Number and Unit of Measurement Formatting

Use Cases

In different countries and cultures, numbers, currencies, and units of measurement are expressed in different ways, including what symbols are used as decimal separators, how many digits are displayed after separators, and what currencies and units of measurement are used. Suppose you want to display the number 1000 on the application UI to indicate the price of a product. If the fixed format 1,000 is used, it may be considered as 1 in some European countries where a comma is used as a decimal point. Formatting is therefore needed to ensure that numbers, currencies, and units of measurement are displayed on the application UI in line with local user habits.

How to Develop

Number Formatting

Number formatting is implemented through the format API of the NumberFormat class. The development procedure is as follows:

  1. Import the intl module.

    import Intl from '@ohos.intl';
  2. Create a NumberFormat object. If you pass in a list of locales, the first valid locale will be used. If you do not pass in any locale, the current system locale will be used. The NumberFormat constructor allows you to set different number formatting formats by using NumberOptions. For details, see Table 1 to Table 8.

    let numberFormat: Intl.NumberFormat = new Intl.NumberFormat(locale: string | Array<string>, options?: NumberOptions);
  3. Format numbers based on the configuration of numberFormat.

    let formattedNumber: string = numberFormat.format(number: number);
  4. Obtain NumberOptions and view the configuration of formatting options.

    let options: Intl.NumberOptions = formattedNumber.resolvedOptions();

Number Formatting Options

You can use NumberOptions to configure number formatting options, including minimum number of integer digits, minimum and maximum numbers of fraction digits, minimum and maximum numbers of significant digits, use of grouping for display, number notation, and compact display. Supported number display formats include decimal, percent, currency, and unit.

The following uses 123000.123 as an example to show the parameter values and corresponding display effects.

Table 1 Minimum number of integer digits (minimumIntegerDigits)

Value Display Effect
6 123,000.123
7 0,123,000.123

Table 2 Minimum number of decimal places (minimumFractionDigits)

Value Display Effect
3 123,000.123
4 123,000.1230

Table 3 Maximum number of fraction digits (maximumFractionDigits)

Value Display Effect
3 123,000.123
2 123,000.12

Table 4 Minimum number of significant digits (minimumSignificantDigits)

Value Display Effect
9 123,000.123
10 123,000.1230

Table 5 Maximum number of significant digits (maximumSignificantDigits)

Value Display Effect
9 123,000.123
8 123,000.12

Table 6 Use of grouping for display (useGrouping)

Value Display Effect
true 123,000.123
false 123000.123

Table 7 Number notation (notation)

Value Display Effect
standard 123,000.123
scientific 1.230001E5
engineering 123.000123E3
compact 123K

Table 8 Compact display (compactDisplay)

Value Display Effect
short 123K
long 123 thousand

Development Example

// Import the intl module.
import Intl from '@ohos.intl'

// Display numbers in scientific notation.
let numberFormat1 = new Intl.NumberFormat('zh-CN', {notation: 'scientific', maximumSignificantDigits: 3});
let formattedNumber1 = numberFormat1.format(123400); // formattedNumber1: 1.23E5

// Display numbers in the compact format.
let numberFormat2 = new Intl.NumberFormat('zh-CN', {notation: 'compact', compactDisplay: 'short'});
let formattedNumber2 = numberFormat2.format(123400); // formattedNumber2: 120 thousand

// Display the signs in numbers.
let numberFormat3 = new Intl.NumberFormat('zh-CN', {signDisplay: 'always'});
let formattedNumber3 = numberFormat3.format(123400); // formattedNumber3: +123,400

// Display numbers in the percentage format.
let numberFormat4 = new Intl.NumberFormat('zh-CN', {style: 'percent'});
let formattedNumber4 = numberFormat4.format(0.25); // formattedNumber4: 25%

Currency and Unit Formatting

Currency and unit formatting is based on number formatting. When creating a NumberFormat object for currency and unit formatting, set the number formatting style to currency and unit, respectively. Similarly, this can be done through NumberOptions. The following tables show the parameter values and corresponding display effects.

Currency Formatting Options

Assume that the currency unit is USD and the value is -12300.

Table 9 Currency sign (currencySign)

Value Display Effect
standard -US$12,300.00
accounting (US$12,300.00)

Table 10 Currency display (currencyDisplay)

Value Display Effect
symbol -US$12,300.00
narrowSymbol -$12,300.00
code -USD 12,300.00
name -12,300.00 US dollars

Unit Formatting Options

Assume that the unit name is hectare and the value is -12300.

Table 11 Unit display (unitDisplay)

Value Display Effect
long -12,3000 hectares
short -12,300 ha
narrow -12,300ha

Table 12 Unit usage (unitUsage)

Value Display Effect
Left unspecified -12,300 ha
default -47.491 sq mi
area-land-agricult -30,393.962 ac

Development Example

// Import the intl module.
import Intl from '@ohos.intl'

// Format the currency.
let numberFormat5 = new Intl.NumberFormat('zh-CN', {style: 'currency', currency: 'USD'});
let formattedNumber5 = numberFormat5.format(123400); // formattedNumber5: US$123,400.00

// Display the currency using its name.
let numberFormat6 = new Intl.NumberFormat('zh-CN', {style: 'currency', currency: 'USD', currencyDisplay: 'name'});
US$ let formattedNumber6 = numberFormat6.format(123400); // formattedNumber6: US$123,400.00

// Format units of measurement.
let numberFormat7 = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-GB', {style: 'unit', unit: 'hectare'});
let formattedNumber7 = numberFormat7.format(123400); // formattedNumber7: 123,400 ha

// Format the units of measurement in the specified scenario, for example, area-land-agricult.
let numberFormat8 = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-GB', {style: 'unit', unit: 'hectare', unitUsage: 'area-land-agricult'});
let formattedNumber8 = numberFormat8.format(123400); // formattedNumber8: 304,928.041 ac

Units of Measurement Conversion

Units of measurement conversion and formatting are implemented by the unitConvert API of the I18NUtil class. The development procedure is as follows:

  1. Import the i18n module.

    import I18n from '@ohos.i18n';
  2. Convert the unit of measurement.

    Convert the unit of measurement from fromUnit to toUnit, and format the unit based on the specified locale and formatting style. The display effect varies according to the style. For details, see Table 13.

    let convertedUnit: string = I18n.I18NUtil.unitConvert(fromUnit: UnitInfo, toUnit: UnitInfo, value: number, locale: string, style?: string);

Formatting Style

Assume that fromUnit is cup (US unit), toUnit is liter (SI unit), and the value is 1000.

Table 13 Formatting style (style)

Value Display Effect
long 236.588 liters
short 236.588 L
narrow 236.588L

Development Example

// Import the i18n module.
import I18n from '@ohos.i18n'

// Set the fromUnit and toUnit.
let fromUnit: I18n.UnitInfo = {unit: 'cup', measureSystem: 'US'};
let toUnit: I18n.UnitInfo = {unit: 'liter', measureSystem: 'SI'};

// Convert the unit based on the locale en-US.
let convertedUnit1 = I18n.I18NUtil.unitConvert(fromUnit, toUnit, 1000, 'en-US'); // convertedUnit1: 236.588 L

// Display the complete unit.
let convertedUnit2 = I18n.I18NUtil.unitConvert(fromUnit, toUnit, 1000, 'en-US', 'long'); // convertedUnit2: 236.588 liters