Focus Control

Focus control attributes set whether a component is focusable, how it participates in sequential keyboard navigation,


The APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.


Name Type Description
focusable boolean Whether the current component is focusable.
Components that have default interaction logic, such as <Button> and <TextInput>, are focusable by default. Other components, such as <Text> and <Image>, are not focusable by default. Only focusable components can trigger a focus event.
tabIndex9+ number How the current component participates in sequential keyboard navigation.
- tabIndex >= 0: The component is focusable in sequential keyboard navigation, with its order defined by the value. A component with a larger value gains focus later than one with a smaller value. If multiple components share the same tabIndex value, their focus order follows their position in the component tree.
- tabIndex < 0 (usually tabIndex = -1): The component is focusable, but cannot be reached through sequential keyboard navigation.
Default value: 0
defaultFocus9+ boolean Whether to set the current component as the default focus of the page. This attribute takes effect only when the page is new and accessed for the first time.
Default value: false
groupDefaultFocus9+ boolean Whether to set the current component as the default focus of the parent container. This attribute takes effect only when the container is new and has focus for the first time.
Default value: false
This attribute must be used together with tabIndex. When tabIndex is set for a container and groupDefaultFocus is set for a component in the container, the focus is automatically shifted to that component when the container obtains the focus for the first time.
focusOnTouch9+ boolean Whether the current component is focusable on touch.
Default value: false
The component can obtain focus only when it is touchable or clickable.



requestFocus(value: string): boolean

Requests the focus to move to the specified component. This API can be used in global method statements.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value string Yes String bound to the target component using the key(value: string).

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns whether the focus is successfully moved to the target component. Returns true if the specified component exists and the focus is successfully moved to the target component; returns false otherwise.


The following components support focus control: <TextInput>, <TextArea>, <Search>, <Button>, <Text>, <Image>, <List>, and <Grid>. Currently, the running effect of the focus event can be displayed only on a real device.


Example 1


defaultFocus sets the bound component as the initial focus of the page after the page is created. groupDefaultFocus sets the bound component as the initial focus of the tabIndex container after the container is created. focusOnTouch sets the bound component to obtain focus upon being clicked.

// focusTest.ets
struct FocusableExample {
  @State inputValue: string = ''

  build() {
    Scroll() {
      Row({ space: 20 }) {
        Column({ space: 20 }) {
          Column({ space: 5 }) {
              .focusOnTouch(true)           // The button is focusable on touch.
            Row({ space: 5 }) {
                .focusOnTouch(true)           // The button is focusable on touch.
            Row({ space: 5 }) {
          .tabIndex(1)                      // The column is the initial component to have focus in sequential keyboard navigation.
          Column({ space: 5 }) {
            Row({ space: 5 }) {
                .groupDefaultFocus(true)      // The button obtains focus when its upper-level column is in focus.
            Row({ space: 5 }) {
          .tabIndex(2)                      // The column is the second component to have focus in sequential keyboard navigation.
        Column({ space: 5 }) {
          TextInput({placeholder: 'input', text: this.inputValue})
            .onChange((value: string) => {
              this.inputValue = value
            .defaultFocus(true)             // The <TextInput> component is the initial default focus of the page.
          Row({ space: 5 }) {
          Row({ space: 5 }) {
          Row({ space: 5 }) {
        .tabIndex(3)                      // The column is the third component to have focus in sequential keyboard navigation.


When you press the Tab button for the first time, the focus switches to the component bound to defaultFocus.


When you press the Tab button for the second time, the focus switches to the container that matches tabIndex(1) and automatically moves to the component bound to groupDefaultFocus.


When you press the Tab button for the third time, the focus switches to the container that matches tabIndex(2) and automatically moves to the component bound to groupDefaultFocus.


When you press the Tab button for the fourth time, the focus switches to the container that matches tabIndex(3) and automatically moves to the component bound to groupDefaultFocus.


Click the component bound to focusOnTouch. The component then obtains the focus.


Example 2

Sample code for focusControl.requestFocus:

Use the focusContrl.requestFocus API to enable a specified component to obtain focus.

// requestFocus.ets
import prompt from '@ohos.prompt'

struct RequestFocusExample {
  @State idList: string[] = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'LastPageId']
  @State selectId: string = 'LastPageId'

  build() {
    Column({ space:20 }){
      Row({space: 5}) {
        Button("id: " + this.idList[0] + " focusable(false)")
        Button("id: " + this.idList[1])
      Row({space: 5}) {
        Button("id: " + this.idList[2])
        Button("id: " + this.idList[3])
      Row({space: 5}) {
        Button("id: " + this.idList[4])
        Button("id: " + this.idList[5])
      Row({space: 5}) {
        Select([{value: this.idList[0]},
                {value: this.idList[1]},
                {value: this.idList[2]},
                {value: this.idList[3]},
                {value: this.idList[4]},
                {value: this.idList[5]},
                {value: this.idList[6]}])
          .onSelect((index: number) => {
            this.selectId = this.idList[index]
          .onClick(() => {
            var res = focusControl.requestFocus(this.selectId)      // Enable the component selected by this.selectId to obtain focus.
            if (res) {
              prompt.showToast({message: 'Request success'})
            } else {
              prompt.showToast({message: 'Request failed'})
    }.width('100%').margin({ top:20 })


Press the Tab button to activate the focus state.

Below shows how the UI behaves when you request focus for a component that does not exist.


Below shows how the UI behaves when you request focus for a component that is not focusable.


Below shows how the UI behaves when you request focus for a focusable component.
