
The MissionListener module defines the listeners used to observe the mission status. The listeners can be registered by using registerMissionListener.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Mission

Name Type Mandatory Description
onMissionCreated function No Called when the system creates a mission.
onMissionDestroyed function No Called when the system destroys the mission.
onMissionSnapshotChanged function No Called when the system updates the mission snapshot.
onMissionMovedToFront function No Called when the system moves the mission to the foreground.
onMissionLabelUpdated function No Called when the system updates the mission label.
onMissionIconUpdated function No Called when the system updates the mission icon.
onMissionClosed function No Called when the system closes the mission.


import missionManager from '@ohos.application.missionManager';

let listener = {
    onMissionCreated: function (mission) {
        console.log('onMissionCreated mission: ' + JSON.stringify(mission));
    onMissionDestroyed: function (mission) {
        console.log('onMissionDestroyed mission: ' + JSON.stringify(mission));
    onMissionSnapshotChanged: function (mission) {
        console.log('onMissionSnapshotChanged mission: ' + JSON.stringify(mission));
    onMissionMovedToFront: function (mission) {
        console.log('onMissionMovedToFront mission: ' + JSON.stringify(mission));
    onMissionLabelUpdated: function (mission) {
        console.log('onMissionLabelUpdated mission: ' + JSON.stringify(mission));
    onMissionIconUpdated: function (mission, icon) {
        console.log('onMissionIconUpdated mission: ' + JSON.stringify(mission));
        console.log('onMissionIconUpdated icon: ' + JSON.stringify(icon));
    onMissionClosed: function (mission) {
        console.log('onMissionClosed mission: ' + JSON.stringify(mission));
let listenerid = missionManager.registerMissionListener(listener);