Change Type Old Version New Version d.ts File
Deleted Class name: componentUtils;
Method or attribute name: type Matrix4Result = [
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: componentUtils;
Method or attribute name: function getRectangleById(id: string): ComponentInfo;
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: ComponentInfo;
Method or attribute name: size: Size
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: ComponentInfo;
Method or attribute name: localOffset: Offset
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: ComponentInfo;
Method or attribute name: windowOffset: Offset
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: ComponentInfo;
Method or attribute name: screenOffset: Offset
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: ComponentInfo;
Method or attribute name: translate: TranslateResult
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: ComponentInfo;
Method or attribute name: scale: ScaleResult
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: ComponentInfo;
Method or attribute name: rotate: RotateResult
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: ComponentInfo;
Method or attribute name: transform: Matrix4Result
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: Size;
Method or attribute name: width: number
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: Size;
Method or attribute name: height: number
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: Offset;
Method or attribute name: x: number
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: TranslateResult;
Method or attribute name: x: number
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: ScaleResult;
Method or attribute name: x: number
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: RotateResult;
Method or attribute name: x: number
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: Offset;
Method or attribute name: y: number
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: TranslateResult;
Method or attribute name: y: number
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: ScaleResult;
Method or attribute name: y: number
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: RotateResult;
Method or attribute name: y: number
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: TranslateResult;
Method or attribute name: z: number
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: ScaleResult;
Method or attribute name: z: number
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: RotateResult;
Method or attribute name: z: number
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: ScaleResult;
Method or attribute name: centerX: number
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: RotateResult;
Method or attribute name: centerX: number
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: ScaleResult;
Method or attribute name: centerY: number
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: RotateResult;
Method or attribute name: centerY: number
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Deleted Class name: RotateResult;
Method or attribute name: angle: number
NA @ohos.componentUtils.d.ts
Added NA Class name: componentUtils;
Method or attribute name: type Matrix4Result = [
Added NA Class name: componentUtils;
Method or attribute name: function getRectangleById(id: string): ComponentInfo;
Added NA Class name: ComponentInfo;
Method or attribute name: size: Size
Added NA Class name: ComponentInfo;
Method or attribute name: localOffset: Offset
Added NA Class name: ComponentInfo;
Method or attribute name: windowOffset: Offset
Added NA Class name: ComponentInfo;
Method or attribute name: screenOffset: Offset
Added NA Class name: ComponentInfo;
Method or attribute name: translate: TranslateResult
Added NA Class name: ComponentInfo;
Method or attribute name: scale: ScaleResult
Added NA Class name: ComponentInfo;
Method or attribute name: rotate: RotateResult
Added NA Class name: ComponentInfo;
Method or attribute name: transform: Matrix4Result
Added NA Class name: Size;
Method or attribute name: width: number
Added NA Class name: Size;
Method or attribute name: height: number
Added NA Class name: Offset;
Method or attribute name: x: number
Added NA Class name: TranslateResult;
Method or attribute name: x: number
Added NA Class name: ScaleResult;
Method or attribute name: x: number
Added NA Class name: RotateResult;
Method or attribute name: x: number
Added NA Class name: Offset;
Method or attribute name: y: number
Added NA Class name: TranslateResult;
Method or attribute name: y: number
Added NA Class name: ScaleResult;
Method or attribute name: y: number
Added NA Class name: RotateResult;
Method or attribute name: y: number
Added NA Class name: TranslateResult;
Method or attribute name: z: number
Added NA Class name: ScaleResult;
Method or attribute name: z: number
Added NA Class name: RotateResult;
Method or attribute name: z: number
Added NA Class name: ScaleResult;
Method or attribute name: centerX: number
Added NA Class name: RotateResult;
Method or attribute name: centerX: number
Added NA Class name: ScaleResult;
Method or attribute name: centerY: number
Added NA Class name: RotateResult;
Method or attribute name: centerY: number
Added NA Class name: RotateResult;
Method or attribute name: angle: number
Added NA Class name: ShowDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: maskRect?: Rectangle;
Added NA Class name: ShowDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: alignment?: DialogAlignment;
Added NA Class name: ShowDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: offset?: Offset;
Deprecated version changed Class name: AbilityComponentInterface;
Method or attribute name: interface AbilityComponentInterface
Old version information:
Class name: AbilityComponentInterface;
Method or attribute name: interface AbilityComponentInterface
New version information: 10
Substitute API: UIExtensionComponentInterface
Deprecated version changed Class name: AbilityComponentInterface;
Method or attribute name: (value: { want: import('../api/').default }): AbilityComponentAttribute;
Old version information:
Class name: AbilityComponentInterface;
Method or attribute name: (value: { want: import('../api/').default }): AbilityComponentAttribute;
New version information: 10
Substitute API: UIExtensionComponentInterface
Deprecated version changed Class name: AbilityComponentAttribute;
Method or attribute name: declare class AbilityComponentAttribute
Old version information:
Class name: AbilityComponentAttribute;
Method or attribute name: declare class AbilityComponentAttribute
New version information: 10
Substitute API: UIExtensionComponentAttribute
Deprecated version changed Class name: AbilityComponentAttribute;
Method or attribute name: onConnect(callback: () => void): AbilityComponentAttribute;
Old version information:
Class name: AbilityComponentAttribute;
Method or attribute name: onConnect(callback: () => void): AbilityComponentAttribute;
New version information: 10
Substitute API: UIExtensionComponent#onRemoteReady
Deprecated version changed Class name: AbilityComponentAttribute;
Method or attribute name: onDisconnect(callback: () => void): AbilityComponentAttribute;
