Development of Distributed Call Chain Tracing


hiTraceChain is a lightweight implementation of the cloud-based distributed call chain tracing. It allows applications to trace cross-thread, cross-process, and cross-device service calls. The hiTraceChain module generates a unique chainId for a service process and passes it to various information (including application events, system time, and logs) specific to the service process. During debugging and fault locating, you can use the unique chainId to quickly correlate various information related to the service process. The hiTraceChain module provides APIs to implement call chain tracing throughout a service process. This can help you quickly obtain the run log for the call chain of a specified service process and locate faults in inter-device, inter-process, or inter-thread communications.

Basic Concepts

  • chainId

    Distributed call chain tracing ID, which is a part of HiTraceId and is used to identify the service process being traced.

Available APIs

The APIs for distributed call chain tracing are provided by the hiTraceChain module. For details, see API Reference.

APIs for distributed call chain tracing

API Return Value Description
hiTraceChain.begin(name: string, flags: number = HiTraceFlag.DEFAULT) HiTraceId Starts call chain tracing.
hiTraceChain.end(id: HiTraceId) void Stops call chain tracing.

How to Develop

The following example illustrates how to simulate one-time system event logging to implement distributed call chain tracing.

  1. Create an eTS application project. In the displayed Project window, choose entry > src > main > ets > pages > index.ets, and double-click index.ets. Then, add a button to trigger system event logging.

    import hiAppEvent from '@ohos.hiviewdfx.hiAppEvent'
    import hilog from '@ohos.hilog'
    import hiTraceChain from '@ohos.hiTraceChain'
    import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base'
    struct Index {
      @State message: string = 'Start writing an app event'
      build() {
        Row() {
          Column() {
              .onClick(() => {
                try {
                  // Enable distributed call chain tracing before the service starts.
                  let traceId = hiTraceChain.begin("Write a new app event", hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.INCLUDE_ASYNC)
                  // Enable event logging in the button click function to log button click events.
                  let eventParams: Record<string, number> = { 'click_time': 100 }
                  let eventInfo: hiAppEvent.AppEventInfo = {
                    // Define the event domain.
                    domain: "button",
                    // Define the event name.
                    name: "click",
                    // Define the event type.
                    eventType: hiAppEvent.EventType.BEHAVIOR,
                    // Define event parameters.
                    params: eventParams,
                  hiAppEvent.write(eventInfo).then(() => {
          , 'testTag', `Succeed to write an app event`)
                    // Disable distributed call chain tracing when the service ends.
                  }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
                    hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', `HiAppEvent err.code: ${err.code}, err.message: ${err.message}`)
                } catch (err) {
                  console.error(`error message is ${(err as BusinessError).message}`)
  2. Touch the run button on the IDE to run the project. Then, touch the Start writing an app event button on the application UI to trigger system event logging.

  3. View the information printed in the Log window. You can use .[([0-9a-zA-Z]{15}).].* to access distributed call chain tracing information specific to the service. The process ID of the service is 21519. Two threads, whose IDs are 21519 and 23924, are involved in the system event logging. Based on the chain ID a92ab94c18e1341, you can then effectively trace the log information of the two threads.

    11-02 15:13:28.922  21519-21519  C02D03/HiTraceC                  com.example.hitracechaintest     I  [a92ab94c18e1341 0 0][dict]HiTraceBegin name:Write a new app event flags:0x01.
    11-02 15:13:28.924  21519-21519  C03915/AceInputTracking          com.example.hitracechaintest     I  [a92ab94c18e1341 0 0][ace_view_ohos.cpp(operator())-(0)] touch Event markProcessed in ace_view, eventInfo: id:764
    11-02 15:13:28.926  21519-23924  C02D07/HiAppEvent_ObserverMgr    com.example.hitracechaintest     I  [a92ab94c18e1341 0 0]start to handle event
    11-02 15:13:28.930  21519-21519  A00000/testTag                   com.example.hitracechaintest     I  [a92ab94c18e1341 324c3a3 0]Succeed to write an app event
    11-02 15:13:28.930  21519-21519  C02D03/HiTraceC                  com.example.hitracechaintest     I  [a92ab94c18e1341 324c3a3 0][dict]HiTraceEnd.

About Cross-Process/Cross-Device Distributed Call Chain Tracing

Cross-process/cross-device distributed call chain tracing depends on the NAPI implementation of the corresponding service APIs of each OpenHarmony module. For details, see the HiTraceChain Development.