Distributed Data Management Changelog

cl.distributeddatamgr.1 Split of @ohos.data.UDMF.d.ts into @ohos.data.unifiedDataChannel.d.ts and @ohos.data.uniformTypeDescriptor.d.ts

Change Impact

The @ohos.data.UDMF.d.ts is divided into @ohos.data.unifiedDataChannel.d.ts and @ohos.data.uniformTypeDescriptor.d.ts. The UnifiedDataType defined in @ohos.data.UDMF.d.ts is moved to @ohos.data.uniformTypeDescriptor.d.ts and renamed UniformDataType. Other interface definitions are moved to @ohos.data.unifiedDataChannel.d.ts.

Key API/Component Changes

UnifiedDataType before the change:

Name Value Description
TEXT 'Text' Text.
PLAIN_TEXT 'Text.PlainText' Plaintext.
HYPERLINK 'Text.Hyperlink' Hyperlink.
HTML 'Text.HTML' HyperText Markup Language (HTML).
FILE 'File' File.
IMAGE 'File.Media.Image' Image.
VIDEO 'File.Media.Video' Video.
AUDIO 'File.Media.Audio' Audio.
FOLDER 'File.Folder' Folder.
SYSTEM_DEFINED_RECORD 'SystemDefinedType' System service data.
SYSTEM_DEFINED_FORM 'SystemDefinedType.Form' Widget.
SYSTEM_DEFINED_APP_ITEM 'SystemDefinedType.AppItem' Icon.
SYSTEM_DEFINED_PIXEL_MAP 'SystemDefinedType.PixelMap' Pixel map.
APPLICATION_DEFINED_RECORD 'ApplicationDefinedType' Application-defined type.

From this version, UnifiedDataType is renamed UniformDataType with the following changes:

  • Changed the string definitions of the enum values.
Name Value Description
TEXT 'general.text' Text.
PLAIN_TEXT 'general.plain-text' Plaintext.
HYPERLINK 'general.hyperlink' Hyperlink.
HTML 'general.html' HTML.
FILE 'general.file' File.
IMAGE 'general.image' Image.
VIDEO 'general.video' Video.
AUDIO 'general.audio' Audio.
FOLDER 'general.folder' Folder.
OPENHARMONY_FORM 'openharmony.form' Widget.
OPENHARMONY_APP_ITEM 'openharmony.app-item' Icon.
OPENHARMONY_PIXEL_MAP 'openharmony.pixel-map' Pixel map.

Adaptation Guide

Perform the following operations:

  1. Change the enum values.
  2. Import @ohos.data.unifiedDataChannel and @ohos.data.uniformTypeDescriptor modules.
  3. Replace the namespace UDMF with the module name imported and replace UnifiedDataType with UniformDataType.

Code before change:

// Import the **@ohos.data.UDMF** module.
import UDMF from '@ohos.data.UDMF';

// Create a UnifiedData instance.
let unifiedData = new UDMF.UnifiedData(image);

// Create a plain text data record and add it to the UnifiedData instance created.
let plainText = new UDMF.PlainText();
plainText.textContent = 'this is textContent of plainText';

// Traverse all records, determine the data type of the record, and convert the record into a child class object to obtain the original data record.
let records = unifiedData.getRecords();
for (let i = 0; i < records.length; i ++) {
  // Read the type of the data record.
  let type = records[i].getType();
  switch (type) {
    case UDMF.UnifiedDataType.IMAGE:
      // Convert the data to obtain the original image data record.
      let image = <UDMF.Image>(records[i]);
    case UDMF.UnifiedDataType.PLAIN_TEXT:
      // Convert the data to obtain the original text record.
      let plainText = <UDMF.PlainText>(records[i]);

Code after change:

// Import the @ohos.data.unifiedDataChannel and @ohos.data.uniformTypeDescriptor modules.
import UDC from '@ohos.data.unifiedDataChannel';
import UTD from '@ohos.data.uniformTypeDescriptor';

// Create a UnifiedData instance.
let unifiedData = new UDC.UnifiedData(image);

// Create a plain text data record and add it to the UnifiedData instance created.
let plainText = new UDC.PlainText();
plainText.textContent = 'this is textContent of plainText';

// Traverse all records, determine the data type of the record, and convert the record into a child class object to obtain the original data record.
let records = unifiedData.getRecords();
for (let i = 0; i < records.length; i ++) {
  // Read the type of the data record.
  let type = records[i].getType();
  switch (type) {
    case UTD.UniformDataType.IMAGE:
      // Convert the data to obtain the original image data record.
      let image = <UDC.Image>(records[i]);
    case UTD.UniformDataType.PLAIN_TEXT:
      // Convert the data to obtain the original text record.
      let plainText = <UDC.PlainText>(records[i]);

cl.distributeddatamgr.2 Change of data.DistributedObject.on Parameters

Change Impact

The application does not need to adapt to the change.