Old version information:
Class name: AbilityComponentAttribute;
Method or attribute name: onDisconnect(callback: () => void): AbilityComponentAttribute;
New version information: 10
Substitute API: UIExtensionComponent#onRelease
Deprecated version changed Class name: CustomComponent;
Method or attribute name: onLayout?(children: Array<LayoutChild>, constraint: ConstraintSizeOptions): void;
Old version information:
Class name: CustomComponent;
Method or attribute name: onLayout?(children: Array<LayoutChild>, constraint: ConstraintSizeOptions): void;
New version information: 10
Substitute API: common[CustomComponent]#onPlaceChildren
Deprecated version changed Class name: CustomComponent;
Method or attribute name: onMeasure?(children: Array<LayoutChild>, constraint: ConstraintSizeOptions): void;
Old version information:
Class name: CustomComponent;
Method or attribute name: onMeasure?(children: Array<LayoutChild>, constraint: ConstraintSizeOptions): void;
New version information: 10
Substitute API: common[CustomComponent]#onMeasureSize
Deprecated version changed Class name: DatePickerAttribute;
Method or attribute name: onChange(callback: (value: DatePickerResult) => void): DatePickerAttribute;
Old version information:
Class name: DatePickerAttribute;
Method or attribute name: onChange(callback: (value: DatePickerResult) => void): DatePickerAttribute;
New version information: 10
Substitute API: datePicker/DatePickerAttribute#onDateChange
Deprecated version changed Class name: DatePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onAccept?: (value: DatePickerResult) => void;
Old version information:
Class name: DatePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onAccept?: (value: DatePickerResult) => void;
New version information: 10
Substitute API: datePicker/DatePickerDialogOptions#onDateAccept
Deprecated version changed Class name: DatePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onChange?: (value: DatePickerResult) => void;
Old version information:
Class name: DatePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onChange?: (value: DatePickerResult) => void;
New version information: 10
Substitute API: datePicker/DatePickerDialogOptions#onDateChange
Deprecated version changed Class name: ImageAttribute;
Method or attribute name: draggable(value: boolean): ImageAttribute;
Old version information: 10
Class name: ImageAttribute;
Method or attribute name: draggable(value: boolean): ImageAttribute;
New version information:
Substitute API:
Deprecated version changed Class name: TextAttribute;
Method or attribute name: draggable(value: boolean): TextAttribute;
Old version information: 10
Class name: TextAttribute;
Method or attribute name: draggable(value: boolean): TextAttribute;
New version information:
Substitute API:
Error code added Class name: PromptAction;
Method or attribute name: showActionMenu(options: promptAction.ActionMenuOptions): Promise<promptAction.ActionMenuSuccessResponse>;
Old version information:
Class name: PromptAction;
Method or attribute name: showActionMenu(options: promptAction.ActionMenuOptions): Promise<promptAction.ActionMenuSuccessResponse>;
New version information: 401, 100001
Error code added Class name: uiAppearance;
Method or attribute name: function setDarkMode(mode: DarkMode, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version information:
Class name: uiAppearance;
Method or attribute name: function setDarkMode(mode: DarkMode, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version information: 201,401,500001
Error code added Class name: uiAppearance;
Method or attribute name: function setDarkMode(mode: DarkMode): Promise<void>;
Old version information:
Class name: uiAppearance;
Method or attribute name: function setDarkMode(mode: DarkMode): Promise<void>;
New version information: 201,401,500001
Error code added Class name: uiAppearance;
Method or attribute name: function getDarkMode(): DarkMode;
Old version information:
Class name: uiAppearance;
Method or attribute name: function getDarkMode(): DarkMode;
New version information: 201,401,500001
Error code added Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getData(): UnifiedData;
Old version information:
Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getData(): UnifiedData;
New version information: 190001, 190002
Access level changed Class name: ScrollSnapAlign;
Method or attribute name: declare enum ScrollSnapAlign
Old version information: systemapi
Class name: ScrollSnapAlign;
Method or attribute name: declare enum ScrollSnapAlign
New version information:
Access level changed Class name: ListAttribute;
Method or attribute name: scrollSnapAlign(value: ScrollSnapAlign): ListAttribute;
Old version information: systemapi
Class name: ListAttribute;
Method or attribute name: scrollSnapAlign(value: ScrollSnapAlign): ListAttribute;
New version information:
Type changed Class name: Matrix2D;
Method or attribute name: scaleX?: number;
Old version information: number
Class name: Matrix2D;
Method or attribute name: scaleX?: number;
New version information: ?number
Type changed Class name: Matrix2D;
Method or attribute name: rotateY?: number;
Old version information: number
Class name: Matrix2D;
Method or attribute name: rotateY?: number;
New version information: ?number
Type changed Class name: Matrix2D;
Method or attribute name: rotateX?: number;
Old version information: number
Class name: Matrix2D;
Method or attribute name: rotateX?: number;
New version information: ?number
Type changed Class name: Matrix2D;
Method or attribute name: scaleY?: number;
Old version information: number
Class name: Matrix2D;
Method or attribute name: scaleY?: number;
New version information: ?number
Type changed Class name: Matrix2D;
Method or attribute name: translateX?: number;
Old version information: number
Class name: Matrix2D;
Method or attribute name: translateX?: number;
New version information: ?number
Type changed Class name: Matrix2D;
Method or attribute name: translateY?: number;
Old version information: number
Class name: Matrix2D;
Method or attribute name: translateY?: number;
New version information: ?number
Type changed Class name: DragInfo;
Method or attribute name: data?: unifiedDataChannel.UnifiedData;
Old version information: ?UDMF.UnifiedData
Class name: DragInfo;
Method or attribute name: data?: unifiedDataChannel.UnifiedData;
New version information: ?unifiedDataChannel.UnifiedData
Type changed Class name: MeasureOptions;
Method or attribute name: fontFamily?: string | Resource;
Old version information: ?(number | Resource)
Class name: MeasureOptions;
Method or attribute name: fontFamily?: string | Resource;
New version information: ?(string | Resource)
Type changed Class name: ShowDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: buttons?: [Button, Button?, Button?];
Old version information: ?([Button, Button?, Button?])
Class name: ShowDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: buttons?: [Button, Button?, Button?];
New version information: ?[Button, Button?, Button?]
Type changed Class name: ShowDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: buttons?: Array<Button>;
