Location Subsystem Changelog

cl.location.1 Migration of System APIs and APIs in API Version 9 to the New @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts

The APIs in @ohos.geolocation.d.ts do not support throwing error codes. However, APIs in API version 9 and system APIs are required to support throwing of error codes. To support this function, all system APIs and APIs in API version 9 in @ohos.geolocation.d.ts are migrated to the newly added @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts file, and corresponding error code description is added.

To use system APIs and APIs in API version 9 of the location subsystem, you need to import @ohos.geoLocationManager.

import geoLocationManager from '@ohos.geoLocationManager';

Change Impact

System APIs and APIs in API version 9 are affected. To ensure normal use of these APIs, you need to import @ohos.geoLocationManager.

import geoLocationManager from '@ohos.geoLocationManager';

Other APIs are not affected.

Key API/Component Changes

Class API Type Declaration Change Type
geolocation namespace declare namespacegeolocation Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation interface export interface ReverseGeocodingMockInfo Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation interface export interface LocationMockConfig Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation interface export interface CountryCode Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation enum export enum CountryCodeType Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation.GeoAddress field isFromMock?: Boolean; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation.Location field isFromMock?: Boolean; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation.GeoLocationErrorCode field NOT_SUPPORTED = 100 Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation.GeoLocationErrorCode field QUERY_COUNTRY_CODE_ERROR Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation method function on(type: 'countryCodeChange', callback: Callback<CountryCode>): void; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation method function off(type: 'countryCodeChange', callback?: Callback<CountryCode>): void; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation method function getCountryCode(callback: AsyncCallback<CountryCode>): void; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation method function getCountryCode(): Promise<CountryCode>; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation method function enableLocationMock(scenario: LocationRequestScenario, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Deleted this API in API version 9.
geolocation method function enableLocationMock(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation method function enableLocationMock(scenario: LocationRequestScenario): Promise<void>; Deleted this API in API version 9.
geolocation method function enableLocationMock(): Promise<void>; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation method function disableLocationMock(scenario: LocationRequestScenario, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Deleted this API in API version 9.
geolocation method function disableLocationMock(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation method function disableLocationMock(scenario: LocationRequestScenario): Promise<void>; Deleted this API in API version 9.
geolocation method function disableLocationMock(): Promise<void>; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation method function setMockedLocations(config: LocationMockConfig, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation method function setMockedLocations(config: LocationMockConfig): Promise<void>; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation method function enableReverseGeocodingMock(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation method function enableReverseGeocodingMock(): Promise<void>; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation method function disableReverseGeocodingMock(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation method function disableReverseGeocodingMock(): Promise<void>; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation method function setReverseGeocodingMockInfo(mockInfos: Array<ReverseGeocodingMockInfo>, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation method function setReverseGeocodingMockInfo(mockInfos: Array<ReverseGeocodingMockInfo>): Promise<void>; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation method function isLocationPrivacyConfirmed(type: LocationPrivacyType, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation method function isLocationPrivacyConfirmed(type: LocationPrivacyType): Promise<boolean>; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts.
geolocation method function setLocationPrivacyConfirmStatus(type: LocationPrivacyType, isConfirmed: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts and changed the return value in the callback to void.
geolocation method function setLocationPrivacyConfirmStatus(type: LocationPrivacyType, isConfirmed: boolean): Promise<boolean>; Migrated this API in API version 9 to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts and changed the return value in the promise to void.

(Optional) Adaptation Guide

The following sample code shows how to call enableLocation in the new version:

import geoLocationManager from '@ohos.geoLocationManager';
try {
    geoLocationManager.enableLocation((err, data) => {
        if (err) {
            console.log('enableLocation: err=' + JSON.stringify(err));
} catch (err) {
    console.error("errCode:" + err.code + ",errMessage:" + err.message);

cl.location.2 Location Service Permission Change

From API version 9, the ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION permission is added for obtaining the approximate location.

If you use API version 9 or later, you need to apply for both the ohos.permission.LOCATION and ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION permissions. Applying for only the ohos.permission.LOCATION permission will fail.

Change Impact

Applications using API versions earlier than 9 are not affected. For an application using API version 9 or later, the method for applying for the location permission is changed. The details are as follows:

Before using basic location capabilities, check whether your application has been granted the permission to access the device location information. If not, your application needs to obtain the permission from the user as described below.

The system provides the following location permissions:

  • ohos.permission.LOCATION

  • ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION

  • ohos.permission.LOCATION_IN_BACKGROUND

If your application needs to access the device location information, it must first apply for required permissions. Specifically speaking:

API versions earlier than 9: Apply for ohos.permission.LOCATION.

API version 9 and later: Apply for ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION, or apply for ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION and ohos.permission.LOCATION. Note that ohos.permission.LOCATION cannot be applied for separately.

API Version Location Permission Permission Application Result Location Accuracy
Earlier than 9 ohos.permission.LOCATION Success Location accurate to meters
9 and later ohos.permission.LOCATION Failed No location obtained.
9 and later ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION Success Location accurate to 5 kilometers.
9 and later ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION and ohos.permission.LOCATION Success Location accurate to meters

If your application needs to access the device location information when running in the background, it must be configured to be able to run in the background and be granted the ohos.permission.LOCATION_IN_BACKGROUND permission. In this way, the system continues to report device location information after your application moves to the background.

You can declare the required permissions in your application's configuration file. For details, see the permission application guide.

Key API/Component Changes

Applications using API versions earlier than 9 are not affected.

If your application uses API version 9 or later and needs to call APIs requiring the ohos.permission.LOCATION permission in @ohos.geolocation and @ohos.geoLocationManager, you need to apply for the corresponding permission as described previously.