
Command Function

This command is used to delete a file or folder.


rm [-fv] FILE or rm [-rv] [PATH | filename]...


Table 1 Parameter description

Parameter Description
-r Deletes empty or non-empty directories.
-f Deletes a file or directory forcibly without confirmation. No error will be reported when a file that does not exist is to be deleted.
-v Displays the deletion process.
PATH/filename Specifies the name of the file or directory to delete. The value can be a path.

Usage Guidelines

  • The rm command can be used to delete multiple files or folders at a time.

  • You can run rm -r to delete a non-empty directory.

  • If the rm command without -f is used to delete a file that does not exist, an error will be reported.


The shell does not support -v or -f. mksh supports them. To switch to mksh, run cd bin and ./mksh.


Run the following commands:

  • rm testfile

  • rm -r testpath/


Example 1: Delete testfile.

OHOS:/$ ls
bin  etc  proc    storage  testfile  usr
dev  lib  sdcard  system   userdata  vendor
OHOS:/$ rm testfile
OHOS:/$ ls
bin  etc  proc    storage  userdata  vendor
dev  lib  sdcard  system   usr

Example 2: Delete testpath, a non-empty directory.

OHOS:/$ ls
bin  etc  proc    storage  testpath  usr
dev  lib  sdcard  system   userdata  vendor
OHOS:/$ rm -r testpath/
OHOS:/$ ls
bin  etc  proc    storage  userdata  vendor
dev  lib  sdcard  system   usr