Old version information:
Class name: ShowDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: buttons?: Array<Button>;
New version information: ?Array<Button>
Type changed Class name: AppResponse;
Method or attribute name: versionCode: number;
Old version information: string
Class name: AppResponse;
Method or attribute name: versionCode: number;
New version information: number
Type changed Class name: ScreenOnVisibleOptions;
Method or attribute name: visible?: boolean;
Old version information: ?string
Class name: ScreenOnVisibleOptions;
Method or attribute name: visible?: boolean;
New version information: ?boolean
Type changed Class name: ScreenOnVisibleOptions;
Method or attribute name: success?: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: ScreenOnVisibleOptions;
Method or attribute name: success?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: ScreenOnVisibleOptions;
Method or attribute name: fail?: (data: string, code: number) => void;
Old version information: ?((data: string, code: number) => void)
Class name: ScreenOnVisibleOptions;
Method or attribute name: fail?: (data: string, code: number) => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: ScreenOnVisibleOptions;
Method or attribute name: complete?: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: ScreenOnVisibleOptions;
Method or attribute name: complete?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: LocaleResponse;
Method or attribute name: dir: "ltr" | "rtl";
Old version information: 'ltr' | 'rtl'
Class name: LocaleResponse;
Method or attribute name: dir: "ltr" | "rtl";
New version information: "ltr" | "rtl"
Type changed Class name: MediaQueryList;
Method or attribute name: onchange?: (matches: boolean) => void;
Old version information: ?((matches: boolean) => void)
Class name: MediaQueryList;
Method or attribute name: onchange?: (matches: boolean) => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: ShowToastOptions;
Method or attribute name: duration?: number;
Old version information: number
Class name: ShowToastOptions;
Method or attribute name: duration?: number;
New version information: ?number
Type changed Class name: ShowToastOptions;
Method or attribute name: bottom?: string | number;
Old version information: string | number
Class name: ShowToastOptions;
Method or attribute name: bottom?: string | number;
New version information: ?(string | number)
Type changed Class name: ShowDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: buttons?: [Button, Button?, Button?];
Old version information: [Button, Button?, Button?]
Class name: ShowDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: buttons?: [Button, Button?, Button?];
New version information: ?[Button, Button?, Button?]
Type changed Class name: ShowDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: success?: (data: ShowDialogSuccessResponse) => void;
Old version information:
Class name: ShowDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: success?: (data: ShowDialogSuccessResponse) => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: ShowDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: cancel?: (data: string, code: string) => void;
Old version information:
Class name: ShowDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: cancel?: (data: string, code: string) => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: ShowDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: complete?: (data: string) => void;
Old version information:
Class name: ShowDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: complete?: (data: string) => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: ShowActionMenuOptions;
Method or attribute name: success?: (tapIndex: number, errMsg: string) => void;
Old version information: ?((tapIndex: number, errMsg: string) => void)
Class name: ShowActionMenuOptions;
Method or attribute name: success?: (tapIndex: number, errMsg: string) => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: ShowActionMenuOptions;
Method or attribute name: fail?: (errMsg: string) => void;
Old version information: ?((errMsg: string) => void)
Class name: ShowActionMenuOptions;
Method or attribute name: fail?: (errMsg: string) => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: ShowActionMenuOptions;
Method or attribute name: complete?: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: ShowActionMenuOptions;
Method or attribute name: complete?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: EnableAlertBeforeBackPageOptions;
Method or attribute name: success?: (errMsg: string) => void;
Old version information: (errMsg: string) => void
Class name: EnableAlertBeforeBackPageOptions;
Method or attribute name: success?: (errMsg: string) => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: DisableAlertBeforeBackPageOptions;
Method or attribute name: success?: (errMsg: string) => void;
Old version information: (errMsg: string) => void
Class name: DisableAlertBeforeBackPageOptions;
Method or attribute name: success?: (errMsg: string) => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: EnableAlertBeforeBackPageOptions;
Method or attribute name: cancel?: (errMsg: string) => void;
Old version information: (errMsg: string) => void
Class name: EnableAlertBeforeBackPageOptions;
Method or attribute name: cancel?: (errMsg: string) => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: DisableAlertBeforeBackPageOptions;
Method or attribute name: cancel?: (errMsg: string) => void;
Old version information: (errMsg: string) => void
Class name: DisableAlertBeforeBackPageOptions;
Method or attribute name: cancel?: (errMsg: string) => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: EnableAlertBeforeBackPageOptions;
Method or attribute name: complete?: () => void;
Old version information: () => void
Class name: EnableAlertBeforeBackPageOptions;
Method or attribute name: complete?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: DisableAlertBeforeBackPageOptions;
Method or attribute name: complete?: () => void;
Old version information: () => void
Class name: DisableAlertBeforeBackPageOptions;
Method or attribute name: complete?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: sourcefile;
Method or attribute name: declare type CustomBuilder = (() => any) | void;
Old version information: (() => any) | void
Class name: sourcefile;
Method or attribute name: declare type CustomBuilder = (() => any) | void;
New version information:
Type changed Class name: sourcefile;
Method or attribute name: declare type FractionStop = [ number, number ];
Old version information: [ number , number ]
Class name: sourcefile;
Method or attribute name: declare type FractionStop = [ number, number ];
New version information:
Type changed Class name: SheetInfo;
Method or attribute name: action: () => void;
Old version information: () => void
Class name: SheetInfo;
Method or attribute name: action: () => void;
New version information: function
Type changed Class name: ActionSheetOptions;
Method or attribute name: confirm?: {
* Enable switch of confirmation button
* @type { ?boolean }
* @default true
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
enabled?: boolean;


