Requesting Permissions

If an application needs to obtain user privacy information or use system capabilities, for example, obtaining location information or using the camera to take photos or record videos, it must request the respective permission from users.

During application development, you must declare the required permission in the config.json file and call requestPermissionsFromUser to request the permission from users in the form of a dialog box.

To declare a permission in config.json, add reqPermissions under module and list the permission.

For example, to declare the permission to access the calendar, request the ohos.permission.READ_CALENDAR permission. For details, see Permission Application Guide.

The sample code in the config.json file is as follows:

  "module": {
    // ...
    "reqPermissions": [
        "name": "ohos.permission.READ_CALENDAR"
        // ...

Request the permission from uses in the form of a dialog box:

import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';

let context = featureAbility.getContext();  
let permissions: Array<string> = ['ohos.permission.READ_CALENDAR']
context.requestPermissionsFromUser(permissions, 1).then((data) => {"Succeed to request permission from user with data: " + JSON.stringify(data))
}).catch((error) => {"Failed to request permission from user with error: " + JSON.stringify(error))