Key API/Component Changes

Changed the parameters of two on() methods.

Before change:

on(type: 'change', callback: Callback<{ sessionId: string, fields: Array<string> }>): void;
  type: 'status',
  callback: Callback<{ sessionId: string, networkId: string, status: 'online' | 'offline' }>
): void;

After change:

on(type: 'change', callback: (sessionId: string, fields: Array<string>) => void): void;
   type: 'status',
   callback: (sessionId: string, networkId: string, status: 'online' | 'offline' ) => void
): void;

Adaptation Guide

The application does not need to adapt to the change.

cl.distributeddatamgr.3 Change of data.DistributedObject.off Parameters

Change Impact

The application does not need to adapt to the change.

Key API/Component Changes

Changed the parameters of two off() methods.

Before change:

off(type: 'change', callback?: Callback<{ sessionId: string, fields: Array<string> }>): void;
 type: 'status',
 callback?: Callback<{ sessionId: string, networkId: string, status: 'online' | 'offline' }>
): void;

After change:

off(type: 'change', callback?: (sessionId: string, fields: Array<string>) => void): void;
  type: 'status',
  callback?: (sessionId: string, networkId: string, status: 'online' | 'offline' ) => void
): void;

Adaptation Guide

The application does not need to adapt to the change.

cl.distributeddatamgr.4 Change of data.DataObject.on Parameters

Change Impact

The application does not need to adapt to the change.

Key API/Component Changes

Changed the parameters of two on() methods.

Before change:

on(type: 'change', callback: Callback<{ sessionId: string, fields: Array<string> }>): void;
 type: 'status',
 callback: Callback<{ sessionId: string, networkId: string, status: 'online' | 'offline' }>
): void;

After change:

on(type: 'change', callback: (sessionId: string, fields: Array<string>) => void): void;
  type: 'status',
  callback: (sessionId: string, networkId: string, status: 'online' | 'offline' ) => void
): void;

Adaptation Guide

The application does not need to adapt to the change.

cl.distributeddatamgr.5 Change of data.DataObject.off Parameters

Change Impact

The application does not need to adapt to the change.

Key API/Component Changes

Changed the parameters of two off() methods.

Before change:

off(type: 'change', callback?: Callback<{ sessionId: string, fields: Array<string> }>): void;
 type: 'status',
 callback?: Callback<{ sessionId: string, networkId: string, status: 'online' | 'offline' }>
): void;

After change:

off(type: 'change', callback?: (sessionId: string, fields: Array<string>) => void): void;
  type: 'status',
  callback?: (sessionId: string, networkId: string, status: 'online' | 'offline' ) => void
): void;

Adaptation Guide

The application does not need to adapt to the change.

cl.distributeddatamgr.6 Change of data.preferences.on Parameters

Change Impact

The application does not need to adapt to the change.

Key API/Component Changes

Before change:

on(type: 'multiProcessChange', callback: Callback<{ key : string }>): void
on(type: 'change', callback: Callback<{ key : string }>): void

After change:

on(type: 'multiProcessChange', callback: ( key : string ) => void): void
on(type: 'change', callback: ( key : string ) => void): void

Adaptation Guide

The application does not need to adapt to the change.

cl.distributeddatamgr.7 Change of data.preferences.off Parameters

Change Impact

The application does not need to adapt to the change.

Key API/Component Changes

Before change:

off(type: 'multiProcessChange', callback?: Callback<{ key : string }>): void
off(type: 'change', callback?: Callback<{ key : string }>): void

After change:

off(type: 'multiProcessChange', callback?: ( key : string ) => void): void
off(type: 'change', callback?: ( key : string ) => void): void

Adaptation Guide

The application does not need to adapt to the change.