* Default focus switch of confirmation button
* @type { ?boolean }
* @default false
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
defaultFocus?: boolean;

* Style of confirmation button.
* @type { ?DialogButtonStyle }
* @default DialogButtonStyle.DEFAULT
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
style?: DialogButtonStyle;


* Text content of the confirmation button.
* @type { string | Resource }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 8
* Text content of the confirmation button.
* @type { string | Resource }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
value: string | Resource;


* Method executed by the callback.
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 8
* Method executed by the callback.
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
action: () => void;
Old version information: ?{value: string | Resource; action: () => void;}
Class name: ActionSheetOptions;
Method or attribute name: confirm?: {
* Enable switch of confirmation button
* @type { ?boolean }
* @default true
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
enabled?: boolean;


* Default focus switch of confirmation button
* @type { ?boolean }
* @default false
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
defaultFocus?: boolean;

* Style of confirmation button.
* @type { ?DialogButtonStyle }
* @default DialogButtonStyle.DEFAULT
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
style?: DialogButtonStyle;


* Text content of the confirmation button.
* @type { string | Resource }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 8
* Text content of the confirmation button.
* @type { string | Resource }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
value: string | Resource;


* Method executed by the callback.
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 8
* Method executed by the callback.
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
action: () => void;
New version information: ?object
Type changed Class name: ActionSheetOptions;
Method or attribute name: cancel?: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: ActionSheetOptions;
Method or attribute name: cancel?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: ActionSheetOptions;
Method or attribute name: offset?: { dx: number | string | Resource; dy: number | string | Resource };
Old version information: ?{ dx: number | string | Resource; dy: number | string | Resource }
Class name: ActionSheetOptions;
Method or attribute name: offset?: { dx: number | string | Resource; dy: number | string | Resource };
New version information: ?object
Type changed Class name: AlertDialogParam;
Method or attribute name: cancel?: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: AlertDialogParam;
Method or attribute name: cancel?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: AlertDialogParamWithConfirm;
Method or attribute name: confirm?: {
* Enable switch of confirmation button
* @type { ?boolean }
* @default true
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
enabled?: boolean;


* Default focus switch of confirmation button
* @type { ?boolean }
* @default false
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
defaultFocus?: boolean;

* Style of confirmation button.
* @type { ?DialogButtonStyle }
* @default DialogButtonStyle.DEFAULT
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
style?: DialogButtonStyle;


* Text content of the confirmation button.
* @type { ResourceStr }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Text content of the confirmation button.
* @type { ResourceStr }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
value: ResourceStr;


* Text color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Text color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
fontColor?: ResourceColor;


* Background color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Background color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
backgroundColor?: ResourceColor;


* Method executed by the callback.
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Method executed by the callback.
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
action: () => void;
Old version information: ?{value: ResourceStr; fontColor?: ResourceColor; backgroundColor?: ResourceColor;action: () => void;}
Class name: AlertDialogParamWithConfirm;
Method or attribute name: confirm?: {
* Enable switch of confirmation button
* @type { ?boolean }
* @default true
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
enabled?: boolean;


* Default focus switch of confirmation button
* @type { ?boolean }
* @default false
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
defaultFocus?: boolean;

* Style of confirmation button.
* @type { ?DialogButtonStyle }
* @default DialogButtonStyle.DEFAULT
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
style?: DialogButtonStyle;


* Text content of the confirmation button.
* @type { ResourceStr }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Text content of the confirmation button.
* @type { ResourceStr }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
value: ResourceStr;


* Text color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Text color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
fontColor?: ResourceColor;


* Background color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Background color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
backgroundColor?: ResourceColor;


* Method executed by the callback.
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Method executed by the callback.
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
action: () => void;
New version information: ?object
Type changed Class name: AlertDialogParamWithButtons;
Method or attribute name: primaryButton: {
* Enable switch of primaryButton
* @type { ?boolean }
* @default true
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
enabled?: boolean;


* Default focus switch of primaryButton button
* @type { ?boolean }
* @default false
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
defaultFocus?: boolean;

* Style of primaryButton button.
* @type { ?DialogButtonStyle }
* @default DialogButtonStyle.DEFAULT
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
style?: DialogButtonStyle;


* Text content of the confirmation button.
* @type { ResourceStr }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Text content of the confirmation button.
* @type { ResourceStr }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
value: ResourceStr;


* Text color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Text color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
fontColor?: ResourceColor;


* Background color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Background color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
backgroundColor?: ResourceColor;


* Method executed by the callback.
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Method executed by the callback.
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
action: () => void;
Old version information: {value: ResourceStr; fontColor?: ResourceColor; backgroundColor?: ResourceColor;action: () => void;}
Class name: AlertDialogParamWithButtons;
Method or attribute name: primaryButton: {
* Enable switch of primaryButton
* @type { ?boolean }
* @default true
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
enabled?: boolean;


* Default focus switch of primaryButton button
* @type { ?boolean }
* @default false
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
defaultFocus?: boolean;

* Style of primaryButton button.
* @type { ?DialogButtonStyle }
* @default DialogButtonStyle.DEFAULT
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
style?: DialogButtonStyle;


* Text content of the confirmation button.
* @type { ResourceStr }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Text content of the confirmation button.
* @type { ResourceStr }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
value: ResourceStr;


* Text color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Text color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
fontColor?: ResourceColor;


* Background color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Background color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
backgroundColor?: ResourceColor;


* Method executed by the callback.
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Method executed by the callback.
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
action: () => void;
New version information: object
Type changed Class name: AlertDialogParamWithButtons;
Method or attribute name: secondaryButton: {
* Enable switch of secondaryButton
* @type { ?boolean }
* @default true
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
enabled?: boolean;


* Default focus switch of secondaryButton button
* @type { ?boolean }
* @default false
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
defaultFocus?: boolean;

* Style of secondaryButton button.
* @type { ?DialogButtonStyle }
* @default DialogButtonStyle.DEFAULT
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
style?: DialogButtonStyle;


* Text content of the confirmation button.
* @type { ResourceStr }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Text content of the confirmation button.
* @type { ResourceStr }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
value: ResourceStr;


* Text color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Text color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
fontColor?: ResourceColor;


* Background color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Background color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
backgroundColor?: ResourceColor;


