Customizing Page Request Responses

The Web component supports customization of the response to intercepted page requests. You can call onInterceptRequest() to customize web page responses, file resource responses, etc.

When a resource loading request is initiated on a web page, the application layer will receive the request. The application layer then constructs a local resource response and sends it to the web kernel. On receiving the response, the web kernel parses the response and loads page resources accordingly.

In the following example, the Web component intercepts the web page request and constructs a custom response in the application code.

  • Code of the example.html page:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
    <!-- Page resource request ->
    <a href="">intercept test!</a>
  • Application code:

    // xxx.ets
    import web_webview from '@ohos.web.webview';
    struct WebComponent {
      controller: web_webview.WebviewController = new web_webview.WebviewController()
      responseResource: WebResourceResponse = new WebResourceResponse()
      // Customize a response.
      @State webData: string = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n' +
      '<title>intercept test</title>\n'+
      '<h1>intercept ok</h1>\n'+
      build() {
        Column() {
          Web({ src: $rawfile('example.html'), controller: this.controller })
            .onInterceptRequest((event) => {
    'url:' + event.request.getRequestUrl());
              // Intercept the web page request.
              if (event.request.getRequestUrl() !== '') {
                return null;
              // Construct a custom response.
              return this.responseResource;