Accessing Files Across Devices

The distributed file system provides cross-device file access capabilities for applications. For an application installed on multiple devices that form a Super Device, you can use ohos.file.fs APIs to read or write files in the application's distributed directory (/data/storage/el2/distributedfiles/) across devices.

For example, an application is installed on both device A and device B. After device A and device B are connected to form a Super Device, the application on device A can access the files in the distributed directory of the same application on device B.

How to Develop

  1. Connect the devices to form a Super Device.

    Connect the devices to a LAN, and complete device authentication. The devices must be logged in with the same account number.

  2. Implement cross-device access to the files of your application.

    Place the files in the distributedfiles/ directory of the application sandbox directory to implement access from difference devices.

    For example, create a file in the distributedfiles/ directory on device A and write data to the file. For details about how to obtain the application context, see Obtaining the Context of UIAbility.

    import fs from '@ohos.file.fs';
    import common from '';
    import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
    let context = getContext(this) as common.UIAbilityContext; // Obtain the UIAbilityContext of device A.
    let pathDir: string = context.distributedFilesDir;
    // Obtain the file path of the distributed directory.
    let filePath: string = pathDir + '/test.txt';
    try {
      // Create a file in the distributed directory.
      let file = fs.openSync(filePath, fs.OpenMode.READ_WRITE | fs.OpenMode.CREATE);'Succeeded in createing.');
      // Write data to the file.
      fs.writeSync(file.fd, 'content');
      // Close the file.
    } catch (error) {
      let err: BusinessError = error as BusinessError;
      console.error(`Failed to openSync / writeSync / closeSync. Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}`);

    Read the file on device B.

    import fs from '@ohos.file.fs';
    import common from '';
    import buffer from '@ohos.buffer';
    import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
    let context = getContext(this) as common.UIAbilityContext; // Obtain the UIAbilityContext of device B.
    let pathDir: string = context.distributedFilesDir;
    // Obtain the file path of the distributed directory.
    let filePath: string = pathDir + '/test.txt';
    try {
      // Open the file in the distributed directory.
      let file = fs.openSync(filePath, fs.OpenMode.READ_WRITE);
      // Set the buffer for receiving the read data.
      let arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(4096);
      // Read the file. The return value is the number of read bytes.
      class Option {
         public offset: number = 0;
         public length: number = 0;
      let option = new Option();
      option.length = arrayBuffer.byteLength;
      let num = fs.readSync(file.fd, arrayBuffer, option);
      // Print the read data.
      let buf = buffer.from(arrayBuffer, 0, num);'read result: ' + buf.toString());
    } catch (error) {
      let err: BusinessError = error as BusinessError;
      console.error(`Failed to openSync / readSync. Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}`);