* Method executed by the callback.
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Method executed by the callback.
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
action: () => void;
Old version information: {value: ResourceStr; fontColor?: ResourceColor; backgroundColor?: ResourceColor;action: () => void;}
Class name: AlertDialogParamWithButtons;
Method or attribute name: secondaryButton: {
* Enable switch of secondaryButton
* @type { ?boolean }
* @default true
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
enabled?: boolean;


* Default focus switch of secondaryButton button
* @type { ?boolean }
* @default false
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
defaultFocus?: boolean;

* Style of secondaryButton button.
* @type { ?DialogButtonStyle }
* @default DialogButtonStyle.DEFAULT
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
style?: DialogButtonStyle;


* Text content of the confirmation button.
* @type { ResourceStr }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Text content of the confirmation button.
* @type { ResourceStr }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
value: ResourceStr;


* Text color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Text color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
fontColor?: ResourceColor;


* Background color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Background color of the confirmation button.
* @type { ?ResourceColor }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
backgroundColor?: ResourceColor;


* Method executed by the callback.
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7
* Method executed by the callback.
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
action: () => void;
New version information: object
Type changed Class name: BadgeParam;
Method or attribute name: position?: BadgePosition | Position;
Old version information: BadgePosition | Position
Class name: BadgeParam;
Method or attribute name: position?: BadgePosition | Position;
New version information: ?(BadgePosition | Position)
Type changed Class name: ColumnSplitDividerStyle;
Method or attribute name: startMargin?: Dimension;
Old version information: Dimension
Class name: ColumnSplitDividerStyle;
Method or attribute name: startMargin?: Dimension;
New version information: ?Dimension
Type changed Class name: ColumnSplitDividerStyle;
Method or attribute name: endMargin?: Dimension;
Old version information: Dimension
Class name: ColumnSplitDividerStyle;
Method or attribute name: endMargin?: Dimension;
New version information: ?Dimension
Type changed Class name: AnimateParam;
Method or attribute name: onFinish?: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: AnimateParam;
Method or attribute name: onFinish?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: TranslateOptions;
Method or attribute name: x?: number | string;
Old version information:
Class name: TranslateOptions;
Method or attribute name: x?: number | string;
New version information: ?(number | string)
Type changed Class name: AlignRuleOption;
Method or attribute name: left?: { anchor: string, align: HorizontalAlign };
Old version information: ?{ anchor: string, align: HorizontalAlign }
Class name: AlignRuleOption;
Method or attribute name: left?: { anchor: string, align: HorizontalAlign };
New version information: ?object
Type changed Class name: AlignRuleOption;
Method or attribute name: right?: { anchor: string, align: HorizontalAlign };
Old version information: ?{ anchor: string, align: HorizontalAlign }
Class name: AlignRuleOption;
Method or attribute name: right?: { anchor: string, align: HorizontalAlign };
New version information: ?object
Type changed Class name: AlignRuleOption;
Method or attribute name: middle?: { anchor: string, align: HorizontalAlign };
Old version information: ?{ anchor: string, align: HorizontalAlign }
Class name: AlignRuleOption;
Method or attribute name: middle?: { anchor: string, align: HorizontalAlign };
New version information: ?object
Type changed Class name: AlignRuleOption;
Method or attribute name: top?: { anchor: string, align: VerticalAlign };
Old version information: ?{ anchor: string, align: VerticalAlign }
Class name: AlignRuleOption;
Method or attribute name: top?: { anchor: string, align: VerticalAlign };
New version information: ?object
Type changed Class name: AlignRuleOption;
Method or attribute name: bottom?: { anchor: string, align: VerticalAlign };
Old version information: ?{ anchor: string, align: VerticalAlign }
Class name: AlignRuleOption;
Method or attribute name: bottom?: { anchor: string, align: VerticalAlign };
New version information: ?object
Type changed Class name: AlignRuleOption;
Method or attribute name: center?: { anchor: string, align: VerticalAlign };
Old version information: ?{ anchor: string, align: VerticalAlign }
Class name: AlignRuleOption;
Method or attribute name: center?: { anchor: string, align: VerticalAlign };
New version information: ?object
Type changed Class name: RotateOptions;
Method or attribute name: centerY?: number | string;
Old version information:
Class name: RotateOptions;
Method or attribute name: centerY?: number | string;
New version information: ?(number | string)
Type changed Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static readonly SLIDE: TransitionEffect<
appear: TransitionEffect<"move", TransitionEdge>;
disappear: TransitionEffect<"move", TransitionEdge>;
Old version information: TransitionEffect<"asymmetric">
Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static readonly SLIDE: TransitionEffect<
appear: TransitionEffect<"move", TransitionEdge>;
disappear: TransitionEffect<"move", TransitionEdge>;
New version information: TransitionEffect<"asymmetric",{appear: TransitionEffect<"move", TransitionEdge>;disappear: TransitionEffect<"move", TransitionEdge>;}>
Type changed Class name: HoverEvent;
Method or attribute name: stopPropagation: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: HoverEvent;
Method or attribute name: stopPropagation: () => void;
New version information: function
Type changed Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: stopPropagation: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: stopPropagation: () => void;
New version information: function
Type changed Class name: TouchEvent;
Method or attribute name: stopPropagation: () => void;
Old version information:
Class name: TouchEvent;
Method or attribute name: stopPropagation: () => void;
New version information: function
Type changed Class name: KeyEvent;
Method or attribute name: stopPropagation: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: KeyEvent;
Method or attribute name: stopPropagation: () => void;
New version information: function
Type changed Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getDisplayX(): number;
Old version information: number
Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getDisplayX(): number;
New version information:
Type changed Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getDisplayY(): number;
Old version information: number
Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getDisplayY(): number;
New version information:
Type changed Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getWindowX(): number;
Old version information: number
Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getWindowX(): number;
New version information:
Type changed Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getWindowY(): number;
Old version information: number
Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getWindowY(): number;
New version information:
Type changed Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getX(): number;
Old version information: number
Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getX(): number;
New version information:
Type changed Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getY(): number;
Old version information: number
Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getY(): number;
New version information:
Type changed Class name: BindOptions;
Method or attribute name: onAppear?: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: BindOptions;
Method or attribute name: onAppear?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: ContextMenuOptions;
Method or attribute name: onAppear?: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: ContextMenuOptions;
Method or attribute name: onAppear?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: BindOptions;
Method or attribute name: onDisappear?: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: BindOptions;
Method or attribute name: onDisappear?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: ContextMenuOptions;
Method or attribute name: onDisappear?: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: ContextMenuOptions;
Method or attribute name: onDisappear?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: PopupOptions;
Method or attribute name: primaryButton?: {
* Button text value
* @type { string }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7

