ArkCompiler Changelog

cl.ArkCompiler.1 Addition of ArkTS Syntax Validation

Added ArkTS syntax validation to the compilation process. Syntax issues are classified as warning or error, depending on the mode specified by compatibleSdkVersion, which are generally configured in the build-profile.json5 file.

For details, see TypeScript to ArkTS Cookbook.

  • In compatible mode, where the value of compatibleSdkVersion is smaller than 10, syntax issues are reported as warnings and will not block the compilation process.
  • In compatible mode, where the value of compatibleSdkVersion is greater than or equal to 10, syntax issues are reported as errors and will block the compilation process.

Change Impact

  • In OpenHarmony SDK and later versions, syntax validation is enabled. During project compilation, a warning is generated for code that does not comply with the ArkTS syntax rules. These warnings will not block the compilation process. Yet, you are advised to adapt the code based on the warnings.
  • In the release edition of API version 10, the OpenHarmony SDK is expected to report an error for an ArkTS syntax issue. In this case, the compilation process can continue only after the issue has been rectified.

Key API/Component Changes

ArkTS syntax validation is added to the compilation process.

Adaptation Guide

Modify code that does not comply with the ArkTS syntax rules. For details about the error reporting rules and modification, see TypeScript to ArkTS Cookbook.

For details about the ArkTS language, see Introduction to ArkTS.

cl.ArkCompiler.2 ArkTS Syntax Validator Change

Compared with OpenHarmony SDK, the syntax validator in OpenHarmony SDK is able to detect violations of the following rules and reports corresponding errors.

NOTE This change is only an enhancement of the syntax validator capability. The syntax rules below are not new rules themselves.

Rule arkts-no-classes-as-obj

This rule checks usage of an imported class as a variable. Below is an example:

// module1.ets
export class C {}

// module2.ets
import { C } from './module1'

let c = C  // error: arkts-no-class-as-obj

Change Impact

Code adaptation is required. Otherwise, the compilation fails.

Key API/Component Changes

The ArkTS syntax validator is enhanced.

Adaptation Guide

Modify code files that do not comply with the ArkTS syntax rules. For details about the rules and modification suggestions, see Adaptation Cases.

Rule arkts-strict-typing

This rule checks assignment of values of the X | undefined type to an entity of the X type in the .ets file. Below is an example:

// module.ets
function foo(a: number) {
 return a + 1

function bar(x: number): number | undefined {
 return x > 0 ? x : undefined

foo(bar(-123))  // error: arkts-strict-typing

This rule checks assignment of values of the X | null type to an entity of the X type in the .ets file. Below is an example:

// module.ets
function foo(a: number) {
 return a + 1

function bar(x: number): number | null {
 return x > 0 ? x : null

foo(bar(-123))  // error: arkts-strict-typing

Change Impact

Code adaptation is required. Otherwise, the compilation fails.

Key API/Component Changes

The ArkTS syntax validator is enhanced.

Adaptation Guide

Modify code files that do not comply with the ArkTS syntax rules. For details about the rules and modification suggestions, see Adaptation Cases.

Rule arkts-no-ts-deps

This rule checks imports of entities from an .ets file to a .ts file. Below is an example:

// lib.ts
export class C {}

// module.ets
import { C } from './lib'

Change Impact

Code adaptation is required. Otherwise, the compilation fails.

Key API/Component Changes

The ArkTS syntax validator is enhanced.

Adaptation Guide

Modify code files that do not comply with the ArkTS syntax rules. For details about the rules and modification suggestions, see Adaptation Cases.

cl.ArkCompiler.3 ArkTS Syntax Rule Change

Added ArkTS syntax rule levels: error and warning.

  • Error: constraint with which compliance is mandatory. An error will result in a compilation failure.
  • Warning: constraint with which compliance is recommended. A warning does not affect the compilation process, but may cause compilation failures in the future.

Since, the levels of rules arkts-no-definite-assignment and arkts-no-decorators-except-arkui are degraded to warning. If ESObject is used in code, a warning is reported.

In addition, the ArkTS syntax supports the following features:

tuple, keyof, for-of, use of expansion characters in array scenarios, re-export, module name suffixed with .js, readonly, Encode, Decode, ParesHexOctet, Array.isArray, Object.entries, Object.keys, Object.values, Object.hasOwn, Object.hasOwnPropertyNames, Reflect.get, Reflect.set, Reflect.has, Reflect.ownKeys, Reflect.set, Symbol.iterator, and Required and Readonly in Utility types.

Change Impact

There is no compatibility impact. No code adaptation is required.