

Defines the application event logging functions of the HiAppEvent module.

Before performing application event logging, you must construct a parameter list object to store the input event parameters and specify the event domain, event name, and event type.

Event domain: domain associated with the application event.

Event name: name of the application event.

Event type: fault, statistics, security, or behavior.

Parameter list: a linked list used to store event parameters. Each parameter consists of a parameter name and a parameter value.


  1. Import the header file.

    #include "hiappevent/hiappevent.h"
  2. Create a parameter list pointer.

    ParamList list = OH_HiAppEvent_CreateParamList();
  3. Add parameters to the parameter list.

    bool boolean = true;
    OH_HiAppEvent_AddBoolParam(list, "bool_key", boolean);
    int32_t nums[] = {1, 2, 3};
    OH_HiAppEvent_AddInt32ArrayParam(list, "int32_arr_key", nums, sizeof(nums) / sizeof(nums[0]));
  4. Perform event logging.

    int res = OH_HiAppEvent_Write("test_domain", "test_event", BEHAVIOR, list);
  5. Destroy the parameter list pointer and release its allocated memory.


Since: 8

Related module: HiAppEvent



Name Description
typedef struct ParamListNode * ParamList Event parameter list node.


Name Description
EventType { FAULT = 1, STATISTIC = 2, SECURITY = 3, BEHAVIOR = 4 } Event type.


Name Description
ParamList OH_HiAppEvent_CreateParamList (void) Creates a pointer to a parameter list object.
void OH_HiAppEvent_DestroyParamList (ParamList list) Destroys a pointer to a parameter list object and releases its allocated memory.
ParamList OH_HiAppEvent_AddBoolParam (ParamList list, const char *name, bool boolean) Adds an event parameter of the Boolean type to the parameter list.
ParamList OH_HiAppEvent_AddBoolArrayParam (ParamList list, const char *name, const bool *booleans, int arrSize) Adds an event parameter of the Boolean array type to the parameter list.
ParamList OH_HiAppEvent_AddInt8Param (ParamList list, const char *name, int8_t num) Adds an event parameter of the int8_t type to the parameter list.
ParamList OH_HiAppEvent_AddInt8ArrayParam (ParamList list, const char *name, const int8_t *nums, int arrSize) Adds an event parameter of the int8_t array type to the parameter list.
ParamList OH_HiAppEvent_AddInt16Param (ParamList list, const char *name, int16_t num) Adds an event parameter of the int16_t type to the parameter list.
ParamList OH_HiAppEvent_AddInt16ArrayParam (ParamList list, const char *name, const int16_t *nums, int arrSize) Adds an event parameter of the int16_t array type to the parameter list.
ParamList OH_HiAppEvent_AddInt32Param (ParamList list, const char *name, int32_t num) Adds an event parameter of the int32_t type to the parameter list.
ParamList OH_HiAppEvent_AddInt32ArrayParam (ParamList list, const char *name, const int32_t *nums, int arrSize) Adds an event parameter of the int32_t array type to the parameter list.
ParamList OH_HiAppEvent_AddInt64Param (ParamList list, const char *name, int64_t num) Adds an event parameter of the int64_t type to the parameter list.
ParamList OH_HiAppEvent_AddInt64ArrayParam (ParamList list, const char *name, const int64_t *nums, int arrSize) Adds an event parameter of the int64_t array type to the parameter list.
ParamList OH_HiAppEvent_AddFloatParam (ParamList list, const char *name, float num) Adds an event parameter of the float type to the parameter list.
ParamList OH_HiAppEvent_AddFloatArrayParam (ParamList list, const char *name, const float *nums, int arrSize) Adds an event parameter of the float array type to the parameter list.
ParamList OH_HiAppEvent_AddDoubleParam (ParamList list, const char *name, double num) Adds an event parameter of the Double type to the parameter list.
ParamList OH_HiAppEvent_AddDoubleArrayParam (ParamList list, const char *name, const double *nums, int arrSize) Adds an event parameter of the double array type to the parameter list.
ParamList OH_HiAppEvent_AddStringParam (ParamList list, const char *name, const char *str) Adds a parameter of the string type to the parameter list.
ParamList OH_HiAppEvent_AddStringArrayParam (ParamList list, const char *name, const char *const *strs, int arrSize) Adds a parameter of the string array type to the parameter list.
int OH_HiAppEvent_Write (const char *domain, const char *name, enum EventType type, const ParamList list) Logs application events whose parameters are of the list type.
bool OH_HiAppEvent_Configure (const char *name, const char *value) Configures the application event logging function.