Input Method Framework Changelog

cl.imf.1 Addition of Synchronous APIs for InputClient

The synchronous APIs listed below are added.

API Description
getForwardSync(length:number): string Obtains the specific-length text before the cursor.
getBackwardSync(length:number): string Obtains the specific-length text after the cursor.
deleteForwardSync(length:number): void Deletes the fixed-length text before the cursor.
deleteBackwardSync(length:number): void Deletes the fixed-length text after the cursor.
insertTextSync(text: string): void Inserts text.
getEditorAttributeSync(): EditorAttribute Obtains the attribute of the edit box.
moveCursorSync(direction: number): void Moves the cursor.
selectByRangeSync(range: Range): void Selects text based on the specified range.
selectByMovementSync(movement: Movement): void Selects text based on the cursor movement direction.
getTextIndexAtCursorSync(): number Obtains the index of the text where the cursor is located.

Change Impact

The preceding APIs are synchronous APIs.

Adaptation Guide

Follow the description in @ohos.inputMethodEngine.d.ts