* Button text value
* @type { string }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
value: string;

* action
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7

* action
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
action: () => void;
Old version information:
Class name: PopupOptions;
Method or attribute name: primaryButton?: {
* Button text value
* @type { string }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7

* Button text value
* @type { string }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
value: string;

* action
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7

* action
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
action: () => void;
New version information: ?object
Type changed Class name: PopupOptions;
Method or attribute name: secondaryButton?: {
* Button text value
* @type { string }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7

* Button text value
* @type { string }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
value: string;

* action
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7

* action
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
action: () => void;
Old version information:
Class name: PopupOptions;
Method or attribute name: secondaryButton?: {
* Button text value
* @type { string }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7

* Button text value
* @type { string }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
value: string;

* action
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @since 7

* action
* @type { function }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
action: () => void;
New version information: ?object
Type changed Class name: PopupOptions;
Method or attribute name: onStateChange?: (event: {
* is Visible.
* @type { boolean }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
isVisible: boolean
}) => void;
Old version information:
Class name: PopupOptions;
Method or attribute name: onStateChange?: (event: {
* is Visible.
* @type { boolean }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
isVisible: boolean
}) => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: CustomPopupOptions;
Method or attribute name: onStateChange?: (event: {
* is Visible.
* @type { boolean }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
isVisible: boolean
}) => void;
Old version information:
Class name: CustomPopupOptions;
Method or attribute name: onStateChange?: (event: {
* is Visible.
* @type { boolean }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
* @crossplatform
* @since 10
isVisible: boolean
}) => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: CustomDialogControllerOptions;
Method or attribute name: cancel?: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: CustomDialogControllerOptions;
Method or attribute name: cancel?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: DataPanelShadowOptions;
Method or attribute name: colors?: Array<ResourceColor | LinearGradient>;
Old version information: ?(Array<ResourceColor | LinearGradient>)
Class name: DataPanelShadowOptions;
Method or attribute name: colors?: Array<ResourceColor | LinearGradient>;
New version information: ?Array<ResourceColor | LinearGradient>
Type changed Class name: DatePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: lunarSwitch?: boolean;
Old version information:
Class name: DatePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: lunarSwitch?: boolean;
New version information: ?boolean
Type changed Class name: DatePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onAccept?: (value: DatePickerResult) => void;
Old version information: ?((value: DatePickerResult) => void)
Class name: DatePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onAccept?: (value: DatePickerResult) => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: DatePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onCancel?: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: DatePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onCancel?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: DatePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onChange?: (value: DatePickerResult) => void;
Old version information: ?((value: DatePickerResult) => void)
Class name: DatePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onChange?: (value: DatePickerResult) => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: SwipeActionItem;
Method or attribute name: onAction?: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: SwipeActionItem;
Method or attribute name: onAction?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: SwipeActionItem;
Method or attribute name: onEnterActionArea?: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: SwipeActionItem;
Method or attribute name: onEnterActionArea?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: SwipeActionItem;
Method or attribute name: onExitActionArea?: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: SwipeActionItem;
Method or attribute name: onExitActionArea?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: NavigationMenuItem;
Method or attribute name: action?: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: NavigationMenuItem;
Method or attribute name: action?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: ToolbarItem;
Method or attribute name: action?: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: ToolbarItem;
Method or attribute name: action?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: RichEditorTextStyle;
Method or attribute name: decoration?: { type: TextDecorationType; color?: ResourceColor; };
Old version information: ?( type: TextDecorationType; color ?: ResourceColor; )
Class name: RichEditorTextStyle;
Method or attribute name: decoration?: { type: TextDecorationType; color?: ResourceColor; };
New version information: ?object
Type changed Class name: RichEditorImageSpanStyle;
Method or attribute name: size?: [Dimension, Dimension];
Old version information: ?[Dimension; Dimension;]
Class name: RichEditorImageSpanStyle;
Method or attribute name: size?: [Dimension, Dimension];
New version information: ?[Dimension, Dimension]
Type changed Class name: RichEditorTextStyleResult;
Method or attribute name: decoration: { type: TextDecorationType; color: ResourceColor; };
Old version information: { type: TextDecorationType; color: ResourceColor; }
Class name: RichEditorTextStyleResult;
Method or attribute name: decoration: { type: TextDecorationType; color: ResourceColor; };
New version information: object
Type changed Class name: SelectOption;
Method or attribute name: icon?: ResourceStr;
Old version information: ResourceStr
Class name: SelectOption;
Method or attribute name: icon?: ResourceStr;
New version information: ?ResourceStr
Type changed Class name: TextPickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: defaultPickerItemHeight?: number | string;
Old version information: number | string
Class name: TextPickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: defaultPickerItemHeight?: number | string;
New version information: ?(number | string)
Type changed Class name: TextPickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onAccept?: (value: TextPickerResult) => void;
Old version information: ?((value: TextPickerResult) => void)
Class name: TextPickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onAccept?: (value: TextPickerResult) => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: TextPickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onCancel?: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: TextPickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onCancel?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: TextPickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onChange?: (value: TextPickerResult) => void;
Old version information: ?((value: TextPickerResult) => void)
Class name: TextPickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onChange?: (value: TextPickerResult) => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: TimePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onAccept?: (value: TimePickerResult) => void;
Old version information: ?((value: TimePickerResult) => void)
Class name: TimePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onAccept?: (value: TimePickerResult) => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: TimePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onCancel?: () => void;
Old version information: ?(() => void)
Class name: TimePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onCancel?: () => void;
New version information: ?function
Type changed Class name: TimePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onChange?: (value: TimePickerResult) => void;
Old version information: ?((value: TimePickerResult) => void)
Class name: TimePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onChange?: (value: TimePickerResult) => void;
New version information: ?function
Function changed Class name: DragInfo;
Method or attribute name: data?: UDMF.UnifiedData;
Class name: DragInfo;
