Common Build Problems and Solutions

"usr/sbin/ninja: invalid option -- w"

  • Symptom

    The build fails, and usr/sbin/ninja: invalid option -- w is displayed.

  • Possible Causes

    The Ninja version in use does not support the --w option.

  • Solution

    Uninstall Ninja and GN, and install Ninja and GN of the required version.

"/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lncurses"

  • Symptom

    The build fails, and /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lncurses is displayed.

  • Possible Causes

    The ncurses library is not installed.

  • Solution

    sudo apt-get install lib32ncurses5-dev

"line 77: mcopy: command not found"

  • Symptom

    The build fails, and line 77: mcopy: command not found is displayed.

  • Possible Causes

    mcopy is not installed.

  • Solution

    sudo apt-get install dosfstools mtools

"riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1': execvp: No such file or directory"

  • Symptom

    The build fails, and the following information is displayed:
    riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1': execvp: No such file or directory

  • Possible Causes

    You do not have the permission to access files in the RISC-V compiler directory.

  • Solution

    1. Run the following command to locate gcc_riscv32:

      which riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc 
    2. Run the chmod command to change the directory permission to 755.

"No module named 'Crypto'"

  • Symptom

    The build fails, and No module named 'Crypto' is displayed.

  • Possible Causes

    Crypto is not installed in Python3.

  • Solution

    1. Run the following command to query the Python version:

      python3 --version
    2. Ensure that Python 3.9.2 or later is installed, and then run the following command to install PyCryptodome:

      sudo pip3 install pycryptodome

"xx.sh : xx unexpected operator"

  • Symptom

    The build fails, and xx.sh [: xx unexpected operator is displayed.

  • Possible Causes

    The build environment shell is not bash.

  • Solution

    sudo rm -rf /bin/sh
    sudo ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh

"some services are not authenticated. Listed as follows"

  • Symptom

    The build fails, and "some services are not authenticated. Listed as follows" is displayed.

  • Possible Causes

    For the processes listed in the error information, the UID is set to root or system in the process configuration files. However, these processes are not high-privilege processes defined by the product.

  • Solution

    Modify the process configuration file to reduce the privilege level. Do not set UID to root or system unless necessary.

    If a process must have the root or system privilege due to service requirements, modify the high_privilege_process_list.json file with the approval of security experts. The high_privilege_process_list.json file is located in vendor/{company_name}/{product_name}/security_config. For example, the file for rk3586 is //vendor/hihope/rk3568/security_config/high_privilege_process_list.json.