PageAbility Switching

The PageAbility component in the FA model corresponds to the UIAbility component in the stage model. To switch a PageAbility to a UIAbility, perform the following operations:

  1. Create a UIAbility in the stage model.

  2. Migrate the PageAbility code to the UIAbility.

The PageAbility lifecycle is basically the same as the UIAbility lifecycle. The table below describes the details.

PageAbility UIAbility Mapping Description
onCreate(): void onCreate(want: Want, param: AbilityConstant.LaunchParam): void The two methods have the same meaning and invoking time. In the stage model, parameters are added to the callback so that you can obtain startup-related data during creation.
NA onWindowStageCreate(windowStage: window.WindowStage): void This method is available only in the stage model. The callback is invoked when a window is created.
onActive(): void on(eventType: 'windowStageEvent', callback: Callback<WindowStageEventType>): void;
The two methods have the same meaning and invoking time. In the stage model, this method is moved to the window object.
onShow(): void onForeground(): void The two methods have the same meaning, invoking time, and parameters.
onNewWant(want: Want): void onNewWant(want: Want, launchParams: AbilityConstant.LaunchParam): void The two methods have the same meaning and invoking time. In the stage model, the LaunchParam parameter is added to notify the application of the startup cause.
onInactive(): void on(eventType: 'windowStageEvent', callback: Callback<WindowStageEventType>): void;
The two methods have the same meaning and invoking time. In the stage model, this method is moved to the window object.
onHide(): void onBackground(): void The two methods have the same meaning, invoking time, and parameters.
NA onWindowStageDestroy(): void This method is available only in the stage model. The callback is invoked when a window is destroyed.
onDestroy(): void onDestroy(): void The two methods have the same meaning, invoking time, and parameters.


  1. Adjust the migrated code, since the methods of loading pages are different.

    • In the FA model, you can configure the page to be loaded by setting page information in config.json.
    • In the stage model, you must call windowStage.loadContent in the onWindowStageCreate callback to load a page.

    For example, to load the pages/Index page after the ability is started, use the following code in the config.json file in the FA model:

    "pages" : [

    In the stage model, implement the following method in MainAbility:

    import Window from '@ohos.window'
    onWindowStageCreate(windowStage: Window.WindowStage) {
        // Main window is created. Set a main page for this ability.
        windowStage.loadContent('pages/Index', (err, data) => {
            if (err.code) {
                console.error("loadContent failed")