Common Library Subsystem Changelog

cl.commonlibrary.1 URLParams Class Changes

The constructor function of the URLParams class in the URL module of the common library subsystem is changed.

Specifically, constructor(init?: string[][] | Record<string, string> | string | URLSearchParams) is changed to constructor(init?: string[][] | Record<string, string> | string | URLParams), and the parameter type is changed from URLSearchParams to URLParams.

You need to adapt your application.

Change Impacts

JS APIs in API version 9 are affected. Your application needs to adapt these APIs so that it can properly implement features in the SDK environment of the new version.

Key API/Component Changes

Module Class Method/Attribute/Enum/Constant Change Type
@ohos.url URLParams constructor(string[][] | Record<string, string> | string | URLSearchParams) Deleted
@ohos.url URLParams constructor(string[][] | Record<string, string> | string | URLParams) Changed

Adaptation Guide

The following illustrates how to create a URLParams object in your application.


import url from '@ohos.url'
try {
    let params1 = new Url.URLParams('?user=abc&query=xyz')
    let params2 = new Url.URLParams(params1)
    var result= params2.toString()
    console.log(result) //"user=abc&query=xyz"
} catch (err) {
    console.error(`Fail to ceate URLParams.codeis${err.code},message is ${err.message}`);

cl.commonlibrary.2 URL Attribute Changes of URLParams Class APIs

The URL attributes of the URL module in the common library subsystem are changed.

Specifically, the searchParams: URLSearchParams attribute is deprecated, and the params: URLParams attribute is added.

You need to adapt your application.

Change Impacts

JS APIs in API version 9 are affected. Your application needs to adapt these APIs so that it can properly implement features in the SDK environment of the new version.

Key API/Component Changes

Module Class Method/Attribute/Enum/Constant Change Type
@ohos.url URL searchParams: URLSearchParams; Deprecated (in API version 9)
@ohos.url URL params: URLParams; Added

Adaptation Guide

The following illustrates how to create a URLParams object in your application.


import url from '@ohos.url'
let that = new Url.URL('http://username:password@host:8080/directory/file?Hello=china#qwer=da')
let params = that.URLParams
var result = params.toString()
console.log(result) //%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD=china