Using OHAudio for Audio Recording (C/C++)

OHAudio is a set of native APIs introduced in API version 10. These APIs are normalized in design and support both common and low-latency audio channels.


To use the playback or recording capability of OHAudio, you must first import the corresponding header files.

Linking the Dynamic Library in the CMake Script

target_link_libraries(sample PUBLIC

Adding Header Files

To use APIs for audio recording, import <native_audiostreambuilder.h> and <native_audiocapturer.h>.

#include <ohaudio/native_audiocapturer.h>
#include <ohaudio/native_audiostreambuilder.h>

Audio Stream Builder

OHAudio provides the OH_AudioStreamBuilder class, which complies with the builder design pattern and is used to build audio streams. You need to specify OH_AudioStream_Type based on your service scenarios.

OH_AudioStream_Type can be set to either of the following:


The following code snippet shows how to use OH_AudioStreamBuilder_Create to create a builder:

OH_AudioStreamBuilder* builder;
OH_AudioStreamBuilder_Create(&builder, streamType);

After the audio service is complete, call OH_AudioStreamBuilder_Destroy to destroy the builder.


How to Develop

Read OHAudio for the API reference.

The following walks you through how to implement simple recording:

  1. Create an audio stream builder.

    OH_AudioStreamBuilder* builder;
    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_Create(&builder, AUDIOSTREAM_TYPE_CAPTURER);
  2. Set audio stream parameters.

    After creating the builder for audio recording, set the parameters required.

    // Set the audio sampling rate.
    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetSamplingRate(builder, 48000);
    // Set the number of audio channels.
    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetChannelCount(builder, 2);
    // Set the audio sampling format.
    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetSampleFormat(builder, (OH_AudioStream_SampleFormat)0);
    // Set the encoding type of the audio stream.
    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetEncodingType(builder, (OH_AudioStream_EncodingType)0);
    // Set the usage scenario of the audio capturer.
    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetCapturerInfo(builder, (OH_AudioStream_SourceType)0);

    Note that the audio data to record is written through callbacks. You must call OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetCapturerCallback to implement the callbacks. For details about the declaration of the callback functions, see OH_AudioCapturer_Callbacks.

  3. Set the callback functions.

    OH_AudioCapturer_Callbacks callbacks;
    // Set callbacks for the audio renderer.
    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetCapturerCallback(builder, callbacks, nullptr);
  4. Create an audio capturer instance.

    OH_AudioCapturer* audioCapturer;
    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_GenerateCapturer(builder, &audioCapturer);
  5. Use the audio capturer.

    You can use the APIs listed below to control the audio streams.

API Description
OH_AudioStream_Result OH_AudioCapturer_Start(OH_AudioCapturer* capturer) Starts the audio capturer.
OH_AudioStream_Result OH_AudioCapturer_Pause(OH_AudioCapturer* capturer) Pauses the audio capturer.
OH_AudioStream_Result OH_AudioCapturer_Stop(OH_AudioCapturer* capturer) Stops the audio capturer.
OH_AudioStream_Result OH_AudioCapturer_Flush(OH_AudioCapturer* capturer) Flushes obtained audio data.
OH_AudioStream_Result OH_AudioCapturer_Release(OH_AudioCapturer* capturer) Releases the audio capturer instance.
  1. Destroy the audio stream builder.

    When the builder is no longer used, release related resources.


Sample Code

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <ohaudio/native_audiocapturer.h>
#include <ohaudio/native_audiostreambuilder.h>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
namespace AudioTestConstants {
constexpr int32_t RECODER_TIME = 10000;
constexpr int32_t COUNTDOWN_INTERVAL = 1000;
constexpr int32_t CONVERT_RATE = 1000;
} // namespace AudioTestConstants

// Ensure that the file exists in the directory or the application has the permission to create files in the directory.
std::string g_filePath = "/data/data/oh_test_audio.pcm";
FILE *g_file = nullptr;
// Audio sampling rate.
int32_t g_samplingRate = 48000;
// Number of audio channels.
int32_t g_channelCount = 2;
// Audio scenario. The value 0 indicates the normal scenario, and 1 indicates the low-latency scenario.
int32_t g_latencyMode = 0;
// Audio sample format.
int32_t g_sampleFormat = 1;

// Callback, through which the recorded audio data will be written.
static int32_t AudioCapturerOnReadData(OH_AudioCapturer *capturer, void *userData, void *buffer, int32_t bufferLen) {
    size_t count = 1;
    if (fwrite(buffer, bufferLen, count, g_file) != count) {
        printf("buffer fwrite err");

    return 0;

void SleepWaitRecoder(bool *stop) {
    *stop = true;

void RecorderTest() {
    OH_AudioStream_Result ret;

    // 1. Create an audio stream builder.
    OH_AudioStreamBuilder *builder;
    OH_AudioStream_Type type = AUDIOSTREAM_TYPE_CAPTURER;
    ret = OH_AudioStreamBuilder_Create(&builder, type);

    // 2. Set the parameters required by the audio stream.
    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetSamplingRate(builder, g_samplingRate);
    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetChannelCount(builder, g_channelCount);
    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetLatencyMode(builder, (OH_AudioStream_LatencyMode)g_latencyMode);
    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetSampleFormat(builder, (OH_AudioStream_SampleFormat)g_sampleFormat);

    // Set the callback, through which the recorded audio data will be written.
    OH_AudioCapturer_Callbacks callbacks;
    callbacks.OH_AudioCapturer_OnReadData = AudioCapturerOnReadData;
    ret = OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetCapturerCallback(builder, callbacks, nullptr);

    // 3. Create an audio capturer instance.
    OH_AudioCapturer *audioCapturer;
    ret = OH_AudioStreamBuilder_GenerateCapturer(builder, &audioCapturer);

    // 4. Start recording.
    ret = OH_AudioCapturer_Start(audioCapturer);

    bool stop = false;
    std::thread stopthread(SleepWaitRecoder, &stop);

    int timeLeft = AudioTestConstants::RECODER_TIME;
    while (!stop) {
        timeLeft = timeLeft - AudioTestConstants::COUNTDOWN_INTERVAL;

    // 5. Stop recording.
    ret = OH_AudioCapturer_Stop(audioCapturer);
    // Release the audio capturer instance.
    ret = OH_AudioCapturer_Release(audioCapturer);

    // 6. Destroy the audio stream builder.
    ret = OH_AudioStreamBuilder_Destroy(builder);

int main() {
    // Open the file before recording.
    g_file = fopen(g_filePath.c_str(), "wb");
    if (g_file == nullptr) {
        printf("OHAudioCapturerTest: Unable to open file \n");
        return 0;
    // Start recording.
    // Close the file after the recording is complete.
    g_file = nullptr;
    return 0;
#ifdef __cplusplus

Setting the Low Latency Mode

If the device supports the low-latency channel, you can use the low-latency mode to create an audio capturer for a higher-quality audio experience.

The development process is similar to that in the common recording scenario. The only difference is that you need to set the low delay mode by calling OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetLatencyMode() when creating an audio stream builder.

The code snippet is as follows:

OH_AudioStream_LatencyMode latencyMode = AUDIOSTREAM_LATENCY_MODE_FAST;
OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetLatencyMode(builder, latencyMode);