Quick Fix Overview

Quick fix is a technical means provided for developers to fix application bugs in a manner that is much faster than application updates. Compared with the full application update, the quick fix provides a better user experience by being smaller and faster. It allows users to fix application bugs quickly, without restarting their application.

Rules for Using Quick Fix

  • The quick fix works for ArkTS and C++ code of applications, that is, .abc files (created after ArkTS code compilation) and .so files (created after C++ code compilation). It does not work for resource files.
  • No new .abc and .so files are allowed in the quick fix.
  • The quick fix package can be deployed on a device only when the corresponding application has been installed.
  • The bundle name and version number configured in the quick fix package must be the same as those of the application. Otherwise, the deployment will fail.
  • The version of the quick fix package to deploy must be later than that of the one previously deployed. Otherwise, the deployment will fail.
  • The signature information of the quick fix package must be the same as that of the application. Otherwise, the deployment will fail.
  • Installing an application update will delete the quick fix package.

Structure of the Quick Fix Package

Quick Fix Package Structure

The preceding figure shows the structure of the quick fix package released by an application.

  • As shown in the figure, the quick fix package comes in two formats:
    • .appqf (Application Quick Fix)

      There is a one-to-one mapping between the .appqf file and App Pack of an application. For details, see Application Package Structure in Stage Model.

      • The .appqf file is used to release an application to the application market and cannot be directly installed on devices.
      • An .appqf file consists of one or more .hqf (Harmony Ability Package Quick Fix) files, which are extracted from the .appqf file by the application market and then distributed to specific devices.
      • The .appqf file must contain the developer's signature information before being released to the application market. For details about how to sign the file, see hapsigner Overview.
    • .hqf (Harmony Ability Package Quick Fix)

      The .hqf file is a quick fix to bugs in a HAP file. It can be installed on devices. An .hqf file contains .abc and .so files. The .abc files provide the quick fix, and the .so files provide package configuration information as well as the quick fix.

      • .abc file: updated ArkTS code in the application, which is a bytecode file created after the build.

      • libs directory: a collection of .so.diff files, which are differential files of the .so library files, organized by system CPU architecture, such as Arm and x86.

      • patch.json: a configuration file that describes the version information of the .hqf file and is filled in by developers. The details are as follows:

            "app" : {
                "bundleName" : "com.ohos.quickfix",
                "versionCode" : 1000000,
                "versionName" : "1.0.0",
                "patchVersionCode" : 1000000,
                "patchVersionName" : "1.0.0"
            "module" : {
                "name" : "entry",
                "type" : "patch",
                "deviceTypes" : [
                "originalModuleHash" : "11223344556677889900"

        The following table describes the parameters.

Parameter Type Description Initial Value Allowed
bundleName string Bundle name of the application. No
versionCode int Version code of the application. No
versionName string Version name of the application. No for the patch
patchVersionCode int Version code of the patch. No
patchVersionName string Version name of the patch. No for the patch
name string Module name of the application. No
type string Type of the patch. The value can only be patch. No
deviceTypes array<string> Device types supported by the patch. No
originalModuleHash string Original hash value of the bundle corresponding to the module name, which can be generated by the SHA-256 hash generator. No

Quick Fix to .abc Files Created After ArkTS Code Compilation

.abc File Quick Fix

The preceding figure shows the process of creating an .abc file quick fix using the ArkTS compiler.

  • An application build creates .abc and .map files. The .abc file is a bytecode file created after ArkTS code compilation. It is used when the application is running. The .map file is an intermediate file created when the ArkTS code is compiled using the ArkTS compiler. It stores information such as functions and classes in the code.
  • After bugs in the application are fixed, the application code is compiled again. During the compilation, the differences between the source and the target are obtained based on the preceding .map file and the current ArkTS code, and an .abc file for quick fix is generated based on the differences. This .abc file will be placed in the .hqf file.

Quick Fix to .so Files Created After C++ Code Compilation

.so File Quickly Fix

The preceding figure shows the process of creating a .so file quick fix using the differential tool.

  • The original C++ source code of the application is built into a .so file by using a compiler. The .so file is used when the application is running.
  • After bugs in the application are fixed, the C++ code is compiled again into a .so file. Based on the two .so files, the differential tool generates a .so file for quick fix. This .so file will also be placed in the .hqf file.

Quick Fix Release and Deployment

Quick Fix File Release

As shown above, the modules involved in the release process are as follows:

  • DevEco Studio: an integrated development environment for developing code projects. It can be used to create a quick fix file based on the original application code and the code after bug fixes, and sign the created quick repair file for release to the application market.
  • Application market server: a place where you release the quick fix file. It verifies the signature, scans for risks, unpacks the file, resigns the unpacked files, and then distributes the files to the client.
  • Application market client: a tool that receives the quick fix file from the application market server and triggers installation.
  • Bundle manager service: a system service used to manage the installation and uninstall of application packages and quick fix files on the device.
  • Quick fix engine: a system service used to manage the switching to quick fix code on the device. If the target application is running, the quick fix engine instructs it to switch to the quick fix file upon completion of the quick fix file deployment.
  • File system: a location where the application package and quick repair file are deployed on the device.

An end-to-end release and deployment process of the quick repair file is as follows:

  1. A quick fix file is created in DevEco Studio through building and packaging based on the original application source code and the source code after bug fixes, and the created quick fix file is signed.
  2. The signed quick repair file is released to the application market, which then verifies the signature, scans for risks, unpacks the file, resigns the unpacked files, and distributes them.
  3. When the on-device application market client detects that a new quick fix file is available on the application market server, it downloads the file, and then installs and deploys the file through the bundle manager service in the system.
  4. After the quick fix file is deployed, the quick fix engine triggers the application to switch to the quick fix file, ensuring that the user can instantly use the updated functions.

Quick Fix File Debugging

Quick Fix File Debugging

  • As the quick fix capability is not yet available in DevEco Studio, for the time being, you can use the provided command-line tool to develop a quick fix file. The procedure is as follows:
  1. With the original application source code and the source code after bug fixes, use the command-line tool to build and create quick fix files in .hpf format. Sign the .hpf files before installing and debugging them on the device. As aforementioned, the .appqf file cannot be installed on the device.
  2. Install and deploy the .hqf files on the device using the command-line tool.
  3. After the .hqf files are deployed, a callback is called to instruct the quick fix engine to trigger the application to switch to the quick fix file, ensuring that the user can instantly use the updated functions.