DFX Development

How do I flush HiLog information to disks?

Applicable to: OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta (API version 9)


How do I flush HiLog information to disks?


Run the hilog -w start -f ckTest -l 1M -n 5 -m zlib -j 11 command.

The log file is saved in the /data/log/hilog/ directory.

Parameter description:

-**-w**: Starts a log flushing task. **start** means to start the task, and **stop** means to stop the task.
-**-f**: Sets the log file name.
-**-l**: Sets the size of a single log file. The unit can be B, KB, MB, or GB.
-**-n**: Sets the maximum number of log files. When the number of log files exceeds the specified value, the earliest log file will be overwritten. The value range is [2,1000].
-**-m**: Specifies the log file compression algorithm.
-**-j**: Specifies the task ID. The value ranges from **10** to **0xffffffffff**.
For more details about parameters, run the **hilog --help** command.