() {
          Text('Today Calendar')
          Text('1. afternoon 4:00 The project meeting')
      .dragBar(true) // The drag bar is enabled by default.
      .halfHeight(500) // The panel height is half of the screen height by default.
      .onChange((width: number, height: number, mode: PanelMode) => {`width:${width},height:${height},mode:${mode}`)
    }.width('100%').height('100%').backgroundColor(0xDCDCDC).padding({ top: 5 })
