@ohos.statfs (statfs)

The statfs module provides APIs for obtaining file system information, including the total number of bytes and the number of idle bytes of the file system.


  • The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

  • The APIs provided by this module are deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use @ohos.file.statvfs.

Modules to Import

import statfs from '@ohos.statfs';



Obtains the number of free bytes of the specified file system in asynchronous mode. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.FileManagement.File.FileIO


Name Type Mandatory Description
path string Yes File path of the file system.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<number> Promise used to return the number of free bytes obtained.


import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
let path = "/dev";
statfs.getFreeBytes(path).then((number: number) => {
  console.info("getFreeBytes promise successfully:" + number);
}).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
  console.info("getFreeBytes failed with error:" + JSON.stringify(err));


getFreeBytes(path:string, callback:AsyncCallback<number>): void

Obtains the number of free bytes of the specified file system in asynchronous mode. This API uses a callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.FileManagement.File.FileIO


Name Type Mandatory Description
path string Yes File path of the file system.
callback AsyncCallback<number> Yes Callback invoked to return the number of free bytes obtained.


import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
let context = featureAbility.getContext();
context.getFilesDir().then(function (path) {
    statfs.getFreeBytes(path, function (err, number) {
        console.info("getFreeBytes callback successfully:" + number);


getTotalBytes(path: string): Promise<number>

Obtains the total number of bytes of the specified file system in asynchronous mode. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.FileManagement.File.FileIO


Name Type Mandatory Description
path string Yes File path of the file system.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<number> Promise used to return the total number of bytes obtained.


import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
let path = "/dev";
statfs.getTotalBytes(path).then((number: number) => {
  console.info("getTotalBytes promise successfully:" + number);
}).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
  console.info("getTotalBytes failed with error:" + JSON.stringify(err));


getTotalBytes(path: string, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void

Obtains the total number of bytes of the specified file system in asynchronous mode. This API uses a callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.FileManagement.File.FileIO


Name Type Mandatory Description
path string Yes File path of the file system.
callback AsyncCallback<number> Yes Callback invoked to return the total number of bytes obtained.


import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
let context = featureAbility.getContext();
context.getFilesDir().then(function (path) {
    statfs.getTotalBytes(path, function(err, number) {
        console.info("getTotalBytes callback successfully:" + number);