Method or attribute name: data?: unifiedDataChannel.UnifiedData;
Function changed Class name: Router;
Method or attribute name: back(options: router.RouterOptions): void;
Class name: Router;
Method or attribute name: back(options?: router.RouterOptions): void;
Function changed Class name: UIContext;
Method or attribute name: showAlertDialog(options: AlertDialogParamWithConfirm | AlertDialogParamWithButtons): void;
Class name: UIContext;
Method or attribute name: showAlertDialog(options: AlertDialogParamWithConfirm | AlertDialogParamWithButtons | AlertDialogParamWithOptions): void;
Function changed Class name: ShowDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: buttons?: [Button, Button?, Button?];
Class name: ShowDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: buttons?: Array<Button>;
Widget support changed Class name: sourcefile;
Method or attribute name: declare type TransitionEffects = {
identity: undefined;
opacity: number;
slideSwitch: undefined;
move: TransitionEdge;
translate: TranslateOptions;
rotate: RotateOptions;
scale: ScaleOptions;
asymmetric: {
appear: TransitionEffect;
disappear: TransitionEffect;
Old version information:
Class name: sourcefile;
Method or attribute name: declare type TransitionEffects = {
identity: undefined;
opacity: number;
slideSwitch: undefined;
move: TransitionEdge;
translate: TranslateOptions;
rotate: RotateOptions;
scale: ScaleOptions;
asymmetric: {
appear: TransitionEffect;
disappear: TransitionEffect;
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: TransitionEdge;
Method or attribute name: declare enum TransitionEdge
Old version information:
Class name: TransitionEdge;
Method or attribute name: declare enum TransitionEdge
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: TransitionEdge;
Method or attribute name: TOP
Old version information:
Class name: TransitionEdge;
Method or attribute name: TOP
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: TransitionEdge;
Method or attribute name: BOTTOM
Old version information:
Class name: TransitionEdge;
Method or attribute name: BOTTOM
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: TransitionEdge;
Method or attribute name: START
Old version information:
Class name: TransitionEdge;
Method or attribute name: START
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: TransitionEdge;
Method or attribute name: END
Old version information:
Class name: TransitionEdge;
Method or attribute name: END
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: declare class TransitionEffect
Old version information:
Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: declare class TransitionEffect
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static readonly IDENTITY: TransitionEffect<"identity">;
Old version information:
Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static readonly IDENTITY: TransitionEffect<"identity">;
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static readonly OPACITY: TransitionEffect<"opacity">;
Old version information:
Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static readonly OPACITY: TransitionEffect<"opacity">;
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static readonly SLIDE: TransitionEffect<
appear: TransitionEffect<"move", TransitionEdge>;
disappear: TransitionEffect<"move", TransitionEdge>;
Old version information:
Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static readonly SLIDE: TransitionEffect<
appear: TransitionEffect<"move", TransitionEdge>;
disappear: TransitionEffect<"move", TransitionEdge>;
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static readonly SLIDE_SWITCH: TransitionEffect<"slideSwitch">;
Old version information:
Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static readonly SLIDE_SWITCH: TransitionEffect<"slideSwitch">;
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static translate(options: TranslateOptions): TransitionEffect<"translate">;
Old version information:
Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static translate(options: TranslateOptions): TransitionEffect<"translate">;
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static rotate(options: RotateOptions): TransitionEffect<"rotate">;
Old version information:
Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static rotate(options: RotateOptions): TransitionEffect<"rotate">;
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static scale(options: ScaleOptions): TransitionEffect<"scale">;
Old version information:
Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static scale(options: ScaleOptions): TransitionEffect<"scale">;
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static opacity(alpha: number): TransitionEffect<"opacity">;
Old version information:
Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static opacity(alpha: number): TransitionEffect<"opacity">;
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static move(edge: TransitionEdge): TransitionEffect<"move">;
Old version information:
Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static move(edge: TransitionEdge): TransitionEffect<"move">;
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static asymmetric(
appear: TransitionEffect,
disappear: TransitionEffect
): TransitionEffect<"asymmetric">;
Old version information:
Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: static asymmetric(
appear: TransitionEffect,
disappear: TransitionEffect
): TransitionEffect<"asymmetric">;
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: constructor(type: Type, effect: Effect);
Old version information:
Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: constructor(type: Type, effect: Effect);
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: animation(value: AnimateParam): TransitionEffect;
Old version information:
Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: animation(value: AnimateParam): TransitionEffect;
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: combine(transitionEffect: TransitionEffect): TransitionEffect;
Old version information:
Class name: TransitionEffect;
Method or attribute name: combine(transitionEffect: TransitionEffect): TransitionEffect;
New version information: form
Widget support changed Class name: ShapeAttribute;
Method or attribute name: viewPort(value: { x?: number | string; y?: number | string; width?: number | string; height?: number | string }): ShapeAttribute;
Old version information:
Class name: ShapeAttribute;
Method or attribute name: viewPort(value: { x?: number | string; y?: number | string; width?: number | string; height?: number | string }): ShapeAttribute;
New version information: form
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DragItemInfo;
Method or attribute name: declare interface DragItemInfo
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DragItemInfo;
Method or attribute name: declare interface DragItemInfo
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DragItemInfo;
Method or attribute name: pixelMap?: PixelMap;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DragItemInfo;
Method or attribute name: pixelMap?: PixelMap;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DragItemInfo;
Method or attribute name: builder?: CustomBuilder;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DragItemInfo;
Method or attribute name: builder?: CustomBuilder;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DragItemInfo;
Method or attribute name: extraInfo?: string;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DragItemInfo;
Method or attribute name: extraInfo?: string;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: HoverEvent;
Method or attribute name: declare interface HoverEvent
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: HoverEvent;
Method or attribute name: declare interface HoverEvent
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: HoverEvent;
Method or attribute name: stopPropagation: () => void;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: HoverEvent;
Method or attribute name: stopPropagation: () => void;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: stopPropagation: () => void;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: stopPropagation: () => void;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: declare interface MouseEvent
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: declare interface MouseEvent
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: button: MouseButton;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: button: MouseButton;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: action: MouseAction;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: action: MouseAction;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: displayX: number;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: displayX: number;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: displayY: number;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: displayY: number;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: windowX: number;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: windowX: number;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: windowY: number;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: windowY: number;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: x: number;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: x: number;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: y: number;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: MouseEvent;
