WindowExtensionAbility (for System Applications Only)

WindowExtensionAbility is a type of ExtensionAbility component that allows a system application to be embedded in and displayed over another application.

The WindowExtensionAbility component must be used together with the UIExtensionComponent to process services of the started application. WindowExtensionAbility is run in connection mode. A system application must use the UIExtensionComponent to start the WindowExtensionAbility component.

Each ExtensionAbility has its own context. For WindowExtensionAbility, the context is WindowExtensionContext.


WindowExtensionAbility is a system API. To use it, switch to the full SDK by following the instructions provided in Guide to Switching to Full SDK.

Setting an Embedded UIAbility

The WindowExtensionAbility class provides onConnect(), onDisconnect(), and onWindowReady() lifecycle callbacks, which can be overridden.

  • The onWindowReady() callback is invoked when a window is created for the UIAbility.

  • The onConnect() callback is invoked when the AbilityComponent corresponding to the window connects to the UIAbility.

  • The onDisconnect() callback is invoked when the AbilityComponent disconnects from the UIAbility.

How to Develop

To implement an embedded application, manually create a WindowExtensionAbility in DevEco Studio as follows:

  1. In the ets directory of the Module project, right-click and choose New > Directory to create a directory named WindowExtAbility.

  2. Right-click the WindowExtAbility directory, and choose New > TypeScript File to create a file named WindowExtAbility.ts.

  3. Open the WindowExtAbility.ts file and import the dependency package of WindowExtensionAbility. Customize a class that inherits from WindowExtensionAbility and implement the onWindowReady(), onConnect(), and onDisconnect() lifecycle callbacks.

     import Extension from '@ohos.application.WindowExtensionAbility'
     import Want from '';
     import window from '@ohos.window';
     export default class WindowExtAbility extends Extension {
         onWindowReady(window: window.Window) {
             window.loadContent('WindowExtAbility/pages/index1').then(() => {
                 window.getProperties().then((pro) => {
           "WindowExtension " + JSON.stringify(pro));
         onConnect(want: Want) {
   'JSWindowExtension onConnect ' + want.abilityName);
         onDisconnect(want: Want) {
   'JSWindowExtension onDisconnect ' + want.abilityName);
  4. Register the WindowExtensionAbility in the module.json5 file corresponding to the Module project. Set type to "window" and srcEntry to the code path of the ExtensionAbility component.

      "module": {
        "extensionAbilities": [
                 "name": "WindowExtAbility",
                 "srcEntry": "./ets/WindowExtAbility/WindowExtAbility.ts",
                 "icon": "$media:icon",
                 "description": "WindowExtension",
                 "type": "window",
                 "exported": true,

Starting an Embedded UIAbility

System applications can load the created WindowExtensionAbility through the AbilityComponent.

How to Develop

  1. To connect to an embedded application, add the AbilityComponent to the corresponding pages in the DevEco Studio project.

  2. Set bundleName and abilityName in the AbilityComponent.

  3. Set the width and height. The sample code is as follows:

    struct Index {
      @State message: string = 'Hello World'
      build() {
        Row() {
          Column() {
            AbilityComponent({ abilityName: "WindowExtAbility", bundleName: "com.example.WindowExtAbility"})