@ohos.app.form.formInfo (formInfo)

The formInfo module provides types and enums related to the widget information and state.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';


Describes widget information.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form

Name Type Readable Writable Description
bundleName string Yes No Name of the bundle to which the widget belongs.
moduleName string Yes No Name of the module to which the widget belongs.
abilityName string Yes No Name of the ability to which the widget belongs.
name string Yes No Widget name.
description string Yes No Description of the widget.
type FormType Yes No Type of the widget. Currently, only JS widgets are supported.
jsComponentName string Yes No Name of the component used in the JS widget.
colorMode ColorMode Yes No Color mode of the widget.
isDefault boolean Yes No Whether the widget is the default one.
updateEnabled boolean Yes No Whether the widget is updatable.
formVisibleNotify boolean Yes No Whether to send a notification when the widget is visible.
scheduledUpdateTime string Yes No Time when the widget was updated.
formConfigAbility string Yes No Configuration ability of the widget, that is, the ability corresponding to the option in the selection box displayed when the widget is long pressed.
updateDuration number Yes No Update period of the widget.
defaultDimension number Yes No Default dimension of the widget.
supportDimensions Array<number> Yes No Dimensions supported by the widget. For details, see FormDimension.
customizeData {[key: string]: [value: string]} Yes No Custom data of the widget.


Enumerates the widget types.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form

Name Value Description
JS 1 JS widget.
eTS 2 ArkTS widget.


Enumerates the color modes supported by the widget.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form

Name Value Description
MODE_AUTO -1 Auto mode.
MODE_DARK 0 Dark mode.
MODE_LIGHT 1 Light mode.


Describes the widget state information.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form

Name Type Readable Writable Description
formState FormState Yes No Widget state.
want Want Yes No Want text.


Enumerates the widget states.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form

Name Value Description
UNKNOWN -1 Unknown state.
DEFAULT 0 Default state.
READY 1 Ready state.


Enumerates the widget parameters.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form

Name Value Description
IDENTITY_KEY "ohos.extra.param.key.form_identity" Widget ID.
DIMENSION_KEY "ohos.extra.param.key.form_dimension" Widget dimension.
NAME_KEY "ohos.extra.param.key.form_name" Widget name.
MODULE_NAME_KEY "ohos.extra.param.key.module_name" Name of the module to which the widget belongs.
WIDTH_KEY "ohos.extra.param.key.form_width" Widget width.
HEIGHT_KEY "ohos.extra.param.key.form_height" Widget height.
TEMPORARY_KEY "ohos.extra.param.key.form_temporary" Temporary widget.
ABILITY_NAME_KEY "ohos.extra.param.key.ability_name" Ability name.
DEVICE_ID_KEY "ohos.extra.param.key.device_id" Device ID.
BUNDLE_NAME_KEY "ohos.extra.param.key.bundle_name" Key that specifies the target bundle name.


Enumerates the widget dimensions.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form

Name Value Description
Dimension_1_2 1 1 x 2.
Dimension_2_2 2 2 x 2.
Dimension_2_4 3 2 x 4.
Dimension_4_4 4 4 x 4.
Dimension_2_1 5 2 x 1.


Defines the widget information filter. Only the widget information that meets the filter is returned.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form

Name Type Description
moduleName string Optional. Only the information about the widget whose moduleName is the same as the provided value is returned.
If this parameter is not set, moduleName is not used for filtering.


Enumerates the visibility types of the widget.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form

Name Value Description
FORM_VISIBLE 1 The widget is visible.
FORM_INVISIBLE 2 The widget is invisible.