Method or attribute name: y: number;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DragBehavior;
Method or attribute name: declare enum DragBehavior
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DragBehavior;
Method or attribute name: declare enum DragBehavior
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DragBehavior;
Method or attribute name: COPY
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DragBehavior;
Method or attribute name: COPY
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DragBehavior;
Method or attribute name: MOVE
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DragBehavior;
Method or attribute name: MOVE
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: declare interface DragEvent
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: declare interface DragEvent
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getDisplayX(): number;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getDisplayX(): number;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getDisplayY(): number;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getDisplayY(): number;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getWindowX(): number;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getWindowX(): number;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getWindowY(): number;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getWindowY(): number;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: dragBehavior: DragBehavior;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: dragBehavior: DragBehavior;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: useCustomDropAnimation: boolean;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: useCustomDropAnimation: boolean;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: setResult(dragResult: DragResult): void;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: setResult(dragResult: DragResult): void;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getResult(): DragResult;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getResult(): DragResult;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getPreviewRect(): Rectangle;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DragEvent;
Method or attribute name: getPreviewRect(): Rectangle;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ClickEffect;
Method or attribute name: declare interface ClickEffect
Old version information:
Class name: ClickEffect;
Method or attribute name: declare interface ClickEffect
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: expandSafeArea(types?: Array<SafeAreaType>, edges?: Array<SafeAreaEdge>): T;
Old version information:
Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: expandSafeArea(types?: Array<SafeAreaType>, edges?: Array<SafeAreaEdge>): T;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: onHover(event: (isHover: boolean, event: HoverEvent) => void): T;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: onHover(event: (isHover: boolean, event: HoverEvent) => void): T;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: onMouse(event: (event: MouseEvent) => void): T;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: onMouse(event: (event: MouseEvent) => void): T;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: clickEffect(value: ClickEffect | null): T;
Old version information:
Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: clickEffect(value: ClickEffect | null): T;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: onDragStart(event: (event: DragEvent, extraParams?: string) => CustomBuilder | DragItemInfo): T;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: onDragStart(event: (event: DragEvent, extraParams?: string) => CustomBuilder | DragItemInfo): T;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: onDragEnter(event: (event: DragEvent, extraParams?: string) => void): T;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: onDragEnter(event: (event: DragEvent, extraParams?: string) => void): T;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: onDragMove(event: (event: DragEvent, extraParams?: string) => void): T;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: onDragMove(event: (event: DragEvent, extraParams?: string) => void): T;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: onDragLeave(event: (event: DragEvent, extraParams?: string) => void): T;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: onDragLeave(event: (event: DragEvent, extraParams?: string) => void): T;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: onDrop(event: (event: DragEvent, extraParams?: string) => void): T;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: onDrop(event: (event: DragEvent, extraParams?: string) => void): T;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: onDragEnd(event: (event: DragEvent, extraParams?: string) => void): T;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: onDragEnd(event: (event: DragEvent, extraParams?: string) => void): T;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: draggable(value: boolean): T;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: draggable(value: boolean): T;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: obscured(reasons: Array<ObscuredReasons>): T;
Old version information:
Class name: CommonMethod;
Method or attribute name: obscured(reasons: Array<ObscuredReasons>): T;
New version information: crossplatform
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: CustomComponent;
Method or attribute name: onLayout?(children: Array<LayoutChild>, constraint: ConstraintSizeOptions): void;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: CustomComponent;
Method or attribute name: onLayout?(children: Array<LayoutChild>, constraint: ConstraintSizeOptions): void;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: CustomComponent;
Method or attribute name: onMeasure?(children: Array<LayoutChild>, constraint: ConstraintSizeOptions): void;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: CustomComponent;
Method or attribute name: onMeasure?(children: Array<LayoutChild>, constraint: ConstraintSizeOptions): void;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DatePickerAttribute;
Method or attribute name: onChange(callback: (value: DatePickerResult) => void): DatePickerAttribute;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DatePickerAttribute;
Method or attribute name: onChange(callback: (value: DatePickerResult) => void): DatePickerAttribute;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DatePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onAccept?: (value: DatePickerResult) => void;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DatePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onAccept?: (value: DatePickerResult) => void;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: DatePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onChange?: (value: DatePickerResult) => void;
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: DatePickerDialogOptions;
Method or attribute name: onChange?: (value: DatePickerResult) => void;
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ColorMode;
Method or attribute name: declare enum ColorMode
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: ColorMode;
Method or attribute name: declare enum ColorMode
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ColorMode;
Method or attribute name: LIGHT = 0
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: ColorMode;
Method or attribute name: LIGHT = 0
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: ColorMode;
Method or attribute name: DARK
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: ColorMode;
Method or attribute name: DARK
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: LayoutDirection;
Method or attribute name: declare enum LayoutDirection
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: LayoutDirection;
Method or attribute name: declare enum LayoutDirection
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: LayoutDirection;
Method or attribute name: LTR
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: LayoutDirection;
Method or attribute name: LTR
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: LayoutDirection;
Method or attribute name: RTL
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: LayoutDirection;
Method or attribute name: RTL
New version information:
Cross-platform capability changed Class name: LayoutDirection;
Method or attribute name: Auto
Old version information: crossplatform
Class name: LayoutDirection;
Method or attribute name: Auto
New version information: