
Configuration Rules

This document describes how to declare, define, and use features.

  • Declare a feature

    Declare the features of a component in feature_list of the bundle.json file of the component. Each feature must start with the {component_name}.

    The following is an example:

      "name": "@ohos/xxx",
      "component": {
        "name": "partName",
        "subsystem": "subsystemName",
        "features": [

    You can declare multiple features in features for a component.

  • Define a feature

    You can define the default value of a feature as follows:

    declare_args() {
      {partName}_feature_A = true

    The value defined is the default value of the feature for this component. The product can overload the feature default values in the component list.

    If a feature is used by multiple modules of a component, you are advised to define the feature in the global .gni file of the component and import the .gni file to the BUILD.gn file of each module.

  • Use a feature

    In the BUILD.gn file, determine the code or modules to build based on features.

    if ({partName}_feature_A) {
        sources += [ "xxx.c" ]
    # Dependency introduced by a feature can be isolated by feature.
    if ({partName}_feature_A) {
        deps += [ "xxx" ]
        external_deps += [ "xxx" ]
    # The **bundle.json** file does not support the if statement. If the sub_component contained in the **bundle.json** file needs to be deleted, define group().
    group("testGroup") {
      deps = []
      if ({partName}_feature_A) {
        deps += [ "xxx" ]

    You can also define code macros for modules in the following way to implement differentiated configuration:

    if ({partName}_feature_A) {
        defines += ["FEATUREA_DEFINE"]