Interaction Event Overview
There are three types of events based on how they are triggered: touchscreen events, keyboard and mouse events, and focus events.
Touchscreen event: an event triggered by an operation (with a finger or a stylus) on the touchscreen.
Keyboard and mouse event: an event triggered by an operation on a peripheral mouse device, touchpad, or keyboard.
- The mouse event refers to an event triggered by an operation performed with a peripheral mouse device or touchpad.
- The keyboard event refera to an event triggered by an operation performed with a peripheral keyboard.
Focus event: an event triggered when a component receives or loses focus.
The gesture event includes the gesture binding method and the bound gesture – a single or combined gesture.
Gesture binding method: a method that binds a single or combined gesture to a component and declares the response priority of the bound gesture.
Single gesture: basic unit of gestures, which is part of all complex gestures.
Combined gesture: a combination of single gestures brought together according to a declared type and a certain rule.